angieluv wrote:
Did Nick get loose poops from zithromax ? I can' remember.? I am wondering if a lower dosage would have worked better with Little Bunny
Nick did not get loose poops. His poops got really really tiny, and more dry than normal. They were also more tear-drop shaped than the normal marble. They were maybe 1/8" around, and smaller, barely anything. I thought of his poops when Amy said Little Bunny's poops were very tiny.
I was advised by someone in my rescue that she usually uses a lower dose for her rabbits, she said the "cat dose," and has less of a problem with appetite loss. She did say that she usually has to re-treat at this level, so there is a trade-off.
I am not an expert, but maybe the lower dose would be better for a bunny that might have other issues, or is on a drug combination that would contribute to the appetite loss?