Myia's Bunny Blog

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In fact; Since i can't trust the moderators on this fourm to let me speak in my own private, personal blog and not have them run off and talk about it; nor can I trust other members of this fourm; I am leaving.

I would usually say add me on Facebook; but I am not doing that either. You can send me a PM and I will reply.
Myia, as a longtime supporter of TT before it had a name and a longtime supporter of RabbitsOnline, I feel hurt and violated by your statements.

If anyone has any questions about the adoption policy or volunteer policy please feel free to direct them to me as Myia is no longer associated with TT in any way.

Also to clear up one more misconception on this blog, Kelly and Rick are both equal partners and co founders of TT. Neither has more 'power' than the other.

- Tracy
This is private blog. Feel free to stay off of it then.
Your right; I was wrong about the "partnership" I was again, misinformed about TTAS policies.

I told my side of the story on a personal blog; I stated that as a rescue they are great and there was personal conflicts.
I ask a mod to delete the rest of the posts too; but PHEW what and ordeal..looking forward to just putting it all behind me. It got way out of hand. But my opinion is my opinion..I don't like some of the comments taken out of hand, or the fact someone would be rude enough to take comments out of context and use them against me (Because as you all know I am such a bad pet owner!)

Well; anyways.

They are doing just fine :)
Anakin is all "Shrivled" up (lol!) and looks good. I can still see Kinobes stiches, but they look real good.

Chewy is also fine! Poor girl not get any posts! lol. She is digging in her litter box so now I am giving her a cardboard box...and she loves it! We are now in the process of getting a second opinion about her spay procedure, from Pecan which is referred HIGHLY (My ear was talked off about how great they were!) Brambley Hedge Rescue.

Chinchillas are well. I gave them thier lava perches and they love them. Casanova pretty much doesn't have any left!

Fat Hammie is well...although old age is setting in. His fur is thinning out. It always makes me so sad that they dont' live very long :(

The mice are doing really good. I can tell Basil and Pepper love thier new habitat and enrichment!

Parakeets love the new rope perch!

Crested gecko is well, and has nearly tripled in size. He has grown so fast it is amazing! Ordering him an upgraded cage soon :) I really wanted to wait until we were completely moved out because I wanted to do a planted tank as well.

Leos are well; they had a scrumptous dinner of roaches on thursday..ick! I hate those feeding days! The super snow enigma baby is getting soooo big! But she is def a lot smaller than normal babies, probably due to the enigma factor.

On of my plants died! :(
It was a "Set" of sulcultas, and when I went to repot, all the roots fell apart and what not, so I think that is the problem. My Elephant plant is doing just fine!

I am going to borrow a camera on tuesday and take photos for you all :)
Well, it was my fault.I was cleaning the cage and she jumped out of her hide as I was moving it..she ran under the oven/fridge. I called the matnience man and he pulled them both out but no sign :(

So my birthday is next wendsday! And next friday I have the date to get my rabbit tattoo. BUT I am also going to get one more..that is if I can get $40 by either bday money or selling stuff (I have two more cages to sell)

Here is a paint draft of is going behind my ear


I am really excited! We also decided to go with the original desin of the necklace..and see how it goes from there.
Well I have my ribs trust can't be more painful than that. Ribs are the known pain spot lol!

But I also have my feet done which are considerd a painful was eh...everything pales in comparison to my ribs!

And now that I have my ears (conch) punched..and that was probably the worst pain ever (Even though it was fast) I wonder how much this will affect me!
Love your hair! I tried once in college to do that to mine, with blue instead of pink, but the stupid blue turned grey after only a few days and looked bad. I never experimented with coloring my hair myself again after that, lol.

Cute mice. Their cage looks fun.
Myia09 wrote:
Well I have my ribs trust can't be more painful than that. Ribs are the known pain spot lol!

But I also have my feet done which are considerd a painful was eh...everything pales in comparison to my ribs!

And now that I have my ears (conch) punched..and that was probably the worst pain ever (Even though it was fast) I wonder how much this will affect me!
One of my friends said that the back of her neck was the most painful ever. I watched her having it done and she was streaming tears. Not me, not me!!!! I am such a pain wimp!!!! I would have to go under general anesthesia
Thanks Chelle! It just sounsd like you used a bad color. Plus, your only allowed to wash your every every 3rd day. lol.

Patti, LOL. It isn't that get used to it. There is a reason why people say tattoos are addictive!