Naughty Clan

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Myia09 wrote:
Yeti is so adorable!

And I love all your figurines..I want to start up but I have no backyard :p

You don't know how bad I want Yeti now......

Myia, you don't need a backyard, I have them in the house also!:biggrin2:
Tofu wrote:
OMG. Yeti.. that bunny is GORGEOUS. :heartbeat:

You also have amazing bun-sculptures! .. I want to do that when I own my own place!! My fav. is the one with the bunny popping out of a hole in the ground.
That's my fav also. The chipmunks and squirrels can't figure it out! LOL!
Baci is such adaddy's boy. He is so attached to my husband. Hubby will not be happy if he knew I was sharing this. I was looking for Baci this morning, calling all over for him. Hubby walks out of the bathroom and I tell him I can't find him. Sure enough he turns around and Baci is following right out the bathroom! Such a cute site. Next they'll both be grooming themselves in front of the mirror!:biggrin2:

Pics of my sleepy Baci~




Your rabbits are sooo cute!! I'd totally vote for "Bun Hollow" instead of "Frog Hollow". Buns have far more lovers (and slaves, hehe) than frogs!
Your "naughty clan" rocks!
hln917 wrote:
ilar to the girls, at least 2 levels so he has more room during the evening.  [/color]


Now THIS is what my bun calls a home!!! I guess this is the most beautiful bunny house I've seen so far! Can I be your rabbit, too? LOL just joking, but this rabbit house is amazing! I'd buy one for my bun if they sold it in my country....

* I was reading the story of how you found your buns and I even cried. Thank God there are good people - you - who care about the lives of these sweet animals, and saved them! They're all so nice and pure. I guess even the snake found at your home was kept alive? I praise your attitude, animals are all good. They only attack those who attack them, or invade their homes. It's great to know how happy you and your buns are!

Thanks for reading Vivian!

We actually got the girls'"house" from another bun person. It was custom made by her father. I'm trying to convince my hubby to build a similar one for Baci. B/l it or not, since we moved the girls upstairs, they only go into their "house" to use the litter pan so I think it's a waste. I wanted to let Baci inherit the house since he's still caged during the evening but hubby doesn't want to take the girls home away from them. So if you're handy, you can try building one also for Milu!
Thanks to Helen, (Kirbyultra) the buns have taken over my living room! I copied her idea of getting a concrete forming tube for them to play in. I was afraid they wouldn't fit in the 8 inch and get stuck in the opening so I got the 10 inch instead. Well now hubby decided to rearrange the "playground" and this is what we have. They all love it!



We're giving up more living space to them, but that's ok, as long as they're happy right?

Unfortunately I have to work today and a perfect way to kill time~ on my blog. It's actually very quiet, a typical holiday weekend.Nice and calm before the storm hits and I'm sure it will be chaos tonight as we're supposed to get some thunderstorm later on. At least I'll be home by then!:p I'm missing my buns right now. That is the hardest part about leaving for work on a Monday morning.A sales rep for a large pet food companyonce told me they had anoffice down south where on certain days, the employees are encouraged to bring their pets to work. I want that job thoughI don't think I would ever get any work done! I can just picture my buns taking turns coming to work with me and flopping right beside my computer! :biggrin2:

So only another 4 1/2 to go before I leave work..........
Helen, great job surrendering the living room to the buns! I gave up mine a long time ago :p The Cottontail Cottage and the Tropicana Juice box are permanent fixtures in the living room here!

The 10" tube looks great! I'm sure they would have fit in the 8" though. Burrows are meant to be kind of snug for the bun so they wouldn't mind it either way! Even Penny comfortably fits in the 8" hehe!
hln917 wrote:
Why is it that when someone hears that you have a pet other than a cat or dog, inappropriate comments are necessary?  We don't have any kids, our rabbits are our kids.  Do we make comments about your children?  No ~ so please refrain from saying anything negative about my children unless you want to tell me how adorable they are.  A while back, we had a power outage and my co-worker invited us to stay with her which I thought was very nice, UNTIL..... I jokingly said my rabbits will be coming with me.  Her comment, "That's fine, my husband love rabbit stew!"  Well she has 2 cats which she adores, so my comeback: (and I apologize beforehand, I don't mean to offend anyone)  "Well you know, in my culture, we consider cats to be a delicacy!"  She was horrified by my comment.  Needless to say, her invitation was rescinded quickly.  Perhaps now she'll think before she speak!


