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Peek-a-boo wrote:
oh my so many beautiful animals :inlove::inlove::inlove:

Ive just practically aww'd all the way through your blog.

Im envious you have my 2 dream chinchillas White Mosiac and Black Velvet... beautiful! ive just got my first chin a Beige boy.

Thank you :)

Thanks Sweet Sassy! Yeah they are an adorable trio! I decided to start breeding my chinchillas.
I wanted to for a long time, and James agreed.

So the plan is to get a Black Velvet Female, because I want a Brown Velvet (When bred to a beige and black velvet) as a pet.

So if I get a Black Velvet Female its:
Bred to Valentine the White Mosaic:
25% white mosaic, 25 TOV White, 25 standard grey, 25 black velvet

Bred to Casanove Black Velvet:
50% Black Velvet, 25% standard, 25% non living kit from recessive gene

Bred to Romeo Beige:
50% brown velvet, 50% beige

Soo..Yay! lol!
Are the Chinchillas pedigreed (if that is even possible)? If not, then how do you know there won't be health issues related to genetics since they came from a pet store?
They can't be "Pedigreed" like rabbits, but they do have family lines and have "papers". But yes, I know the family line of both the beige and Valentine. I said I got Romeo from a mom and pop place that buys thier chinchillas from a breeder; not a wholesaler. Thats why I know he is a homogyzous beige, not a hetero.
Valentine I bought through a breeder; and Casanova is a rescue, but it doesn't matter because I can't breed him due to the fact the %25 percent chance of death of kits due to genetics.
So please,if you knew me and you know my care; I would not be reckless. Plus, I don't have a female even, and gestation is 111 days, so I have quite a while.
This is all planning. There is only 1 breeder in Arizona that I know of; and her and I don't even agree on care so I can't deal with her, and I can't drive or pay to ship chinchillas like stores can. And yes, in fact I have about 6 friends/family who are interested in a chinchilla but the $150 price tag at petsmart is wary.

Its really aggravating when I had such a long hard day and instead of seeing positive comments, I get negative ones.
<--add I would only breed once so I could get a brown velvet anyways.

Anyways, today was interesting. I really hate my Gender, Race, and Class..well class lol. The people there are not tolerant if you don't agree 100% with them, as I found out.

Then I had to deal with this girl..who is an American born Hispanic..who last week told us how she is on a full ride (Goverment paid) scholorship because her parents are Mexican Immigrants..and how she also gets grants (Goverment free money) and lives off the grants because they are just extra money since her scholorship pays for it.
Then today she goes on this huge rant how "America sucks, it is the root of evil, sexism/racism/every ism is America's doing, and just BASHES on America..even though she herself was American. You wouldn't believe the things she said.
I just couldn't help myself when I said "Well, if you hate America so much, why don't you have a problem with them paying for your schooling, rent, car, ect. I am sorry ,but I don't want my tax money going to pay the education of someone as ungratful as you."
She then started yelling gibberish when all I had to say is "Well if you hate it, why don't you move out and have somebody else's goverment pay for your schooling?" and she didn't say anything.
Then I get attacked by 4 other studetns for being "Racist" which is not what happend. I could care a less she is getting aid, but I care when she is ungratful about it. You can't hate a goverment that GIVES you your life. Finally the rest of the class came to my aid.
It was just really frustrating.

Then, I am trying to change my major and get my Vet Tech license..its just really confusing.

IDK. Its been a long day.

The chins are doing well, but not together yet.
Rabbits are well, and the rest of the group is well.

Time for a lavender bath, I think.
I apologize, but I don't know anything about Chins....that is why I was asking about pedigrees and such. I didn't know if Chins were like rats at all or not in the way of breeding them.

Sorry if I upset you :tears2:.
No, its okay. I guess I just took it really personally. I have had just a bad day. I guess the whole thing was well yeah I know not to breed store animals.
And the worst part is in mid-bath the place I got him from called and said they made a mistake..he is HETERO not HOMO..which really makes me angry. He looks super homogyzous too, but I guess his eyes are a bit dark. So that means if I do breed him I only get a %25 chance of brown velvet, which makes the entire process seem retarted..They refunded me $50 because of the confusion which was nice on thier part.

Well, I am focusing on good things.
I got the shelves, which in bad news, one of the screws broke. I paid like $27 for these three shelves and I am dissapointed in them. I guess thats not focusing on good things.
Good news is the chins love them. Right now all 3 are in the FN and the shelves are really helping the bonding process (The newness of the cage)
James is going to remove the middle section of the FN hopefully Thursday, and then I will order more shelves. Actually, that doesn't make much sense. I should order and get the shelves first, that way the chins can jump around, lol. It is going to cost me another $70 approx (I am also ordering a couple extra toy making supplies since the chins chew through so much wood) which puts my total at like $448 on the chinchillas..not including the $150 Romeo cost. YIKES MYIA. Good thing I am working overtime.

I found some old regular batteries, and was able to get shots of the cage, and then a couple of Romeo. Some toys are missing in the cage (about 4) because they are in Romeo's temporary cage.

