Looks like they all have a bit of orangey colour on them. Although the blues seem to have less than the blacks - is that because their colour all over is diluted? (That's what blue is right? Diluted black?) But does that mean they're all otters?
kherrmann3 - Cordie is doing really well! She seems so much more settled about the whole situation now.
Now I have a couple of questions around cages - first of all, for until I get Nigel neutered/the girls spayed (and to stop him biting other boy bunnies, who he hates) I want to get some small mesh to go over the ground floor layer of his NIC cage. What's small enough that no more accidents can happen? Will 1cm mesh be small enough? Or should I go for 0.5cm? Or is that not small enough either?
Aand.. I want to put a shelf in Cordie's cage. She keeps sitting on the cardboard box I put in to make the nest more 'private' but the top of it is caving in now because she chews it as well.
So I want to put a shelf in for her to jump up on. My question is really about the safetly of the babies with a shelf. When they start to come out of the nest, when will they be able to jump up there themselves?
I have the panels from Screwfix around the whole bottom of the cage, and the bottom of the split - they're the one's with the really small diamond holes - so no escapes/heads getting stuck etc. But the top half is regular grids.
If the babies are going to be able to jump up, and still be small enough to fit through or get their head through (and will be at some point, if Nigel is daddy and his size when we brought him home is anything to go by) the I'll need to cover the top half of the split and the grids to either side with small mesh, won't I?
And while I'm in question mode...

I obviously want to rebond Raspberry and Cordie when this is all over. And I obviously want to keep at least a couple of the babies, don't know exactly how many. But if I keep a girly or two (if the litter's not all boys, of course..) what are the chances I could keep her/them with Cordie and bond them all together with Raspberry?
Pictures in a minute. I uploaded them hours ago and then got caught up reading another post while they were uploading and forgot all about them!