Ha ha - great comeback! I thought I was the only one passing through that. People ALWAYS think my rabbit is food. I try to explain, "HE'S A PET, not food". They get surprised when they ask and I say my bun is more affectionate than dogs are, and think I'm exaggerating when I say that if I don't hold my bun, he'll jump on my lap; if I walk, he follows me wherever I go; if I close the door, he scratches it to come in...
Once a lady taught me how to skin a rabbit for cooking (while I was holding my baby bunny!!) - that's why I don't take him out much.
hln917 wrote:
Why is it that when someone hears that you have a pet other than a cat or dog, inappropriate comments are necessary?  We don't have any kids, our rabbits are our kids.  Do we make comments about your children?  No ~ so please refrain from saying anything negative about my children unless you want to tell me how adorable they are.  A while back, we had a power outage and my co-worker invited us to stay with her which I thought was very nice, UNTIL..... I jokingly said my rabbits will be coming with me.  Her comment, "That's fine, my husband love rabbit stew!"  Well she has 2 cats which she adores, so my comeback: (and I apologize beforehand, I don't mean to offend anyone)  "Well you know, in my culture, we consider cats to be a delicacy!"  She was horrified by my comment.  Needless to say, her invitation was rescinded quickly.  Perhaps now she'll think before she speak!

When I took Chloe to Dr. Stanzione's office, I was in the waiting room and I let her out onto my lap first thing since she HATES her carrier. This old man was waiting for the other vet to look at his dog, and he couldn't take his eyes off of her. I have to admit, I was expecting a compliment on my pretty girl. I get them all the time whenever I have her out, so when people stare at her, I tend to expect "Oh, she's so beautiful!" or something along those lines. This old guy looks at her and goes "Excuse me, but is that your pet?" Pretty stupid question to ask someone kissing a rabbit if you ask me, but I responded yes. "That is so funny. You know, I EAT rabbits. They're good, too! Like dark meat."

I was so shocked that this guy had the cojones to describe the taste of my baby's flesh to me when obviously she was a loved pet that I couldn't even think of an appropriate response. I told my boyfriend all about it when he joined me in the waiting room, and when the guy came back over and made another "I can't believe you keep rabbits as a PET!" comment, my boyfriend looked at his dog and said "Yeah, you know what else is funny? I can't believe a grown man would keep a froufy little dog like that as a pet!"
The guy took one look at him and walked away without a word.
It's good to have a boyfriend that's 6'3 and willing to defend your bunny baby. XD

I have no idea why people refuse to accept that an animal that some people eat could make a wonderful pet. I think it's their loss, though. :D
Ugh, oh my god. People make me so mad when they make those comments. It just goes to show you how stupid some people can be, and utterly rude & insensitive.

I'm Chinese -- I would have told him "that's funny because in MY country, we eat dogs. They taste great! Not like chicken at all!"

Give me a freakin' break! GRR!

P.S. I don't eat...
kirbyultra wrote:
Helen, great job surrendering the living room to the buns! I gave up mine a long time ago :p The Cottontail Cottage and the Tropicana Juice box are permanent fixtures in the living room here!

The 10" tube looks great! I'm sure they would have fit in the 8" though. Burrows are meant to be kind of snug for the bun so they wouldn't mind it either way! Even Penny comfortably fits in the 8" hehe!

Actually the Cottontail Cottage is next! I'll probably pick up an 8"tube and swap this one out for the girls room. It's so fun to watch them run in and out of it. Cappy's already tearing up the paper on the inside of the tube.

