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I all its storm I attacked phoenix today its funny that the big dog is scared of me.

But mom punished me by puting me in my cage for 30 minutes. Mom said I cant meet my new sister yet she is getting treatment for ear mites. But other then that things are good. I got a new hay ben just cause I eat the hay tofast acording to mom.

But other then that I am going to go to the park today to pick some dadilion. And play phoenix is going to to play.

We are also going to petsmart. To get more hay. But thats all on my end of things
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Make sure your mommy gets you some yorgut treats!

I have a lot. My uncle had a hole bunch that went out of date and mom said that just mean that they have to take it off the store self but there still good I have to admit I still like them though.

But she is getting me another bell I broke myne by accident.

Well I got a few things at petsmart mom can not find a harness small enough to fit me she saids I am to small.

Pho0enix got to meet the cat today I heard all kinds of stuff up there.

Mom has been doing a lot of research all day today. So thats why it is so late.

In other new my friend ishere mom pets sit for him all the time and his mommy wentto dallas for 2 weeks so she has him she will post some pictures man mom has a zoo going wait tell the kittens are born.

But yeah dad said we can keepthe cat if moms wants to. She does not know yet but she said with my friend being here she is defently not gettinganother dog. She has gotten used to phoenixdont get me wrong she still misses bruiser. And loves him verymuch. But she likes the piece and quite around the house.

So mom has 12 weeeks to deside on the cat once the kittens are born. But for now she is enjoying thepiece and quite cause once those kittens come its going to be fun especially when there able to move around.

well thats all for now I did not do much today I peed in phoenixes bed again mom not getting any advice so I can still do it. I also found the cable I got in trouble for that though
Good morning all its storm mom was a bit under the weather yesterday
Anyway the cats milk is coming in mom keeps saying. So I dont know what that means.

I got a new bag of hay from uncle Kieth he brought some money for the vet trip after the kittens are born. He got me and phoenix each something. I told mom she needs to post those pictures. She took the other day.

Echo is doing good. I am doing good phoenix is doing good. I got a new treat also mom gave be a piece of bazil yesterday also. Well I have to go bye
Hey all

its storm,

Been a great morning. Mom is up early I got to go outside. And play for a few minutes mom said she needs to charge her baterys on her cameria. So she will post thise later to. But we had a great day mom is going to start something new on our family blog. She told me I could tell you. Cause in our family everyone matters. So she is going to start letting everyone blog including my two sisters. And her. Hope everyone enjoys it I never know if anyone is reading our blog. But mom says the numbers go up. So people must be. I know wabbitdad does I love it when he tells me to tell mom off. Cuase I am the king of my castle. But I got a new hey brome hay I now eat oat orchid grass brome timothy something meadow. So I get a lot of different hays.

Well by for now

Hi all its phoenix,

Nothing much here playing with my friend kujo his mommy went out of town for a week so my mommy has him. But he is little and I keep him in line. Storm wont stop peeing in my bed finally mommy put ti up in the bathroom although my huge beds takes the whole bathroom. But other then that things are gret.

Hey all its Echo,

UUUUUUMMMMMMMM I dont really know what I am suposed to be doing. Mom said write my feeling out for the day. so here it goes. I am so glad to be out of that naughty house I did not kow a house could be clean. I have never been to one befor I am not so sure about dad yet but mom is great. She feeds me regularly.I did not know that could happen either. But I wish I could have these babys they are weighing me down big time.

Well TTFN have a great day everyone
Good morning its Storm

well nothing much happened sense yesterday. Mom still has not got those pictures up I see. Well I am going to have to tell her something. I got in trouble last night. See mom gives me treats at night. And she was sitting on the floor. And I bit her when she did not give me my treat fast enough. I crawled all over her and I hurt her I did not mean to but I got thumped on the head. Cause I would not stop I just wanted that treat. So mom grounded me from treats for a week. On top of thumoing me on the head and putting me up. I did not break the skin but she said it hurt.

I love mommy and did not mean to hurt her. I was being aggresive sort of mommy said. And thats not aloud I know I dont want to get in trouble again. I pouted and befor mommy went to bed she gave me a cuddle and said it was ok. But daddy was still mad at me for hurting momma. He said I hurt her feeling cause she love me more then anyone else in the house I am her baby. And she never thought I would do that. I still feel bad this morning but mom cuddled me this morning and said she loves me and she wont ever thumo me on the head agian it was a reaction out of pain. Bye for now

Hey all its phoenix

man this crazy dog is getting on my nerves. i have never had him here this long he poohs in his kennel he stinks and he pees in my bed. Now storm does it to but storm is my bother. So it is different. Anyway thats all mom said I have to get a new collar soon my old one is getting old.

