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Good morning all.

Just wanted to say hi and that storm is glad mom is home I thought mabye he would not want to deal with me but I could see it by the way he looked at me this morning.

He ran into my arms ok not like that but I sat down and he came over like where have you been women.

Anyway all seem good and I get my foster back next weeks she is showing no interest in food hat so ever yet so i am leaving her there another week
Thanks Becca I want to figure out how to add pictures of rabbits.

I do see what you mean though about it taking for ever I worked on them all day yesterday. had I only had a few minutes It would have taken me weeks
WE had a interesting morning.

I got up and did ro today thread. Then went to take bruiser and phoenix out and bruiser bit this little girl talk about omg I hate bighty dogs.

I have no excuse for having him off leash considering he has bit 3 other people. No I am not trying to make one. Me and Erroll had to make the hard desision to sign him over to the local shelter.

I love my dog but I thinks its time to have to make that desision. I have been crying for over a hour and really hate myself I dont know what happen.

I trained him the same way i trained phoenix and she is the best dog in the world.

So itsbeen very had already they said they only have to hold him for tens day but I cant take the chance on him bighting another person much less child.

I was inresposible and I know that so i dont need to here it. I paid for it just like bruiser did. I will never forget him and always remeber him. Theyare going to try to rehab him and make him a productive member of society.

Bruiser I love you:cry1:
Well this morning was the hardest morning of my life.

Its 5 here and I am up very unsual for me. I could not sleep all night and phoenix has been looking for him all night I even took her collar off cause I could hre the jingle.

I just took some benydril and will spend most of my day in bed. I will let storm come up. And say a few things as he asked yesterday and he did not get to.

Although he is enjoying being free rome during the day. Phoenix really does not mess with him. bruiser is the one that always cased him around so they had to have seperate run times. :cry1:

Me and hubbby where playing yesterday with phoenix and I called for bruiser. We both just started crying. My friend at the shelter said he did ok and he was crying all night. She took him home. He has never been away from me for more then a day or so. Well away from home.

Anyway I just need to vent and I really miss him. Its weird that I am down and able to stay in bed all day. I can let phoenix anywhere. Ad she can hold her bladder and is potty trained and all.

So I am used to having to get up and go let him out and walk him and have to be downstairs so he can play.

Well on a side note I did put a app in at sliderbalm
Good morning all its storm.

Mom saud only a few minutes

She is not in a good mood today. I heard her up very early and I told her to be quiet. Then its 11 oclock and she is just now feeding me breakfast.

I have not seen my bubba in 2 days now I wonder where he is. But boy have I been getting run time. Anyway mom has my breakfast G2G.

Edit to add mom moved my cage over by the window now I can get some sun and watch outside.

Well I cleaned storms cage today its like I dont want to do anything.

I just want to sit at the computer and look at pictures of bruiser. Hubby had to work today so its even harder. I am used to him annoying the h*** out of me I never thought i would miss that.

I took his kennel down today and reagranged things so it looked like he was never here. Its easier when I am downstairs with it like that. It was really hard feeding phoenix this moning she seems to be ok.

She was happy earlier. I guess I know I never do more then one blog a day but I need to wright it own somewhere.

anyway goping back to bed
Well life has been happining weather I want it to or not going to the beach today to get some time with phoenix she seem to be ok i am trying to still keep structure for her.

But she is like what ever goes thats why I have always loved her.
She is in bed with hubby.
So life goes on still looking at picture of bruiser all night it helps I dont know why but it does.

Hi all its storm.
Well mom cleaned my cage yesterday and we went outside for the first time. I loved it I just got to go right outside but it was still nice.
well in other news dad is sick mom is taking phoenix to the beach and I get to run around all day.

Wells that all for today mom just made breakfast.



Just wanted to add these to my blog
Well we went to the beach today it was very strange without bruiser.

Storm has been really chilled the past few days the atmisfear around the house is more chilled.

But it sad I miss him but storm is good not much to say today.
<img src=""/>

Storm is on bun space not much else going on today have to get working on ro today.

Good afternoon all.

Its been a long dy we took phe phe to the beach and took storm to play out side.

And now he is sleeping and so is she. thats all in this neck of the woods have a great day.

Oh Yeah we are going to get some planters going for storm slad. I will ad pictures once we get them going.
Mom and dad planted me fresh green hopefully they grow.

Here are pictures I will post new one every week. So I can show there progress



Goo day all.

Its storm.

Ok so mum has been in a slump latly as you can tell by her blog post. And myne for that matter. But she woke up sad and then read some thread and got happy. Which means I am happy.

Me and mom have had a big set back in the bonding proccess. She just has not paid much attition to me. She takes care of me but no laying on the floor nothing like that. So I have started running from her.

But she said she is going to fix that. Which I hope so I want my mom back. She did make me plants and is getting more from someone. Which she is very thankful. But in other news grandma brought me some fruits not knowing I could not have a whole lot but mom eats what I dont.

We are getting into a new routine with bubba being gone its getting there. I see mom cry almost everynight. And my sister seem to love being the only dog she can do what ever she wants. Mom said she is going to put some routine back in this house if its the last thing she does.

Well that all for now I have to go eat mom made me a special breakfast. She said it has something called apple in it. I have never had it but I am excited
Its a really nice day. And i desided to let storm go out for a while I put the collar and leashon him. so I could feel safe cause its a opened courtyard. He had a blast we spent about 45 minutes out there. They both had fun him and phoenix


Mom I can come out




Your not going to leave me right?


hey sis your first timer to?-Storm Why are you out here you belong inside.-Phoenix


I here a bird


UMM wood my favorite treat


Hi mom this is great


I am not going in your crazy


hey who is that


Fresh grass


Chillen watching sister


This is the life


Sister go away


My own collar and leash


I am not going in


This is my corner


This is myne oh no I am not going in


Aren't I the ladys man


Mom why is bubba out here


This is the last run befor nap time

I posted this in the ro section but I like them in my blog also.
Good morning all its storm.

So I got to go outside yesterday and had a blast. And my sister was out there to.
I think it was her first time but mom said it was not. So then I asked why does she get to go outside.

So but I got my plants still mom needs to go water them I need to remind her. More picture to come Saturday. After my cousins birthday party.

Ok well G2G
Mom just made breakfast.


Just needed to get this off my chest.

Why cant men relize that we love them.
Why do I have to tell a 26 year old everyday to grow up. cause of stupid mamma. I hate that women more and more everyday. She talked down to him ruined his life but she trys to get invovled because what? No one knows.
She has control over him no wonder his 30 something year old sister is a lawer and still lives at home with mommy. I hate her I love my baby but I hate her and I look into his eyes and relize it will never change do I accept that and live life like this or do I give up. If I give up I am givng up on the one thing in my life that I would do anything for.
Will he ever se that she does not controle him anymore. He has come so far in the past 3 years but when do we say enough. And if I say enough will he revert back to her. And become a broken sole forever.
I believe in him but I dont believe he believes in him self. I am proud of what he does everyday and he hates it. He thinks he is not doing enough I think he does way to much. I think he is the best person in the workld he thinks he is ****.
Does it end does the control ever let go. She hurt him she may not know it but she did. She hid him she told him he was not good enough she did all these things he cries about almost every day. He still loves her and I understand but why cant he let that go.
It tears him up inside. It make him hate the world and think he is not good enough. But I know he is the best and love him more then life it self.
My prayer today is that he relizes he is the best person he can be at the monent and I accept that. And that that women does not hold him anymore. He is free to love and live life the way he wants to.
Please baby be yourself not want anyone else wants you to be.