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hi all its storm

I dont know about all these april fools things going on. Mom played a joke on dady this morning.

And my sister came down staris saying it was time for breakfast when it was not. So I dont know about all this my old mom and dad never played a trick on me to be funny before. But I am ok as long as it is nothing mean.

My sister said hi and wanted to wish everyone a great april fools day. Today is my cousinz birthday. Her party is this weekend. Bowling mom said I cant go I dont see why but ok. I better get some treats mom found crazins she is going to buy them today I hope I like them. And I get a new toy and bed today also. Well have a great day everyone
Storm like crasin storm likes crasins LOL

He told me if i told yall he would be mad at me so I am just saying that and will let him tell you the whole story tomorrow he is in bed now.

But I was so happy to find out. His little but almost bit my finger off trying to get the second one. I only gave him two.

I still like the dancing :happyrabbit:


Sorry I am happy.

i always here about these thing but never bought any and when I desided I would I was so excited that he liked them he is one picky bun.
Good morning all.

Its storm

man I am going to have to get that mommy for telling I love crasin. Her and daddy came back from the store and she came over to my cage and shoved this red thing in my face I was like what the heck.

Then I bite it and loved it man that was a great suprises. I was happpy see mom ran out of my yogurt treats about 2 weeks ago and can only find them at floppy pets and she only goes once a month so I have not had treats in a while.

Point being its nice to have treats again. But my sister and her little noicy butt she had to go get her rabies vac and mom put another tag on hercollar. She keeps my up all night and this wanting to play thing. Not my cup of tea. I just look at her like growup. But other then that things are good mom found oneof bruiser play toys that he hid he was good at that and started crying.

I gave her her first nose rublike cheeer up but she better not get used to it. Cause I have to show my mean side to. My daddy is taking me to a photo shoot tomorrow sorry I have not told everyone but mom arranged for me to be the bunny in this photo companys easter shoot. They where going to buy ababy. But mom called them and said I was cute enough for the job. So I got the job one shoot tomorrow and about 20 on saturday. I get paid for it to mom said what ever she makes will get spend on me. I spoiled. Well she said something about gas bikll but I worked for it so its myne it would be mean to put me throughall that without my pay check.

Ok well I have to go have a great day.
Well I am going for my first photto shoot this morning so just wanted to say hi.

All good and I jumoed on the couch for the first time last night so you have to wait for the story later.
Storm did great i am leaving him ther over night. There is a rabbit savy person and I took his play pin and food with him and gave strict instructions.

It was a hour drive this morning and I dont want to have to do that again tomorrow. Its going to be a long day already. I wont get home tell 9 pm so it would have just made it longer.

But I was so suprised. He loves kids and kissed the mess out of all of them. And storm is not like that at all.

Hi all its storm,

Man I had a crazy couple of days I kept getting this big flash in my face mom said it was a cameria.

But I got to play with kids witch I seem to like if they listen to there parents. But then I went to this ladys house. And played with her kids. I had a blast. Mom was all snuggle when she got me I was like get off me women your enbarssing me.

I was glad to be home I came over to mom for a crasin. And jumped on the couch with her mom got a pink harness:X. She said real men where pink.

I think they just did not have any other color. But anyway I had a great time exploring a new place. It looked like is was outside but it was in. Weird.

Well have to go by breakfast.
Hey every one we went out for about a hour as a family today and took some much needed update pictures.

Oh storms new harness to big.


I am going to eat your foot mom


One of me and the kids.


One of dad and the kids. We went to the beach after wards hense the swim suites


Storm was huddled next to me for a while


That is phoenixes baby she has had that sense the hurricane. Kieth gave it to her after his shop flooded. Hense the rust. She does not go anywhere without that. Beach anything she grabs baby befor she walks out of the house.


Another of me and the kids storm is off to the right doing his own thing


And E.J. Opening her my little pony and her fake cell phone I got her for her birthday.


Jazzy opening her skip it. Every little girl had one its only tradition


And her lip gloss. It taste like the flavor it is.


And the final score. for six years old and 3 year olds they did pretty good.

well hope you enjoy
Good morning all.

Its storm today

Mom was late feeding me. She is going to have to step up her game.

Things have been good great to be home. Mom said no treats cause my pooh is a little off. She says its from all the treat I got at the photo place. But man I am glad that pink harness is to big sop I dont have to wear it.

In other news phoenix hurt her paw nothing major she stepped on a jelly fish at the beach. She is fine mom took care of it but I still felt bad or my sister she may be annoying but she is family.

