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Ah! Your mice are sooooo cute! They all have such pretty markings! I wish we had such neat looking ones here! lol I'll have to keep my eyes peeled, mice are such entertaining pets.
I am so angry, upset and hurt :(

You just won't beleive some people..I didn't realize it was a freaking personality contest
wow...i would be pretty hurt by this to. thats sad they dont want you anymore because of something that could have been resolved so easily with simple words

and yes life is a contest every job i have worked if you are "liked" you get better hours and in trouble less. same thing on this forum, if your better liked then you get more attention. thats really horrible she is being so were helping those rabbits
I guess. It jsut hurts I went out of my way to volunteer, donate money, supplies, and time to get treated like this.

I boxed over 100 lbs of hay for them; I cleaned cages; I was at the adoption event; I spent quality time with the rabbits; I baked them treats; I did a ton of paper work for them; I donated around $70 (Its all I had)....

Not to mention I am working on other things.

It also makes me feel like a bad pet owner..or something. I knwo my intentions are gold. My actions or gold. So what is the problem?
IDK, it sounds to me like they are misorganized and don't know what is going on or can't do their jobs. Seems strange. Anyone who is a rabbit person live near the rescue? Maybe send them there in interest of the bun and see what they are told, lol. I would.;)

I can imagine who upset you are. I would feel discriminated against as well. What about this "questionaire". Why wasn't one filled out by you? So, they say. I'm sure that is a misunderstanding too, on their part.:confused2:
No. I asked THREE TIMES about the adoption policy, because I told them I was interested. I got three way different answers. Then this questionaire pops up! I wasn't even aware of it. She knew also that I was looking to adopt. The first rabbit (A special needs) got adopted out before I could get him, but then I found snowblaze and him and I really connected. So maybe I looked "Rushed" to found a rabbit..

But I stated twice on FB I wanted more time..and I didn't tell her I wanted to adopt him either at all, or anyone else. This was just a FB post.

I think she overreacted to the fact I said "This rescue is wierd it seems liek it takes months to adopt" and lost her temper or cool or whatever.

And instead of fixing it I am just getting the blunt end.
Is there someone else, like a manager/director you can speak to? I sure wouldn't deal w/ her anymore. Something just seems off. Policy is policyso why would they mention a questionaire now?
She is the co-owner. BUT it was the real owner who sent the last email. So basically I think he heard her side of the story and instead of calling me and talking to me; they disposed of me.

Well, One girl told me it took her only 2 weeks to adopt, and she was a volunteer. She didn't mention a questionaire.
Then Kristen Bunnez (You will see she posted on the photo) said to talk to Kelly (The co owner) about it.
Kelly just told me that they make sure there is a bond and don't do same day adoptions. That is all I was told beacuse she then told me the rabbit I was intersted in (Special needs) was adopted. I said okay, no problem it was meant to be. Then I did have to fill out a foster application; but she told me they had parasites, and I can't risk that with the amoutn of animals I have and the fact Kinobe is free roam. So I didn't fill it out.

*Edit to add: what I mean by co woner is that they are 50/50 partners, but the male is who actually founded the sanctuary. So she is in fact the boss.
Wow it really sounds like she just doesn't like you at all...
If she really loves rabbits, she should base adoptions off of the facts not what she thinks about you. o_O
I feel like on FB a lot of things get misconstrued, either by her or by you, or maybe a combination of both and it just snowballed into this horrible decision to like, fire you from a volunteer organization...? It's so weird that they would do that. I have definitely seen where people who "own" or founded these rescues get such a power trip from doing things exactly the way they want, and they do play a bit of the discrimination game. After all, it's their game and they can play it how they want. I'm not saying all rescues are or any particular ones are, but there definitely seems to be politics behind the scenes and it comes out in the weirdest ways. FB is so not the place for these disputes and concerns to be aired out. I think if it makes you feel better for closure or if you want to repair the relationship (because it does sound like you're the bigger person here!) that a face to face chat or a nice long phone call would be a better channel. Set FB comments aside if you decide to go that route.
Well, I will just go to Brambley Hedge. I am volunteering there in two weeks anyways. Hopefully I will have a more postive expriance there.

I am just trying to help. I didn't think it would be that hard!
kirbyultra wrote:
I feel like on FB a lot of things get misconstrued, either by her or by you, or maybe a combination of both and it just snowballed into this horrible decision to like, fire you from a volunteer organization...? It's so weird that they would do that. I have definitely seen where people who "own" or founded these rescues get such a power trip from doing things exactly the way they want, and they do play a bit of the discrimination game. After all, it's their game and they can play it how they want. I'm not saying all rescues are or any particular ones are, but there definitely seems to be politics behind the scenes and it comes out in the weirdest ways. FB is so not the place for these disputes and concerns to be aired out. I think if it makes you feel better for closure or if you want to repair the relationship (because it does sound like you're the bigger person here!) that a face to face chat or a nice long phone call would be a better channel. Set FB comments aside if you decide to go that route.
I am planning on going in tomorrow. So I hope we can have a civil conversation..although I will no longer be supporting this organization at all. I would like to leave on good terms. She did delted her comment, and me as a friend.. but that is my point..FB is so stupid..why didn't they call me instead?
I think you should talk it over with Kelly. Her and I had a misunderstanding a few years ago and it was over something that shouldn't have been a huge ordeal, but it turned out to be because communication was lacking. She's really a nice person and the rescue is probably just very high stress right now, so I understand tensions may be high.
So, I got off the phone with Rick, the owner.
So, the facebook comment thing was cleared..kinda. I don't think he believed me...or agreed or whatever.
But I am still "fired" because I don't "Follow along with thier mission statement"
Because I breed leopard geckos, and I HAD a show rabbit; that I never even showed.
Because I am a "Breeder" I am automatically not with thier mission statement..which I guess I can understand..kind of.
But then he said he used to do 4h and is against it. If I found that it was bad, I wouldn't show. Thats it. But also becaue they can't be spayed and nutered is another thing.
Even though I currently have no show rabbit; but I am still "interested" (meaning I still have my ARBA book or what not) that I don't fit with the mission plan.

The gecko thing must have been told by two "Friends" that seemed perfectly okay with the came to my house and the other commented on my mack snow baby.

The show is when I told the story of Sheriff and I said he was suppossed to be a show rabbit but was nuetered.

I guess I understand. I don't think it is right or fair; but I get it.

I will post more later. I will still support them, because they are great to the rabbits.
Well, I am being forced to delete the comments because apparently a moderator went and told that I was badmouthing the rescue on a private, persnal blog.

I will like to reitterate that TTAS takes great care of their rabbits; but I don't fit into thier mission statement.