Not so False pregnancy

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BLUE AND BLACK OTTERS! YES! Two of my favourite colours!

OMG todays pictures are to die for :shock:!

I'll let a breeder comment but I'll just say that the crusty skin thing seems somewhat normal on some baby rabbits, in the two litters I have had a few babies always seemed to have it as the fur was growing in thick. And I have seen other people get it as well. The first time I had it, it was on a runt baby too, go figure?

The teefs picture is SO CUTE! I'm gonna pass out from cuteness :faint:
I asked about flaking kits once on here and pamnock said:

"This flaking in kits is not uncommon.Unless the kit appears to be suffering from other health issues, Iwould not be overly concerned.

Well.... there are just no words! They are just UNBELIEVABLY cute!!!

The drunken one.... the little huggy bunny..... I want him!!!!! :shock:

These pictures cheered me up so much.... :)
Hehe. He's such a love. The others all kick and fidget and try to escape when I pick them out of the nest but this guy wriggles up to my chest and snuggles down! I really hope that's an indication of his personality to come.

That's also the one that Ali said she wanted before. And I already told her - THAT one is MINE. :p

These little things really are cures for depression, eh? That's two people they've made feel better now. :) I've just been reading about poor Snowy and everyone else. I'm sure you'll manage to get them all back together. :hug2:
I think I'm dead from baby teeny teefs! :faint:

I NEED that baby who luffs the other baby. He's too cute for words!

I just had to go and look again. More smiles on my face! :biggrin2:

Sooo.... since I am far from an expert on breeding etc, what normally results from a cross with a Nethie and a lop?!! (Assuming Nigel is the father that is...) Apart from unbelievably cute babies that is! Do you get helicoptery buns, Nethie-types that are larger than normal, or what??
BABY TEETH omg so cute!

Chavs are difficult to explain:

What's a Chav? The phrase Chavs is becoming more and more popular and the exact boundaries for the definition is still very wide, but the most common description is:

'chav' (slang) - a young person, often without a high level of education, who follows a particular fashion; Chavs usually wear designer labels including the chav favourite 'Burberry', and if they’re girls, very short skirts, large hoop earrings and stilettos.

They are kinda like the idiotic people who don't work, live off benefits, and hang around on street corners. They tend to wear big baggy tracksuits and the girls will wear really trashy clothes with big old hoopy earrings.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
pinksalamander wrote:
Chavs are difficult to explain:

... They are kinda like the idiotic people who don't work, live off benefits, and hang around on street corners. They tend to wear big baggy tracksuits and the girls will wear really trashy clothes with big old hoopy earrings.
If you ignore the "live off benefits" part, they sound like most of the girls Will went to school with in Michigan (near Detroit!) *giggle* No offense, Michiganders, these girls were icky (that class, in particular).

Will loves your baby bunny pictures, too, Delusional! (I still don't know your name lol). He actually asks about the thread (and if there's more pictures)! That's A LOT coming from Will! He normally looks at rabbit pictures (when I say it's super-cute) and he says, "Ohh, it's a bunny". It normally comes with an eyeroll, too lol. Take it for what it's worth! lol Your bunnies must be super-cute to EVERYONE! :p
mouse_chalk wrote:
Sooo.... since I am far from an expert on breeding etc, what normally results from a cross with a Nethie and a lop?!! (Assuming Nigel is the father that is...) Apart from unbelievably cute babies that is! Do you get helicoptery buns, Nethie-types that are larger than normal, or what??
Sophie was a nethie lop cross, all her siblings had up ears and none helicoptered or lopped.


The lady who bred her and Sakura does a lot of lop crossing with her nethies, they always seem to have up ears, I think because of the tight, close ear base lof the nethies.
Some of them seem to have slightly bigger ears than others at the moment. But I don't know if they'll be significantly different when they get bigger. We'll just have to see! (But I think helicopter ears are ADORABLE so I can only cross my fingers.. :p)

[align=center]Heeere's huggy bun. :)
Lookit those little otter-y eyebrows...





"Your chub..... itz comfeee"

And I just thought that a bunny in a bunny would be cute. Expect to see more of the pink bunny in days to come. :p


In a bit I'll post a pic of what I think they'll look like when they grow up--my bf's Benjamin and Frida!

MY BABY!!!!!! He's so cute. Is that the one you're keeping?

Do I see a little eye opening on that blue?
awwwwwwwww I love that last picture :Ddo they all have tort on them? I thought one looked like it was getting white ticking on its back maybe you have otters and foxes :D