Hey all its Echo

I have not had the kittens yet but now I am coming around to daddy. he is a ok guy. I like him to but that dog is something I will have to check out later. But mom got me a new two and a cat tree on order. Some website with free shipping. But I have to go and talk to mom about this food situation. she changed my can food and i dont like it as much.
Hey all its Storm

Mom still has not got those pictures up I see. I am going to have to get her. Mom gave me a box last night she put holes in it still not sure what I am suposed to do with it but mom said I would figure it our soon. Mom gave me a new toilet paper roll my where getting a little torn up. See moms fill them every 3 days. but this time they where all new and the olds one stayed in the cage empty I do get a kick out of throwing them around.

Hey its Phe

Well my friend is more anoyying then ever he poohs in his keenel. Its so anoying. Bu nothing major here. Oh echo is being moody today so mom said she cant post but she did tell me to tell yall that those dang kittens need to come.
Hey all its Storm,

Well mommy said I am a bit under the weather but I just dont like that little dog and I am telling her. She said I will have to go to the vt tomorrow if I dont start eating. But I have ate most of my pellets already. Mom is going to the place she adopted me from. For a speech today I am so happy for her. She is so into these emergency kits mabye if my old mommy and daddy had one I would sti;; be with them. No wait I am glad they did not have one cause I found mommy. She id not find me I found her. And I love her. dad is mad at me again because I have gotten so aggresive with mom. But I told her befor I just dont like that dog. Mom told dad to stop being mad its just that time of year. She is mad at daddy now. But we will all get along again soon. When that mutt leaves.

Hi its phoenix,

Mom pulled our stuff out I thought we where leaving again but nope she said something about a speech. Anyway we are going to the beach this afternoon I am so excited. Mom said storm cant come this time he wentlast time. Its just me and her kujo has to stay here cause he does not act rightin public. But thats all for now.

Hey all its Echo

So that bun does not like me mom saidhe os going to have to get used to me. I am sticking around for a while. mom got me of the wet bad food on to kitten food completly now. Dad isin love with me so I think I ma be staying mom said it is not for sure yet. But it may happen. In other news around here my kitten have not come yet they need to hurry up and comeso I can get them out of me. Well I have to go.

Hey is me Kat

Do yall like hereing from everyone?

I have a speechtoday I do need to get those pictures up I took of storm and phoenix but I have been so lazy. UI am still on my water kick doing pretty good if i do sayso. Now to start eating right. I have been doing tons of research on what to eat and such so its not a diet its a life style change. I can still enjoy things in limits. So thats what I am working on now. I starting climbing my stairs in my house ten times in a row once a day. Well I have not been doing it everyday. But I need to start today I will do it for 2 weeks. I am trying to add 1 thing at a time and do it for 2 weeks before I add another. Thanks I need to update on my plants they look great.
Ok so its storm I wanted to tell yall I fell in love with mom again she smelled real good to. But other then that nothing has happen around here.

Well mom day today you will see why below

Ok so I never added Echos storys.

I know most of you already know it but for people that read my blog that may be new or for people who just never saw the thread.

Ok so Echo story starts over 4 weeks ago. From today.

I shop at this local mom and pop oets shot called floppypets

Anyway a old comstumer called him like a month ago and asked if anyone was looking for a cat. She said the cat was very pregnant. Which by the way she could not of been being a month ago and she still has not had the kittens. Anyway. Koeth then turned and called me. Cause he knew I had experience with cats and kittens and new I would not say no to be honest. Its Kieth you have to understand our relationship. Anyway So I say sure when does this lady want to meet and I will meet at your shop. He said let me get a hold of her and I will call you back so I wait about a week don't here anything normal for kieth to not call me backabout something.

