Lol! Alright alright.
I'm back at work now so I can only do photos in the evenings - you'll just have to wait a few extra hours a day for your piccies!
But without further ado, here are today's snaps! They're starting to look like proper bunnies! :biggrin2:
After that, I think this little bunny got drunk on foot stink?

"I luff you man!"
"Dudes, I really fuzzin' luff you all!"
"I even luff youuuuu....!"
"C'moooonnnnn... jush one hug!"
"Oh it's all too much..."
Someone won the "bottom-of-the-pile war"...
Cuteness warning! Do not proceed if you are susceptible to death by cuteness!
Okay... I warned you.....
Warned you...
Are you ready...?
Here goes!
Did you miss it?
Here it is again... a little clearer...
[align=left]And now I'm afraid I have to ask something of oh you wise people, on a more serious note...
I have a little one who is looking a little bit runty. Not too bad, still getting fed and isn't really really skinny or anything... what's worrying me is that he has some little bits of.. I dunno how to describe it.. crusty skin? One on either side of his head and some on one of his back feet...
He has one like that on either cheek. Like a bald patch with some dry, flakey skin in the midle.
And you can't see too great on this pic but it goes right down under the fur too.
[align=left]So what could it be? Is it something serious?