Baci thanks you Cheryl!
Kitty88 wrote:
When I took Chloe to Dr. Stanzione's office, I was in the waiting room and I let her out onto my lap first thing since she HATES her carrier. This old man was waiting for the other vet to look at his dog, and he couldn't take his eyes off of her. I have to admit, I was expecting a compliment on my pretty girl. I get them all the time whenever I have her out, so when people stare at her, I tend to expect "Oh, she's so beautiful!" or something along those lines. This old guy looks at her and goes "Excuse me, but is that your pet?" Pretty stupid question to ask someone kissing a rabbit if you ask me, but I responded yes. "That is so funny. You know, I EAT rabbits. They're good, too! Like dark meat."

I think people likethe reactions of the "shock" factor. Even my friends now know NEVER to talk about rabbits in a negative manner. I'm really surprised you encountered such a mean spirited person at the vet's office! I'm glad your boyfriend said something. Myhusband probably would have decked him. I'll let you know if I seethe idiot during my visit next week. He will hear a mouthful from me!Iwilluse Helen's (Kirbyultra) comment, then file a complaint with the vet.

So we decided to have Shades' incisor extracted. Since last Nov, she began having dental issues. Her incisors needed to be trimmed every 4 weeks and her molars every 12 weeks. The vet we used was using the clipping method which I now learn can be dangerous. After the last episode, I decided to now switch vets. The next option was to have it filed down properly using a dremel tool. However do I want to subject her to more stressevery 4 weeks with anesthesia? Thanks to Kitty and Helen (Kirbyultra), I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Gil Stanzione,who has a very good reputation with rabbits, next Friday. Only downside is the drive to his office is at least 1 1/2 hour from here. I have to drop her and Cappy off at 9:30am and pick them up later in the afternoon around 4pm. I'll be packing my entertainment bag to keep me occupied up there; laptop, book, knitting, ipod. No sense in driving home. Their is the mall but not a good idea to shop with an impending bill that'll probably be a week's salary! (That's ok, hubby and I will live on greens also!:p)

Shade's normal trimming was scheduled for today. I just checked her incisors, they are getting a bit long but she's still ableto pick up food. I'm hoping it'll hold off and not growing anymore till I get her in next week. Otherwise I'm prepared to make mash for her during the week.
Good luck to Shade!!! I hope it goes well, keep us posted. By the way, where do I find a boyfriend who will stand for my rabbit? Those aren't many nowadays. Well, not on this end of the planet...
So I take it that Dr. Stanzione is ok with taking in Cappy along with Shades for the procedure so that their bond doesn't suffer? He's so great, isn't he? :)

I wish you luck!!! Hope all goes flawlessly and Shades won't have to go through this stuff so often anymore. You're such a great bunny mom, spending all day out just to get them to a reputable vet. :hug1
hln917 wrote:
Kitty88 wrote:
When I took Chloe to Dr. Stanzione's office, I was in the waiting room and I let her out onto my lap first thing since she HATES her carrier. This old man was waiting for the other vet to look at his dog, and he couldn't take his eyes off of her. I have to admit, I was expecting a compliment on my pretty girl. I get them all the time whenever I have her out, so when people stare at her, I tend to expect "Oh, she's so beautiful!" or something along those lines. This old guy looks at her and goes "Excuse me, but is that your pet?" Pretty stupid question to ask someone kissing a rabbit if you ask me, but I responded yes. "That is so funny. You know, I EAT rabbits. They're good, too! Like dark meat."
You know, I think the weirdest part was that the reason he was there was because his dog had an abscess on her back. At one point the vet had to open the wound, the dog was literally screaming, and the guy was just sitting there leaning out of the door, staring at me and Chloe!
There was another girl there with two bunnies, and she like made eye contact with me over weirdo's shoulder. What a jerk.

And yeah, when it comes to dating a pet crazed person, my boyfriend's pretty awesome. He's even woke up early on his days off just to drive me and Aiden to his vet. :) 

I think people like the reactions of the "shock" factor.  Even my friends now know NEVER to talk about rabbits in a negative manner.  I'm really surprised you encountered  such a mean spirited person at the vet's office!  I'm glad your boyfriend said something.  My husband probably would have decked him.   I'll let you know if I see the idiot during my visit next week.  He will hear a mouthful from me!  I will use  Helen's (Kirbyultra) comment, then file a complaint with the vet.  


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