Not so False pregnancy

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I've been checking this thread every day (usually multiple times a day ;)) but I keep getting distracted or have some kind of obligation every time I want to post something! Loving the pictures, makes me want to learn how to use my camera better.

I know nothing about rabbit genetics, but Nigel is a smoke pearl marten and some of these wee ones look like they are going to be silver martens (foxes in the UK). I'm guessing that Nigel being a marten carries the gene for silver marten? So he would be my pick for the daddy...Go Nigel! :p
How do you pronounce your "Ollie"?

Is it "oh-lee"

or "ahh-lee"

Just change the pronunciation!

Or you could name one Jiggens! :p It's just a cute word. According to (Cool site, by the way), jiggens is a "replacement" word for a curse word. It sounds cute, and I doubt people often use it in a sentence.

Example: "How the jiggens are the babies doing today?" :p

We saved some wild rabbits when I was in 6th grade. Mine was named Quentin :)

It's a good bunny name :D

(Mommy Rabbit had them in our garden, my dad put up the fence, Mommy Rabbit couldn't get in to feed them...their eyes were open, though, so we released them in the field across the street.)
Can one of them be Basil? I wish someone close by me had widdle beebe bunners right now, so I could go get a soft fuzzy snuggle fix--without having to raise them myself! LOL
Hehe, all cute names! I'll tell you what, when they're a bit older (and I can actually tell all the bluey coloured ones apart!) I'll start a new thread for name suggestions. ;)

More baby pictures! I love how fuzzy they've gotten. And they're starting to move around so much more! They used to stay put and let me take pictures and now it's a constant competition to get to the bottom of the pile. :p



Liddle mouth! :hearts:




Those pics are just SOOO cute!! I love the one with the liddle mouth... it's to die for!

Hehe, imagine in a few weeks when they all have their eyes open and are running about.... gonna be fun in your house! :shock::shock: I'd love to see it!!
These babies are just so cute! For some reason they remind me of Bo. Their little mouths and stuff..... it looks like the shape of his.

That baby on his back.....that's so cute! :hearts:

JadeIcing wrote:
Can you post a picture of the mom, and one each of the possible daddies?


[align=center]This is Cordie (mummy)

This is Nigel... (potential daddy #1)

And this is Harvey... (potential daddy #2)

Well, I am not going to make a daddy guess yet, however, seeing as how Delusional is now overwhelmed/overworked in the bunny department, through no fault of your own, of course! I will be so kind as to take Harvey off your hands to make room for the growing babies. It has nothing to do with my love for his ears--this is purely to help out, you understand. :biggrin2:
Haha! Unfortunately the shipping costs for a bunny as big and heavy as him would be far too high. Plus he doesn't like heights... tried to leap off the vet table but was quite happy being examined on the floor. So I don't think he'd like flying. Too bad for you. :p

I would but if my buns are anywhere near as annoyed by his face, and his voice, as I am, then they'd probably kick him in the neck before the results could be read.

Besides my bunners aren't chavs, and isn't that a requirement to be on that show? :p