hln917 wrote:
Why is it that when someone hears that you have a pet other than a cat or dog, inappropriate comments are necessary? We don't have any kids, our rabbits are our kids. Do we make comments about your children? No ~ so please refrain from saying anything negative about my children unless you want to tell me how adorable they are. A while back, we had a power outage and my co-worker invited us to stay with her which I thought was very nice, UNTIL..... I jokingly said my rabbits will be coming with me. Her comment, "That's fine, my husband love rabbit stew!" Well she has 2 cats which she adores, so my comeback: (and I apologize beforehand, I don't mean to offend anyone) "Well you know, in my culture, we consider cats to be a delicacy!" She was horrified by my comment. Needless to say, her invitation was rescinded quickly. Perhaps now she'll think before she speak!
When I took Chloe to Dr. Stanzione's office, I was in the waiting room and I let her out onto my lap first thing since she HATES her carrier. This old man was waiting for the other vet to look at his dog, and he couldn't take his eyes off of her. I have to admit, I was expecting a compliment on my pretty girl. I get them all the time whenever I have her out, so when people stare at her, I tend to expect "Oh, she's so beautiful!" or something along those lines. This old guy looks at her and goes "Excuse me, but is that your pet?" Pretty stupid question to ask someone kissing a rabbit if you ask me, but I responded yes. "That is so funny. You know, I EAT rabbits. They're good, too! Like dark meat."
I was so shocked that this guy had the cojones to describe the taste of my baby's flesh to me when obviously she was a loved pet that I couldn't even think of an appropriate response. I told my boyfriend all about it when he joined me in the waiting room, and when the guy came back over and made another "I can't believe you keep rabbits as a PET!" comment, my boyfriend looked at his dog and said "Yeah, you know what else is funny? I can't believe a grown man would keep a froufy little dog like that as a pet!"
The guy took one look at him and walked away without a word.
It's good to have a boyfriend that's 6'3 and willing to defend your bunny baby. XD
I have no idea why people refuse to accept that an animal that some people eat could make a wonderful pet. I think it's their loss, though.