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Wow that's cool that you got to meet the guy from the tv show! I'm glad they're looking into the case. Hoarding is such a problem, and I hope the lady gets some help. A lot of times the person just needs some mental health help and someone looking out for them, not jail time, like you said.
Good morning all its storm

Man mom was up so late today I thumped at her as soon as she walked down stairs. Its was like 11 45 or something very late she knows she cant be that late. So in other news everyone thinks Echo will have her kittens today mom is so excited. I am like great more friends right well mom said I will never see them but watch I will find a way to see them.

Hey all its phoenix

That dog is gone I am so happy. Mom let me sleep in bed with her this morning but I was stressing the cat out so she made me get out. But it was cool I got to relax this morning instead of ocupy a friend.

Well Echo cant do her thing today mom said so she is busy.

Oh I dont know if anyone remembers the kitten that I had taken to another foster and was suposed to get it back to wein it. Well the foster desided to keep and adopt the kitten so she just stayed there and I showed her how to wein the kitten is doing great.
Good morning all its monday I can tell that.

So in other news around our home. Nothing no kittens its so fustraighting she should be dropping them any day now and of course not. I just want her to have them so I can make plans for stuff again the thing is she could drop at any minute. And I want to make sure she can have them ok so if I am not here and she has problems then what. So its just a waiting game.

Hey its storm

nothing eventful in my day yeasterday. I jumped up on the couch for lovings from mom. Then dad started bothering me he knows we have a love hate relationship. I dont even know why he trys. Thats what he got that dog for but I love mysister as anoying as she is. In other news mom is sleeping a lot resently I am not sure whyor she is upstairs. But thats all for now

Hey its phoenix

I got in trouble this morning. See mom has my kennel down stairs but Ihave seperation issues so I sleep by moms door in the morning. But she is trying to break meof that habbit. So she grounded me to no treats for a day and anight in my kennel. She says I have to learn to stay downstairs that I am going to have a fit when she gets hernew baby gate from kieth. So I dontknow what thats means but I guess I better act right.

And echo can not come to the computer today so I will tell yall hi for her
Good morning all its storm

So things have been crazy and things have been fun. Mom ran out of my salad and the car battery is bad so she has to get it towed to wal mart and get my salad at the same time. But that is tomorrow so I have to go 1 day without a salad mom said I will live. I dont think so. But in other news my sister went to the groomer today she goes once every 2 months and mom gives her a bath inbetween. So it just me today. But I have to go mom is giving me a special treat.
Good morning it storm.

Well mom said something about going to petsmart next week she is so excited.

In other news I have had no salad for two days this is outragus mom said today she dais today. So but thats all I have to go early mom has some pictures to post today
[align=center]A boy and his dog[/align]

[align=center]Took a trip to the beach today to do some agility with phoenix[/align]


[align=left] [/align]

[align=center][/align]Its a slide show hit the picture and it will show you all of them

Good morning all

Its Storm

Well nothing new in this front mom forgot my vegy yesterday. So I have beeen on pellets and hey. Phoenix got ot go to the beach yesterday but thats all for now mom is not feeling well she has a cold.
MyLOVEABLES!! wrote:
hope your mum doesn't have the swine flu!
Great blog Storm i loooove reading your blog, your mum is so good and updates us all the time.

No mom does not have the swine flu she has not even left the house in a week besides the beach and she did not come in contact with anyone.

She has real bad alergry which turned into a cold from the drainage happens every year
Sorry your mom is sick. I get sick every year with allergies stinks! I actually have to see a ear, nose and throat specialist this year because of it :rollseyes

Hope you feel better soon!
Hey all its storm

Well my neices have a possible case of the swine fluu oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh

Ok so you can see mom is not that worried about it after what my sisters doctor told her. You can take care of yourself if you need to.

In others news we are getting my grand dads dog soon for potty training pobialy sunday and mom is going to see her sister wensdaybut nothing new around here.
Mom is going out of town over night to go watch her neices mom is loading me down for the night I should be ok.

Mom just told me about Elf I am so sorry Minda I loved reading about Elf mom said she passed peacfully. She is up there with my bother Chevy who I never knew and My sister Jewel who I never knew I be t they are all playing together.

Well I am a little down so I have to go to bed for now.
Hey all its torm.

Man mom was gone for a whole day and I was not happy about that at all. But she brought me back a hole thing of celery. So its all good now. Mom has the new foster potty trainer she is getting paid for it so I dont know what it is considered. But she is so sute according to mom it goes home in one month. Mom also got a new bed for me and the cat we get along now but we still have not meet face to face we mett through a door.

Hey all its phoenix

Well things have been crazy I went to auntys house the other night then we went to grampas house all day yesterday I like my grandpa he gives me food from the table. Mom got mad at him for that but I was like its once ina while. He said it wont happen again. But things have been going good echo wont be coming into the office today so she wont report today have a great day
Hey all we have been ripping and running all day so no update today house is being cleaned I bought storm a new toy he will tell yall about it later today or tomorrow
These pictures are in memory of Elf

Hope you enjoy.










One good clean picture of his cage


New toy hope he likes it




One completly full veiw.

I just took these after dad cleaned his cage. So his new toy is shown and all his other toys hope you enjoy

Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Mrs. PBJ wrote:

One completly full veiw.

I just took these after dad cleaned his cage. So his new toy is shown and all his other toys hope you enjoy
He does good work, you should hire him!

I ment storms dad. My hubby its his job I never clean storms cage. Well I do the everyday clean but dad does the once a week real clean.

Storms looks a little on the chubby side in all those pictures does anyone agree or is it just me.
IOts been a great day we went to the park and picked up some more pots to finish my seeds off.

Hi all its storm

I am really tired so I just wanted to say I love my new toy and will tell you more about it tomorrow.