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Well I desided to hand feed storm his dinner.

and Hubby took pictures without further a dew. Ok there still loading so.

I worked on the imfermary thread today got like a lot 2 pages done. Once you get going if you keep it up you get in a rithem. So I have about 10 more pages then I get a new assingment. Yeah I like being able to help RO.

The contents of his dinner where:

Romaine lettuce

1 Small carrot

1 Small peice of celery

celantro about 5 pieces

2 yogurt treats

Just so you know LOL:p















Well things are going good.

I think I upset a few people last night. On here but I apolijized so now its up to them if they are going to be the people to execpt it. I didi my part and thats what I am working on. But storm is doing great he is being great he is wanting attition m0ore and more every day.

He is doing great and my dogs are doing great.

Ok now my turn its storm I dont know what mommy is talking about making people upset but hey at least she didi the right thing. Thats my mom. My couzin started t-ball today but mom didi not go because it was to far and she was tired and is tired.

She is just relazing cause she has to go to wal mart later and krogers and pet co.

So she is going to have a busy day. She said she might take me with her. But I really want to eat hay and hang out with my bother and sister. Well have to go mom has to check her email
This something I need to say in public.

This is to

All the peopleI upset with my very wrong comment and questions. I am making this public because it needs to be seen I am not sure who read my post and who was upset by it. I should now say what need to be said.

If you don't know whatI am talking about. Then you don't need to worry. And the people I am talking to know who you are.

I worded it wrong i dont think bad about these people. I have been through the same thing they have luckly my husband did not loose his job and we bounced back after a few months.

To be honest all i have heard was bad things about the trailers I really did no think about the people going in them tell you said so then I had to act my age and retaliate because I did not want to seem wrong.

But I was wring and I can admit that. You are a great person if I had somelike you to help keep my animals they would not go through what they went through for those 3 months.

I have a lot of respect for you even if you dislike me I can still look up to you and like you.

If I can be half the person you are I will be doing pretty good for my self.

I respect you and thank you for making me relize whatI had said. You made me remember what many out here have already forgotten. there s another life lesson to throw in the book of knowledge. I will welcome them with open arms and if I can help themI will. Its is still bad out there but some of us are already forgetting that.

If all you do is see this thats fine. But I understand enough to know whenI need to admit when I was wrong. I may not be the smartest grape in the bunch but I know when there is some people who if your honest and kind will bend over back wards to help you.

Well on its a another day. Hubby os off work and we will be cleaning all day.

Storm says hi but I dont want to get him out of his cage yet so he said to say hi and tell dad he loves his saleds

well thats all for now pictures to come tonight
Hi all its storm mom wanted to put some pictures of my bother and sister up and i told her it was ok.

Well thank you storm for telling me it was ok:rollseyes
With out further a dew.
Bruiser and phoenix dancing playing and being goofy










Theses are my other two fur baby's.
There are some other places But hey I have to talk about them to LOL:rollseyes

Good morning all I see mom has become a RO friend good for her now I cant get more stuff right?

Well my dad went to his first day of inservice. Its was a 1 1/2 hour drive he called mom when he got there. My bother and sister aer so anoyying they where not quite last night so I could sleep. My sister got into something and has the runns mom is already taking care of it.

She told me that I would have to go to the vet if I got sick but my bother and sister 95% of it she can handle. So needl;ess to say she got fluids under her skin as mom explained it to me and a version of doggy pepto that she uses for them all the time whent hey get stomach upset.

And she is getting a bland chicken and rice diet for the next 3 days then we go from there mom said.

I have had a interesting day mom has been upstairs in the office and I got to come up with her. I dont feel like i am getting enough attition and I lether know that all the time. She has to learn that I like her now and want to so much more.

Dad and me are starting to hit it off to. but I have to go and make sure my sister is ok as anoying as they are they are still family.
Good morning all.

Well mom has not fed me this morning but she is up early. I think she is getting sick I here her sneezing and blowing her nose and coughing. She got a flu shot so i dont know what it could be.

Man mom sold something on craigslistand this guy came over and he reeked of what did mom call them smoke? I dont know but my bother told me mom used to always smell like that then one day she got the flu for like 2 weeks about 7 or 8 months ago and never smelled like that again. Mabye mom got sick from that guy.