Dad is watching some crazy show that scares me saw 5 I think he said. I came upstairs with mom. Phoenix is on the porch hanging out she likes being outside. I do to but there are a lot of birds out in the morning mom said. No way. Dont know what that mean but ok.

anyway bye for now hope yall enjoy
Well its been a long few days and storm is under the weather.

So while hubby watched him me and phoenix took a nap. And hubby got some cute pictures figured I wouold post them.


Now is that dog spoiled or what?


Yes I fell asleep in my glasses I was watching TV.
Good morning all its storm.

I am still feeling a little under the weather but mom said i can come update my blog. I hope I can go play outside this weekend. Cause it is supposed to be nice mom said. But we have to see my sister is spoiled i saw that picture man mom lest her do anything.
but hey i get away with murder to so i can't say anything about it. But all is ok I am going back to sleep mom has a sinus presure head ache so she is going back to sleep to. Talk to yall later.
Good morning all

its storm.

Well daddy is home today mommy had a migrane still last night and daddy wanted to be home today. But in other news sister is going to the vet just to get her teeth cleaned and some thing called a fecal. She has been eating my pooh so mom is going to send her then we will know. Sense I am not going next week mom moved that appointment to next month.

But yeah I am feeling a lot better I popped the matress acording to mom. I just wanted to know what it taste like. And it was naughsty. Well have to go mom has to do some work on the imfirmary threads.

Who look at my new colantro mommy is growing for me. I love colantro.

In other news around the house mom is feeling better someone told her to take some meds and it is helping. Daddy dropped sister off at the vets this morning. Things have been crazy around here mom went to bed real early last night I mean like 8:30 it seemed like.

Sister was not happy about going to the vets. But what can you say. Mom found rabbit on petfinder what makes her think I want a nother rabbit around here. I dont.

But yes mom is feeling a little better. Dad went to work late to take phoenix to the vet. And me and mom are home alone today together.

Well I have to go breakfast is calling
Hey its me Kat

Its been a long few day between migranes neices birthday party job applications. I dont know which way is up anymore. Its looking like I am not going to find a job anytime soon. Luckly I have a great hubby who will do anything to provide and his job is more set then most at this point at least.

Prison guards have to really screw up to get fired around here. Show up do your job go home. And they are still 15,000 guards short in the state of texas so I dont think they will be laying off anytime soon. I hope put it that way.

If you live in texas and need a job prison guard is the way to go. Insurence sign on bonus. I cant do it until I am 23 because I got arrested at 17 over something so stupid I hate myself everyday for it now.

But just wanted to update the people in this family
Hi all its storm I am so mad at mom for not letting me update yesterday.

But anyway so things have been crazy. Mom found her dad I did not know she even had a dad. I have a dad but Ithought only I did. Anyway so mom is happy at this point he is coming over today. they are meeting at the beach.

Anyway so things are good I am feeling almost all the way better well have to go get breakfast.
Good morning all

So my grandad brought me a treat why does everyone bring me carrots I cant eat them like that.

Phoenix got a new toy and mom and dad went to some place called joes crab shack. I was stuck in my cage while they where gone do they relize that I am not suposed to be stuck in my cage this is a outrage.

In other news mom is getting pictures later today. She will post in the next few days. Mom is getting a puppy for training potty training for a friend soon hopefully its a paid job.

Anyway have to go.
Mrs. PBJ wrote:
Phoenix got a new toy and mom and dad went to some place called joes crab shack. I was stuck in my cage while they where gone do they relize that I am not suposed to be stuck in my cage this is a outrage.
I hope you thumped them when they came home! How dare they not take you!

Good morning all.

Its been crazy around here mom got a new foster.

She is mean but she is cute according to mom.

So they feed me late today mom said she was working on the news i dont like that. They are not aloud to feed me late. But yes other thngs going on I got a new phone book I was so excited that I tore it up. I also and working on my pin. But thats all for now mom is going to target.
Hi my name is Echo I would like to introduce myself.

I am a cat and storm is going to have to move over no I wont do that he just cant come in my room. Which is mom and dads room. They dont know it yet but they will be keeping me I am already working on mom but phoenix that dog saids dad is the hard one.

I am expecting kittens soon I dont know how many and I dont know the father he was some rude guy cause he is not around now. So I am turning my mom into a grandparent for about 10 weeks. Well I hope they are ready. But I am nice I was just not sure about all this new stuff. But now I am feeling my new digs and love them.

Ok now this is storm.

I dont know who this new girl thinks sheis but where going to have a proble if she thinks she is staying. Ok mom said we have to get along. I dont have a problem as long as mom loves up all and she said she will. I know she does but I am just getting comfertable. This is my home so I have to share it with my hole family I dont aprove but I will learn to like it I guess.