Thanks Jenesta! Well, Anakin also gets his fur trimmed because it has been irritating his he is a bit more fluffier than that! And some babies can be really fluffy, but then get a seperated coat (like my other lionhead..she has a mane and fluffy parts, but her back and what not is short) so really it is a waiting game! lol!
Read here for potty training!
Well, it is going great! Kinobe so far is going pee in the litter box and poops mostly in the box. I think the couple of stays were just accidents.
Anakin has no stray poops! It all was in the litterbox, even though he decided to move it in the middle of his pen, lol.
I am completley out of litter, so I am using shredded paper. I can't seem to find wood stove pellets, and I can't use the corn cob, so I need to make a really good search.
Here are some more photos!
So I got my finacial aid in, and I got $50 more a month in finicail aid! lol! But I am sure it will realy help. Right now I am still apartment hunting..although I think I have to put in the notice to my aparment that we are leaving soon. I am also trying to sell my bedframe so I can the new one that would be way better for our apartment and needs.
My birthday is three days away also!