Task Force
Thanks Sas for your help. I really appreciate your fast response because it was freaking me out and I wasn't sure what to do.
I got her all cleaned up. She is not a happy bun right now lol. When I was cleaning her back feet I noticed that she has 2 spots on each back foot, in the same spot where the hair is gone. The skin doesn't seem to be broken down. Is that normal? She is on carpet.
I am going to clean her area and I will take the litter out of her litter box. The Little Bunny had sludge before but the vet didn't think it was anything to be concerned about because it was such a small amount. She just wanted to check it once a year at her yearly appointment. I plan to take her in Friday when I get paid and get lots of tests done. So hopefully I can find out then exactly what is going on with her. I hope it isn't anything serious. Dealing with Chase and my sick cat, I don't think I can handle any more. Please send good thoughts our way that the tests come back normal. I don't know what I will do if they don't. I really am at my limit, emotionally and financially.
I got her all cleaned up. She is not a happy bun right now lol. When I was cleaning her back feet I noticed that she has 2 spots on each back foot, in the same spot where the hair is gone. The skin doesn't seem to be broken down. Is that normal? She is on carpet.
I am going to clean her area and I will take the litter out of her litter box. The Little Bunny had sludge before but the vet didn't think it was anything to be concerned about because it was such a small amount. She just wanted to check it once a year at her yearly appointment. I plan to take her in Friday when I get paid and get lots of tests done. So hopefully I can find out then exactly what is going on with her. I hope it isn't anything serious. Dealing with Chase and my sick cat, I don't think I can handle any more. Please send good thoughts our way that the tests come back normal. I don't know what I will do if they don't. I really am at my limit, emotionally and financially.