Well in other news mom got a job interview at a vet on the island next week. it close to our house. She went and asked for some fluid needles I dont know what there called and they asked why and she told them about phoenix and she was there for like 2 hours women talk to much.

So the vet was not there but mom got what she needed and then some. she goes back next week yeah. But wait that means she wont be home for me. I ownt alow this no no way.

She cant leave. I am her priority.

Hi all its me mom.

Well storm I will stay home but you wont be able to eat anything but hey and pellets and you would not like that would you.

Joking I never change his diet.

Storm cant see red :biggrin2:

Well I off going to eat breaksfast watch the morning news and then work on the imfirmary all day i have been slacking the oast two days.I have only done a half a page each day where I could do a whole page.

But I am going to work


great job on always updating your blog!

Good morning all.

How are things going storm is down stairs I did not feel like going to get him.

I think I am getting the bug 2 days in a row of score throat and chesty cough. But there weird thing is I dont really feel that bad. I feel tired and thats about all. I have been having head ache thou so hubby band me from working on ro today. He did some last night and got up early this morning so I cant work.:(

I really have nothing better to do but he knows and it would cause him to be mad. I am prone to get anmonia(sp) I know that spelling is way off. I get it almost every year. But I have always been smoking befor so I may not. Cause I am not smoking any more. I guess I need to clean the house the floor does need steam cleaning.

Bruiser has found out in the past month or so he could hike:X.

That dog has got his but beat everyday for the past two weeks. and we had a come to jusus talk about 6 days ago. Its has stopped now he has not done it in like 4 days. So now I have to steam clean. Storm does not like the steam cleaner I do it about every 2 months. So he knows now. He just turned one so he is in that I am not a boy but not yet a man stage. I will show him women if he ever hikes in my house again.

Storm is the only one that can get away with anything. Cause i would never wup him I just hit my hand on the floor. And phoenix has not had a popping in about a year. Me and her had a come to jesus talk to. So I thinks that the last time I ever had to do anything to her. And this is the stage where he is going to test everything. I understand that.

But storm and bruiser met face to face for the first time ever yesterday. Well they can see each other when bru is in his kennel and storm is out but we had taking them to the tennis courts and they played there heart out.

So I said put a leash on bruiser I want him to know that storm is friend not fo. Well bruiser is one start cooking I taught that dog agilty in going around the course 2 times no joke. And he can do any trick in the book he is to smart for his own good thats his problem. But I let him out had a hold of his 3 foot leash and told him to watch me. Storm sniffed bruiser sniffed. Bruiser layed down. Storm bit bruiser I had rain on bruiser leash so there could be no retaliation. Bruiser licked storm. This dog licks anything. And they just stared at each other for like 2 minutes. Akward silence anyone.:p

And then storm went on his way and bruiser went to bed. I wonder if they where comuniacating without talking?????????

No anyway so that was reasuring I would like to get the point where storm bruiser and phoenix can all be free rome when we are home and in the living room.

I can let phoenix and storm out otgether no rpoblem but bruiser not just yet.

Ok now that I have talked your head off have a great day.
Good morning all.

How are things going. Mom was mad this morning. Over my bother that boy is crusin for a bruisen. He needs to act right. He is so spoiled and he is so bad.

In other news mom said that I am cute and I need to quit shedding I told her what ever.

But nothing sopecial today dad found his phone. He is in inservice and someone stole his jacket and his phone was in the pocket but it was found.

mom said new pictures tonight. Oh mom and dad might add another level to my cage a third level if you look at the pictures it will be the same length and such. Just one level higher mor room mom thinks I dont have enough cause I can only jump 3 across. So one more level won't hurt anything. Then I can have more toys. Yeah thats the stuff mor toys. but the new level wont be tell april. But its someting to look forward to.

Ok nothing much today but rain.

I am full blown sick and just lying in bed stareing at the wall. And my hubby moved the bed next to the computer so I can have something to do. My sister is coming to help in about a hour.

I had a 102 temp but a very heavy dose of motrin and tylenal flu brouhgt that down.

I can barrely move.

Storm is thumping. bruiser screaming and phoenix is laying next to me like mom what is wrong. I guess I need to go feed storm cause he will bite my sister. UMMMMMM I dont know if I want to walk down those stairs:tears2:.