So I call him he in turns said oh the lady wants the cat. I was like ok thats cool what ever one less mouth for me to feed. I did not know anything about the cat or lady. So the next monday I go out to seabrook to get some stuff for storm and phoenix. Nothing major normal monthly stuff. As soon as I walk in the door hey that lady want to get rid of that cat. No hi how are you. Anyway

So I call the lady she is like I have no gas money can you come to my house. So I am like howfar do you live from the shop. She said five minutes well that five minutes turned into 20 but anyway I get to the house and walk n and have to turn around and walk right back out. Naughsty you know those places you see on animal cops. hhhhuuuummmmm yah.

sop I spend 30 minutes trying to find that cat finally get her in a crate. Take her to the vet she is covered in flees has a few ticks and is wormy so we worm her give her a flee bath put frontline on her. And I go back to the shop to get stuff I have nothing at home for a cat. Kieth gives me everything.

Get her home this monday will make two weeks I had her. Its friday today. So without further adew pictures of my Echo


This is the very first picture of her





These where all taking the day she got home


this is her corner for now









So that is my new foster and mabye perminent cat Echo

And her name the day we brought her home was Axle hense her tag I always have ID tags on my pets so I had to buy hera new collar and ID well kieth gave me half price.

Wow page six cool

This is a slide show of a bunch of pictures of everyone chevy storm phoenix jewel echo. me and erroll are even in a few
I found this picture on my old phone and wanted it in more then one place the only other picture I have a phoenix as a puppy

Phoenix at 7 weeks old


Phoenix at about 3 or 4 months old


Phoenix at 1 year old


Phoenix now at 2 years old


Boy do they change

Hey all its storm

Thanks wabbitdad for reading my blog and to everyone else that does to.

Well mom said that annoying dog is going home today or tomorrow. Yeah I told mom no more bothers and sisters she told me nope just one paided foster. Mom is potty training a friends dog for her for a fee. 100 bucks a week tell she is potty trained. Mom keeps saying something about kittens I know about all this I do know that I am the only boy now man me and dad are so out numbered. Buts that all

Hey its Phe

I got in trouble by dad. They have not been taking me out late enough and I have been poohing on the tile by the front door. So dad pulled my kennel back out. I do like my kennel but not being able to sleep on the couch sucks booty. In other news no kitttens but mom says it cant be long now. well time for breakfast

Hey its Echo

I want these dang kittens to come. I thinks its soon cause I dont want mom touching me or anything but mom gave me a piece of raw meat today chicken I loved it. So did phoenix but anyway have to go early today.

Its me Kat

Nothing new hubby got iver time yeah more money no job interview resently. No one called back after applications. I am abut to go back to fast food. I can get job there at least it is some money. Wekk in other news I am going to potty train a friends dog for 100 a week. So thats some temmporary income for a few more weeks. But not sure when that is happening.

Have to go TTFN
Ok so I saw that Elf Mommy put me in the news. About my blog but then I relized I dont have any updated pictures of storm.

Well the beach pictures disapeared I dont know what happen to them. So I just took a few of him being Storm.

I hope you enjoy

















Heresone of phoenix


Twoof Kujo the dog I have been pet sitting



Hope you enjoy

I love the whiskers pic of Storm! Did you think about calling the Humane Society re: the lady with all the cats? Echo is beautiful but the sooner you can get a cat hoarding situation under control, the better it is for everyone. You could probably do it anonymously too.
tonyshuman wrote:
I love the whiskers pic of Storm! Did you think about calling the Humane Society re: the lady with all the cats? Echo is beautiful but the sooner you can get a cat hoarding situation under control, the better it is for everyone. You could probably do it anonymously too.

Yes we called the houston SPCA couse she was in harris county. They took the other dog and 2 other cats that I did not even know she had.

None of which where fixed all pregnant. I got a call cause they needed information from Echo. For there case. Vet records and such. They asked how she was doing and came to visit her friday. Yesterday She will get spayed by them at a discount.

They also took pictures of her to show how she looked after two weeks compared to two weeks ago. My vet took pictures of her before her bath and such all where given to them.

Although I dont think the lady needs jail time I think she needs help. She was a little off
Oh speeking of the houston SPCA you know the head guy the hunk. He is a little on the chubby side but he is so cute well at least to me.

I have always wanted to meet him he is the one that came. He also liked storm set up. And he reconized him from the hurricane turns out it was him that found Storm.

So it was cool he was like what are you planning on doing with the kittens I said finding homes for them and problably keeping Echo. So they may turn her into foster so the kittens can find homes through them. Which would be great cause they would all be spayed and neutered before finding homes.

He told me also Thank you. Thats was great to herecause he can be a real hard butt on the show sometimes.