Nasal Discharge and Motion Sickness

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The Little Bunny seemed better this morning. She even ate a little bit on her own. But this evening she looks drugged again. I can deal with the drugged look as long as she is eating. So I think I am going to try and stick with the Zithromax and I will supplement food and fluids if I feel she isn't getting enough on her own.
I ended up taking Little Bunny back to the vet today. I woke this morning to diarrhea everywhere. There were some mushy poops but there was also some that was just like water. So the vet had me bring her in. They stopped the antibiotic. Gave her some sub q's and some pain meds. I was sent home with critical care, metronidazole, metacam and they told me to give her some gas meds.

If she doesn't eat tonight I am suppose to take her back in tomorrow. I am not sure how I am suppose to get her to eat tonight, they gave her so much pain meds she is out of it.
What a horrible time you are going through. I have no advice but I am thinking of you.
Thanks Flashy. I appreciate the thoughts.

Is critical care the stuff you have to let sit for a long time as it continues to absorb?
Critical care is the powder herbivore food that needs to absorb a lot of water before you feed it; it should be made much more liquidy than the package instructs.
If he is out of it and cannot swallow do not try to feed him as he will aspirate the liquid.

if he is semi out of it and not eating focus on getting liquids like pedialyte into him and don't sweat food until tomorrow. if he doesn 't swallow at all then don't try oral feeding but call the vet and let them know this
I am concerned that they are not replacing the antibiotic but they most likely want to straighten out his GI tract first.
Ask if you can do sub q's;.......... seems like it would be easier to do this rather than try to feed a groggy bunny

I'm sorry the zithromax had this effect; strange that Randy has never had issues like this
I did see a poteniall for this with Babette but like I said she was underdosed.

please let me know how Little bunny is doing


Thanks for responding angieluv.

I am concerned about giving the critical care tonight. I can get the Little Bunny up moving around, but on her own she just lays there. I guess I will see how she swallows when I give her the meds. I just wish they would have sent the pain drugs home with me so I could try to get her to eat before giving them to her.

They said I can do the sub q's at home but if I take her in tomorrow they also want to do an enema. Only raed on if you don't get grossed out easily because this is gross. But they want me to bring in 10 of Chase's poops. They then are going to give that to the Little Bunny in a syringe up her rectum. The vets reasoning was this. She believes that if you crush poop or cecals that they are destroyed in the stomach due to the acid. She stated if I could get Little Bunny to eat the cecals while they still had the mucous on them, the mucous would prevent the acid from destroying what it is she needs from them. So her theory is if you give them rectally, the acid won't be there to destroy them.

In regard to the antibiotic for the Bordetella, she is going to prescribe something else once her GI tract is straightened out. She didn't mention what she is going to give. I am not even sure if she knows.

I also spoke with the vet regarding the Reglan. She stated that new studies show that given in small doses for a short period of time it doesn't act as a gut stimulate. I told her I was concerned about the Little Bunny being in more pain from that. She prescribed that for nausea.

I think the vet maybe prescribing a little too much but I don't really know. I just feel like if the Little Bunny only got sub q's today I could at least be getting something in her as I did yesterday and the day before. Now I can't get anything into her. I feel like this is a lot of stuff to give her when she was eating some and her activity level was still good. I am afraid all these meds could make things worse. But she has a lot of experience and excellent credentials, I am going to have to trust her.

The vet is having heart surgery tomorrow and I wonder if that is why she prescribed so much at first because she knows she won't be available. Her vet tech will be available and the one I would see tomorrow. The vet did say she could be reached by phone but tomorrow she will be in surgery all day.
That was not gross ; I never heard of doing that but i won't say it is wrong as i never heard of it. it does make some sense. i would have thought that it would have been enough just to take her off the zithromax and maybe give her some benebac; it does seem like this is sort of extreme treatments. but if your vet is well qualified then she most likely knows what she is doing.
I would ask the vet to allow you to control the pain meds because you are right that you cannot feed her if she is all doped up.
I hope that it starts to wear off soon

How is she now?

She is freaking me out. She is laying on a magazine completely still. Even when I got in and sit next to her, it is like she doesn't see me. Her eyes or head doesn't move. I actually at one point thought she had passed away because I was calling her name and touching her head and she wouldn't even move her eyes. She never lays on a magazine. I thought of giving her some gas meds but I feel like I am putting all this stuff in her system. This is her active time of day and when I was able to get her to eat. I am going to sleep next to her tonight and will be praying she makes it through. She just is acting to weird.
When we are in the car on the way home from Beau's big dentals he is always drowsy and sleepy but he is always sleeping in the loaf position in the carrier and not floppy ; they must have really given her a lot of meds???
.02 of Metacam 5 mg/ml, .02 ml Buphrenex .03 mg/ml, reglan .02 and 100 ml lactated ringer. Plus I gave her the Metronidazole .03 that they sent me home with.

I am just crossing my fingers she is really drugged.
It could be the grinding when they are sleeping. I don't really know how to tell the difference. I just climbed over her nic cage and hit my foot on it and she sure moved pretty fast. So I hope that is a good sign.
that's a good sign :)

sometimes Beau will sort of be sleeping andhis little mouth will be moving but it isn't really grinding ; I don't know what it is..... but it doesn't worry me
That is good. That makes me feel a lot better. Thanks angieluv, you are a great person and I appreciate you being here for me and my buns.

ETA: Because I can't spell
The buprenex is an opiod narcotic and will make her seem "out of it". I'm not sure on the entire treatment course here, as I don't have time to read this all in depth, but I wonder if she is feeling ill motion sickeness-wise due to the infection spreading to the inner ear. That could cause dizziness. Sorry if this is completely ill-informed, but I will look at it later in depth.