No, its okay. I guess I just took it really personally. I have had just a bad day. I guess the whole thing was well yeah I know not to breed store animals.
And the worst part is in mid-bath the place I got him from called and said they made a mistake..he is HETERO not ****..which really makes me angry. He looks super homogyzous too, but I guess his eyes are a bit dark. So that means if I do breed him I only get a %25 chance of brown velvet, which makes the entire process seem retarted..They refunded me $50 because of the confusion which was nice on thier part.
Well, I am focusing on good things.
I got the shelves, which in bad news, one of the screws broke. I paid like $27 for these three shelves and I am dissapointed in them. I guess thats not focusing on good things.
Good news is the chins love them. Right now all 3 are in the FN and the shelves are really helping the bonding process (The newness of the cage)
James is going to remove the middle section of the FN hopefully Thursday, and then I will order more shelves. Actually, that doesn't make much sense. I should order and get the shelves first, that way the chins can jump around, lol. It is going to cost me another $70 approx (I am also ordering a couple extra toy making supplies since the chins chew through so much wood) which puts my total at like $448 on the chinchillas..not including the $150 Romeo cost. YIKES MYIA. Good thing I am working overtime.
I found some old regular batteries, and was able to get shots of the cage, and then a couple of Romeo. Some toys are missing in the cage (about 4) because they are in Romeo's temporary cage.
Bottom of cage
Top of cage (sorry for the mess)
Full cage:
Do you see all those chips in the paint? That is the chins doing. Great job chins.