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Oh the chinchillas playing up, or are they settling again, Sorry to hear about the bite hope your hand heals well, omg you're nearly completely in the big bad world congrats!
Hey..sorry for not updating or being on the site..things have been busy.

So we are getting Chewbacca's spay appt up, but were having MAJOR schedule conflicts due to the fact that the days I don't have school, James does and we can't figure out who will be there to drop her off/pick her up.
Hopefully we can figure it out.

Sheriff is doing really well, I haven't had time to measure his ears, but I hope he will qualify for the show.

I stopped the introduction of the chins, just put thier cages side by side, and today I will take them out for a nuetral setting play time. I wanted Romeo to settle into the house. He is so young (Only 2 months) so I didn't want to stress him out anymore and have some time to bond to me.

Well, yesterday I went to a place called Pratt's livestock/feed/pet store. The title should tell you what comes next.

I have to say, the store it self wasn't THAT bad..I mean yeah, it needed work, but as far as pet stores it isn't the worst.

The problems:
3 unsexed chinchillas sharing a glass enclosure usually reserved for puppies you see at the mall. The only thing in the cage was a plastic hut that was chewed and a plastic dust bath that was chewed. Chinchillas will chew on anything, and plastic can cause impaction. I did not see food or hay, only a water bottle (Chins diet is almost exactly like rabbits however they can't have fresh veggies)

There was a very young REW mini rex rabbit, probably about 4 weeks old, living on its own with a guine pig, on aspen. Sharing the same food.

The adult/baby rabbits were in seperate water trofts (Thats right, water trofts) but were not sexed. There was food and water, however the adults only had 1 small water bottle that was near empty. They were on aspen. An employee filled the water bottle after probably seeing me trying to sex the rabbits and checking on them.

The birds were kept in Ok conditions..there were a lot in a cage, and then some conures where kept in very small glass cages. A bunch of society finches were sharing a small literally almost enough not to move.
There was food and water.

Livestock kept in OK was present but water was kept in buckets that were not always clean. No mudhole for the potbelly pig, there was 1 sheep kept in a small enclousre, but may been adequate for really temporary conditons.

Well, what really got me, is there was just people manhandling the rabbits. But then there was 2 men who were looking at the rabbits talking in spanish "Will this do?" and I heard "Food" (I don't speak fluent spanish, but I know most) and I nearly died. I started almost crying begging James to save one of the babies, but he was my voice of reason "You can't save every animal"

So I was pretty upset..

But he is right. I can't. But I can do my best.
How all you rescue organizations do it, I don't know. When I was doing rehabilitaion for mostly reptiles, I was always depressed and wanted to buy/save every animal I saw.

Sometimes, it becomes too overwhelming.
Aw I'm sorry. I really try pretty hard to stay away from places like that. I don't go into pet stores or anyplace that sells live animals like that, it's just too heartbreaking. It's so hard to not buy them - but I know if I bought them they'd just be replaced with another poor animal.
No, there site is pretty glitchy and no photos were available, so hopefully I can schedule and appt and check the buns out.
Ok, so I posted that above trying to ignore my personal life, but I have to rant.

I had 2 close friends but 1 we don't even talk anymore (Not that I would want to anymore) and the other is severly flakey and idk..

So I am not a typical sorority girl, but I was contacted by some really cool girls and I went to rush tonight.

They were all really cool and I thought it would be great to join..but I work during all the meetings and there is no way I could take off work.

So it is no soroity..and I am desperate to make friends. I feel like I don't have any anymore besides James, which isn't a good thing.

I really felt this is what I needed, and hopefully maybe I can make friends out of the soroity, but it is so hard for me.

Also, my vacumm broke and my mother gave me an old one of hers along with a cheapy cheapy one, and I have to try to use all freaking three to clean the carpet of chin and bun poo.
Literally it took me like an hour of vacumming, it was so retarted.

Ah, I am just so bummed and sad.
I don't know what to do :(
Myia09 wrote:

Sorry that your having a rough time of it. I can relate to what you are going through. I worked 30 hours a week and while going to college, it does make it hard to have any kind of social life.

I was looking at your bunny selection and I vote for Chandra. Reminds me of a Batman villian. She is so cute.
Well I already told you, but I will tell you again....I vote either Chandra or Minnie because one of them could have been mine if Molly hadn't come into my life. Not that thats a bad thing....I love my Molly <3.

Sorry to hear about the sorority thing. I, too, really only have my husband as a friend....which does get pretty lonely sometimes. I mean, I have 2 friends from NY that still talk to me (the rest fell of the planet probably, lol).....I have a friend here whom I hang out with sometimes (when we both aren't busy)....and then my husband and I both have friends that we only usually hang out when we all get together for drinks or go out to coffee.

I think the hard part is being 21 and married. Most of our friends just moved down to Tempe to go to they are living college life and we are living married life (not that married life isn't fun!).
Yeah, I think I am going to wait a week or two just to make sure adopting is 100% what I want to do, and to get the cage ready.

The feed store FINALLY had hay I got 3 huge bagfulls to keep from running out..its kind of an out of the way trip anyways. With 2 buns and 3 chins, I figure I will be going through a lot more hay than usual.

Well Paul, a funny thing with the Chins happend. So I gave them 2 hours of out of cage time and they were all exhausted so I put them all in the same Ferret Nation. Well I go to bed, but James is going to stay up late, so I told him to put Romeo back. Well guess who didn't. So they spent all night together and I woke up to find them all snuggly and bubbly together, and they been great since. Everyone sharing space, food, ect ect. Even when they got fresh hay when Valentine is usually very hoggish about it but they shared just fine. So I successfully introduced all three. They were all grooming and I could not see any signs this was a "temp" thing.

Yeah Amy, and the worst is James has 3 close friends who he talks to alot and one he sees everyweek, and I don't feel like I have that anymore. And it is just so hard to make friends anymore it seems. I am just having a stessful two weeks..I lost my car/house keys so I have no mode of transport, I am just tierd/cranky/stressed and its hard to concentrate on the good right now. :/
Uh I was just contacted by a Chinchilla rescue/breeder that has a pink white male for adoption...
He is a little rescue from a horder (One of the babies) and is so adorable and the adoption fee is really low ($30).

I know I just got Romeo...but at the same time I feel honored she would contact me (She was referred by people who knew me) special for this chinchilla..

Should I say yes? I mean, I do have the room.

What I could do is seperate my ferret nation into 2 parts and keep Valentine and Casanova on one and try to bond Romeo and the Rescue,

Or I do have the extra large Chin cage which is very large (Just not as good) as the FN to keep him in if he can't get bonded.

As for money, I buy all my food in bulk, so it is really not a problem.


And I totally named him..Cupid. Which is perfect because of his little pink ears and all white body.

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