JadeIcing wrote:
Flashy wrote:
The only time I've had a rabbit get disorientated in the car was Tilly, who has head tilt. She doesn't struggle like Little Bunny did but she is very clearly disorientated. Might just be worth watching to see if anything develops that could be related to disorientation in a rabbit, although the zithromax should help fight against anything potentially there.
I was thinking the exact same thing. Both Ringo and Gabriel do horribly during car rides.
Ali, Do you mind telling me what yours do or how they act? I guess I am comparing Little Bunny to Chase because they are the only two I have/had. Maybe Chase just does good during car rides and Little Bunny is normal.
I also think the Bordetella may be contributing to the rough car rides,as the last two car rides have been way worse. I mentioned that to the vet. But I think she was concerned because so much stuff came out of her nose during the car ride. Which is why the vet said she thought what was coming out of her nose was acid from her stomach and then gave her the Reglan.