So, I am working a 10 hour shift watching my client, and I get the freedom of using the internet.
So more rants! lol!
I left Friday night to the in laws and got back about 1 am last night. I tried taking brownie out of the cage, and he was scared and hesitant. It took awhile to get him out. It was also very wierd..I am so used to just picking up Fluffy and not getting bite that it was startling to go through the taming process again. But once he was out, he was fine. He was also being soooo cute!!! I have never been a big fan of the "brown" regular syrians, but he has my heart. He is just SO big..I feel like his cage is too small. You can see him in the photo, and I would like people's opinion. I don't really like leval cage for syrians since they are more prone to falling and are not as active climbers as dwarfs, but idk. It also blows the other cage is about $80 for the multi level, but is acutally smaller in lenght.
I am starting on the gecko cages, measuring out all the supplies. It will be completley DIY..I am making a really kick as habitat..It will be a rock wall with connecting hides and ledges. what you do is carve out styrofoam and cover it with groat, paint, and seal it and there you go. It looks like natural rock. It is really pretty. Here is an example, although mine will of course be different
It probably won't be done for 2 weeks, since I forgot the supplies at my in laws, and it will take another week of acutal doing. But I of course will post photos.
I am down to two 20 gallon cages, one on top with my two females and the bottom with 1 male. I was going to try to get another pair, but I am so strapped for money I just can't. Maybe next season

And I found out my females probably WONT be ready to breed this season too! UGH! They are just too small. Maybe twoards the end of the season (late summer):/
So, the bunny cages are NIC and been under construction. Currently my lionhead is in 42 in by 28n by 14in, and my english lop in 70 in by 28 by 14 in.
I MAY had another panel to my lionhead's cage, but I don't think I may have room. I also have to add the 2nd leval so it will be tall enough for the EL.
I currently use only fleece blankets as bedding, and chewbacca is not using the litter box since she needs to be spayed. Sheriff is pee wise, but I am sure that will change with maturity. I do have pee stains, which I am pretty angry about but I just dont know what to do. I really want Sheriff to be free range, but Furrari has been a little rough on the buns so it just would not work all the time. Plus chewbacca can't because she loves to chew.
I will be getting more photos of the buns! lol, all the other animals have been getting the attention!
I need to schedule Chew's spay, just have not found the money or time. I may have extra money, but I have to pay my rent on the 1st before I make that decision. It will be before May though.
Sheriff is just the friendlist rabbit ever..always wanting attention. He is just like a dog, he LOVES to be petted..will just sit there while you pet him, lol.
He is still sneezing once and awhile however, which makes me concern. I decided to watch it a little bit, and if need be take him to the vet.
Chewbacca finally is nice to Sheriff, and they can have play time together (Don't worry, Sheriff isn't old enough to breed!) which is going great. She is showing all the normal standoffish signs of needing to be spayed.
She still gives me kisses and loves, but just not as much. She also used to come to you, which she doesn't do anymore. :/
James agreed to pay for half of the spay, so maybe we can do it sooner if I talk to him. Plus that also means we don't have to worry about a pregnant bunny when sheriff comes around to maturity.
Well..I think thats a long enough post!