I let her take a chance but she better not give him to much. I gave him to much and his diet is so set the past few weeks his pooh changed.

Ok good night I will be around but sleeping inbetween.
Well I did not feed storm and when My sister got here she did and she gave storm dog food.

She came up and said i fed everyone and I said so you found storms food. She said yeah they all eat out of the same container right I was like no omg she ran down and he had turned his nose up at it.

I said the white dresser by his cage has his food in the fourth drawer. and his hay is in the 3rd drawer make sure his ben is full.

Talk about trip to the vet. Itdoes not hep thats it cold and rainy here. But it helps me sleep. She said storm looked at her like who are you where is my mom. Hurry up and get out of my cage you weird person.

She brought him up her he is happy now sleeping under the covers Between my legs.
Good morning all well storm marked hubbys pillow yesterday. Still feel like crap think I got the flu storm is upstairs agan. Hubby home today so he said that storm could spend the day up stairs.

Brought his litter box and his food hay and wter and some toys for the bed. I brushed him with our goom groom can't get hubby to look for the furminater.

Its in storms dresser but he says I dont need to be doing all that. I no longer have a brown blanket its grey.

Anyways soup oup and more soup. And aunt flow desised to come great:X.

Hubby said hi and that he would be around on my screen name today to help with the RO thread sense I will be out of comission with that for the next week. I hate being sick and not seeing my dogs they are not aloud up stairs after bruiser peeded in the corner but storm is up here so its makes it all worth wild considering he come to me for attition still wont groom me but its should be coming soon.

Well I am sick the flu according to the doctors at the ER.

My mom will be here for a couple of days to help me with the dogs and storm does not like her. I am adopted and I am in contact with my biological mom also My bio mom has a rabbit my adopted mom does not she is here.

I had hubby bring him upstairs today but mom told me he could be aggrivating my couch. She is over baring and a worry worte I am just happys it only the flu. I don't feel good but I want to be normal. Like go play with my dogs and storm.

laying on my couch. Storm is mean to people he does not like well a lot of people dont like my mom. She is very B****Y. But everyione says I am just like her when I need to be. She was raise in chigago. She 64 years old so she is really old timy.:(

I dont thinks thats a good thing. In texas.:? She can cuse you out without cusing.

Anyway she is coming up stairs now I remember why I left home at 18 and my hole sibal group moved to ATL. There five of us including me.

The oldest in cali.

The oldest sister uummmm no one knows?

The two next sisters are now home but they lived in ATL for over 4 years.

And me I live 2 hours away. Well we all live at least a hour.

Point being I love my mom to death we all do but. She drives us all crazy. mabye thats what parent are supose to do after we have driven her crazy for over 40 years me and the oldest are 20 years a apart. So mabye its just pay back

But you got to love her.
well dad vaccummed my cage today and i was not happy!!!:Xthat darn thing is so loud, and is scares me half to death when he turns it on. And that big bright light on the front blinds me. He needs to find a different way to vaccum my cage from now on.
Mommy has been gone for the past couple of days... I wonder where she is. Oh well... Dad has been feeding me good all the while. I love being a spoiled bunny
Yeah I am home I had no car or life for a week.

man I am glad I am not a kid anymore LOL.

Well the first four days i did nothing then friday when I was feeling better I took my moms van and went to the rodeo. Well the carnival. Big mistake.

I took my niecess and they complained the whole time by the time I got home they went to bed early and I felt like crap all day.

Hubby came out today and we hung out with friends then now where home. Storm looks good I was so happy to see him I missed him the most out of my 3 pets i guess. Because he was sick. When i left so I was worried that hubby could not do it. But he did and storm looks great he is eating hay like a bat out of hell. So he is doing good.

Sorry that hubby did not update but he did work on the RO threads for me so I cut him some slack.
Yeah I finally get to update.

Its Storm I dont know where mom went. But he is not aloud to do it again. I am not happy that dad left all day yesterday either but hey he came back with mom. I got a treat this morning mom got me some more yogurt treats. But We have this dog that is so anoying he is my aunt La Sheas dog we have him for the weekend and mommy is getting her foster kitten back soon.

I think she said next week. So now there will be a cat.:shock: But the other dog kujo will be gone.

Ok I have to go mom made my breakfast dad does a bad job at it but what can I say.