Not so False pregnancy

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They are most adorable, but you all know that:) Only posting to get updated on the thread.I'd hate to miss all the cute pictures. My favourite thread by far!!!!!!!
delusional wrote:
In fact, I showed one of my friends the baby pics and she went "eww, it's not exactly cute is it?"

I had an accidental litter in college. My cousin was visiting from a college in Colorado and made a comment that they looked like little pigs! I was so offended that she and I were on the outs for YEARS!!!

As a side note...she was my favorite cousin before that point, and she LOVED pigs, so it wasn't even a mean comment.

Elf Mommy wrote:
delusional wrote:
In fact, I showed one of my friends the baby pics and she went "eww, it's not exactly cute is it?"

I had an accidental litter in college. My cousin was visiting from a college in Colorado and made a comment that they looked like little pigs! I was so offended that she and I were on the outs for YEARS!!!

As a side note...she was my favorite cousin before that point, and she LOVED pigs, so it wasn't even a mean comment.

I can see what they mean though. If you showed them to the uninitiated they could be any babies. They don;t look all that rabbity. Just an embodiment of cuteness!
They really could be anything, if you didn't know, couldn't they?

I mean... baby gerbil..

[align=left]Baby rabbit...

[align=left]Anyway new photos from today are uploading! :)
Soo.. I got all the little ones out and piled up on the fleece for picture taking, and they decided it was a good time to all pee at the same time! So they peed on the fleece, and on each other, and on me.... :p

So I chaged the fleece around and took pictures, but you'll have to excuse the 'damp fuzz' patches. ;)





This guy has more pink on his underneath side, going up its face - is it going to get lighter fur there? Like have a white belly and chin etc like an agouti?

There's an old thread around here someplace when someone found a little critter inside their grill! it looked to be a squirrel but we were all guessing.. maybe a rat, etc.




Seriously.... that is too much cuteness to handle!!! I love how they're all looking so fuzzy!!

I'm no expert or anything, but it looks to me like a litter of mini-Nigels!!:p I'll bet there is one very proud Nethie in your house right now!
Yeh, the skin pattern can indicate fur colour. It might be that one is a black otter/fox or something of that nature. Others with a similar pattern might also be similar.

They are so very gorgeous :D
Most of your babies look to have lighter fur inside their ears and tummies look pink I also noticed that a couple have pink patches on their back feet all indications of otters or foxes depending on the colours of the parents ;) my fave colour is blue I have a little blue fox at the moment and he is stunning. but wow to have as many in a litter as that would be fab :D
Ooh, cool.. I loves the otters/foxes. :)

So, for the people who are good at the bunny genetics thing, from the looks of them now... if Cordie is a harlequin, and Harvey is light steel grey, and Nigel is smoke pearl marten (which is what I'm told I think by Little Bay Poo who said that's what she thinks Billy is?) then who is most likely to be the daddy?

I'm guessing Nigel if they're showing the same patterns as him?

Ali, go ahead and suggest some names if you like. ;) Though they'll have to be fairly unisex since we don't know what gender they are yet..
Megga cute babies :D Dilutes are just so cute(the bluish ones)!

I am not much on Flemish(or is in the breed that starts with a C?) but I do not think dilute is very comman? However dilute in Netherlands are very comman. I would say Nigal is daddy. Looks like you have chestnut agouti, blue(looks like one or two do not have strong white/pink under bellies) andopal agouti which might possibly be squirrels(give or take chin gene). Yay! All very lovely colors :D
well my guess is the ears are coming from the mum if Nigel is the dad cause at that age nethie ears are very tiny. I went to look at your blog and I have to laugh thats quite a size differnece a giant or a nethie :p

I usually know what i can expect by who i have put together but it depends and lops and nethies are pretty notorious for people putting random colours together!! I would wait till they get a bit older to really tell as the colour on the babies is pretty uniform just now in which case I would be tempted to say Nigel.