New-Update on Jack (RIP sweet Jack)

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Jack is still doing good,i have been giving him some oats and a few sunflower seeds a day..he loves them....i'm sure he knows when i'm coming with yummy's for him,i also went out and bought linseeds for him as well also known as flax seeds,but we call them linseeds,he loves them as well.

He had moved himself off his blankie again today,it's sunday here so i was home to watch him do it...he's a clever boy.

He's so cute,he loves to groom Sunshine,i always love it when bunnies groom each other..but to see Jack still want to groom another bunnymakes me go's just the sweetest thing to see.

He's just the best little bunny...always has been

Hey Rebecca,

I have just been excersising his legs,and i will sit him on my lap and massage him all over,and just make sure he takes turns on each side,but i'm sure he favours one side better than the other...sometimes i get a bit worried cause i'm scared i'm gonna hurt him.

Well Jack hasn't been able to go outside for quite a while nowcause it has been to hot....but now the evenings are starting to get a bit cooler...or should i say just i took Jack outside for a while.....and oh my gosh...his eyes lit up...wide open and he just stared at his surroundings...he got to hear the chirping of the birds,the slight breeze in his fur,and best of all he got to munch on the grass...he just hogged right into it like a little bunny lawnmower...i would take some grass inside for him but i guess it's just not the same as eating it from the ground.

Oh see Jack so happy brought tears to my eyes,i had to keep wiping my eyes...i was over come with emotion for Jack..because i just have this feeling...

He wasn't having anything to do with the blanket i put him on..oh no...he wanted to lay on the grass,so that's what he did.

What a truely heartfelt moment.
Gosh..i felt bad by having to bring him in,he just enjoyed himself immensley...his eyes and ears told me he was a happy lil bunny..oh Jack......
No i didn't get pictures..but i will take him out for a little while on the weekend and i'll get new pictures then.

You should have seen him tonight...i love speaking to my bunnies in a excited voice...if you know what i when a young child has done something wonderful and it makes you happy...well i do that with my bunnies all the time,like for example i will say...Jackie you are a good boy aren't you..yes you are..ohh yes youare..i do that in that cutesy lil that's the best way i could put it lol...Jack gets all excited and cause i'm lying on the floor with him..he will lick me like crazy....he gets a little to excited and will nip my eyebrows lol....i just love it!...I just had to share that cause it just makes my heart to all flip flops lol
Wouldn't that just be great...i wish i didn't live so far away.

I know i keep saying this but Jack is my little treasure trove...i just love the way he still gets excited...considering his situation.

Jack is my special little boy
Hey Rebecca..

Jack is still going good...he's still loving his fact i have been feeding him lots and lots of veggies and he just gobbles it all down but he's not putting any weight on at all,i have been giving him some oats as well...and another thing i'm a bit worried about as well is that he's starting to loose some fur around his tummy...other than that..he's fine.

Jack still manages to get off his blankie quite a bit...and another thing he loves doing is eating off the same plate as the other bunnies at tea time...he's just so cute....i do put pellets in front of him though...but sometimes he just likes the plate.

I cannot believe my boy will be six years old this feels like yesterday i brought this little six week old baby boy home.
I know..i don't know either but when i go shopping later today...the shops don't open until 11am on sundays...i'll get him some sunflower seeds.

Jack is always in my mind and i'm always watching him and's sad really cause he's still so bright and alert and gets excited over his's just his body.
Well, i took Jack outside this evening for a couple of hours,i just love the way he gets so excited.

As i was sitting with Jack,i was just watching him and i noticed he has flakey bits on his skin..mites!..i'm sure he has this makes sense why he seems to be losing some fur on his tummy....i don't know why i didn't pick that up i'm going to try Revolution..i have never used that on my bunnies i will go to the vet tomorrow after workand ask about it..

So Jack enjoyed his time outside munching on the juicygreen grass,and basically just enjoying the beautiful breeze that was blowing.

Some pictures from this evening...







Still as interested as ever..


Jack says thanks for the lovely comment:)

I have just come back from the vet...we don't have revolution or something the guy at the desk was they were checking their details on other brands of treatments that can be used on bunnies..and advocate seems the go...but they couldn't give it to me as Jack needs to be weighed and i didn't take him with me,so as soon as i finish this msg,i'm going to my sisters house to borrow her scales so i can weigh Jack,then go back to the vet tomorrow and get the stuff.

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