Bottom of cage

Top of cage (sorry for the mess)

Full cage:

Do you see all those chips in the paint? That is the chins doing. Great job chins.

I just looked at the pictures on the first page of your blog and I am dying of the cuteness of your tattoos and all your pets!!!! :D I'd stay and look some more but I really should be doing my statistics homework right now..Agh!
My next pet is most definitely a leopard gecko! I almost had one this year but I decided to set up my 20L tank for fish instead.
So, I am "calculating" orders for the chins now.
First order:
1 large shelf for cage
1 med shelf for cage
1 small shelf for cage
1 corner hammock
3ft of seagrass rope (For toys)
With shipping costs 50.25

Now I want to say thats it, but the fact is they have thesse bridges you can make for about $20..I decided to get these ledges first and see if there is even room for a bridge.

This is a time where everyone should say "Lucky chins!"
They are the cheapest I can find, and are great quality. I order most of my things from her.

So, if it's something to read and put input in, this next major paragraph is really something.

I am a full time student at Arizona State. I am in my second year. I changed my major from science to "Women and Gender studies" last fall. I hate this major..I wanted to study sexual disorders but I now found out (In contradiction to my advisor) that I am pretty much stuck taking women studies classes..which I DON'T want to do.
I need to change my major..I can't stand these classes.
I really don't want to go back to science because I have to go to calculus and take a bunch of BS physics class that have no real meaning.
So my options are:
English with a concentration in Lit
But on top of that, I decided to get my vet tech certificate
Doing it at the community college would take too long, so I am looking at technical schools. Hopefully I can graduate within a year or two (Since I will still be at ASU then) and get a great job, and it will be afordable.

I have also decided to go to Vet school. Now, ASU does NOT offer pre vet as a major. The closest thing they have is "animal physiology and behavior" which is what my science degree was..and it's a bunch of BS. So I can't drop out of ASU and just become a tech..also my bf won't let me. I pretty much have to get my bacholors..I am the first in my family to get past 10th grade..I think I pretty much need to.

So pretty much I think I will be able to get into Grad Vet school because I will be a technition..and I know for a fact your bacholors can be anything as long as you have "basic" requirements which are all met when I become a tech.

So my major is up to me..but it just feels like a waste of time. I wish I could graduate with something I could use..
I am in a jumble choosing my major too. I'm in my third year and I've gone from.... pre-law to biology to anthropology. I really looooooove anthropology. This is my first semester taking the related classes so it may be too soon to tell but it really feels like it fits. The lack of math and science are awesome too. :p
Anthropology would indeed benefit you if you plan on going on to vet school. Apparently (according to my anth professor) the social sciences are well respected in the medical world and having such a degree may give you a foot in the door that others don't have. Plus you're learning about people and how to be culturally sensitive. I think that would be really valuable if you were a vet dealing with emotional pet owners.
Studying something like that would make you well-rounded compared to all the other kids trying to get into vet school with boring ol biology degrees.

I think that's awesome that you're going for a vet tech degree while getting your bachelors--I can't even imagine doing both! Time wise and financially. I've been thinking of a similar path, actually. For now I'm just going to get my bachelors degree and see what happens.

Good luck with what you decide! I know it is horrible deciding this stuff..
Thank you. Well I already take out student loans to help me, so I figure I will be in debt anyways. I was told I should qualify for another loan if I go to tech school. The unfortunate thing is, no one in my family qualifies to be a cosigner if it is a private I would have to figure out something.
I mean, I can balance my classes right now really well. I only go to classes from the time I leave at 8:30 am until I get out of class at 4:00pm..only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I work Sundays from 8am-6pm and then 2 days from MWF from like 2:30 to if I could take night classes or day classes on respected days it should work. Yes I will be busy, but people do good busy :)
So I am in a bit of tears.
I was holding chewy and I realize how much I MISS Pinball. I am so sad he is no longer with us. I just miss him so much. And he died in such a scary way for me..seeing him have those siezures really killed me.
While he was an independent bunny, he still showed his love in many ways.
I will always have you in my heart, Pinball. RIP.
aww Myia, I am sorry that you are still struggling with thoughts of Pinball.. No one should ever have to witness a pet go through that..
But Pinball certainly had a good mama :)
RIP Little Pinball..
I've just been catching up Myia on your blog OMG I'm so jealous you got a new chin Romeo is so cute, God you sure are spending a pretty penny on them wish i'd the money to spoil mine, Fingers crossed I can track down a black opel there so cute !
Sorry you were having a bad day. Hugs from Sebastian, Baci, Shades and Cappy!
Could this day just not get any worse?!

My apartment is making me rehome Furrari.
First they asked us to pay the pet deposit, then the next thing we know they said we had 7 noise compalints due to her excessive meowing..even after her spay.

I am sooo sad. I don't know what to do.
This is so stupid.
They are also doing an expection on my apartment between the 15th of febuary and I have to temporaray re house my chins and rabbits to my in laws house.

Ughhhh what an awful day