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You know, let me tell you this.
Casanova is very timid, shy, and calm. He is always submissive to Valentine. But let me tell you..he hates every other animal with attacking passion while its Valentine who is passive of other animals.
So it really is up in the air. I mean, I think a baby would be best, but you also have to worry about them picking on him too much of his size.
A timid adult male may not be so timid with another chin.
Tri bonding is the hardest to do with any animal I believe..
you have to hope for the best, and make options available if they don't. I have an extra cage my third can go into until I gett the FN add on, so it works out for me.
I would say take A LOT A LOT A LOT of time bonding them..lots of play time and stuff. That is what I am going to do.
Best of luck!
Myia09 wrote:
You know, let me tell you this.
Casanova is very timid, shy, and calm. He is always submissive to Valentine. But let me tell you..he hates every other animal with attacking passion while its Valentine who is passive of other animals.
So it really is up in the air. I mean, I think a baby would be best, but you also have to worry about them picking on him too much of his size.
A timid adult male may not be so timid with another chin.
Tri bonding is the hardest to do with any animal I believe..
you have to hope for the best, and make options available if they don't. I have an extra cage my third can go into until I gett the FN add on, so it works out for me.
I would say take A LOT A LOT A LOT of time bonding them..lots of play time and stuff. That is what I am going to do.
Best of luck!
Thanks for the advice, Well I wouldn't be getting the ferret nation and the possible third chinchilla till VERY late summer or even early Autumn(September my birthday) So I have alot of time to think and throw around ideas! I am wondering though can you also get these ferret nation extensions in Ireland? Well I'm planning to get the largest one in the store, So even if they don't have the extension and the bonding doesn't work I can just give one floor to the newest male.
The Ferret 142 which is what I have, can fit 4 chinchillas when open completley. However 1 "leval" is really only adequate for 1 chinchilla..some people put 2 in but I don't feel that is enough.
The 1 leval ferret nation is the 141 model. The add on is 143..which is what I am getting.
Thats all the FN as far as I am aware.
Myia09 wrote:
The Ferret 142 which is what I have, can fit 4 chinchillas when open completley. However 1 "leval" is really only adequate for 1 chinchilla..some people put 2 in but I don't feel that is enough.
The 1 leval ferret nation is the 141 model. The add on is 143..which is what I am getting.
Thats all the FN as far as I am aware.
Oh thanks for those helpful tips! So I should be able to section off if it is needed and all chinchillas live in peace YaY!
As promised..they weren't being very photogentic, but it will suffice.

Chewy is the dominant one in the realationship


Bunneh Kisses

This is why I love lionheads

Lookin grumpy

Then looking curious

Into the depths!

The best show pose I could get him into, lol
Chewy reminds me a lot of my Barnaby - but I think Barnaby is smaller?

Very cute pics!

I've also been working on my geckos tanks. I need to get more grout though. I only made the rock caves like this once before and didn't really like how they came out, but I'm hoping I'll get better with practice.

My fiance loves the pets too, it's cute. I'm glad I found a guy who likes animals almost as much as I do, because I don't think I'd still be with him if he wasn't as accepting about it as he is. He spent so much time in with the bunnies the other night, just playing with them and letting them climb all over him. :inlove:

I loooove lucy ball phythons. Soo pretty. I also like albino and piebald.

I go to my local petstore (Not a big chain, a nice locally owned awesome store) to get goldfish
and I ended up getting this absolutlyamazingcrazybeautifulgoregous HOMO BEIGE CHINCHILLA

It was a complete surprise. I just happen to walk over to the small pets, and there he was. So absoulutly beautiful.
I will be picking him up tonight (I was only on my scooter, lol) and I am soooo excited.

I really wish it was a female so I could breed, but it's okay. I am going to end up getting a normal female to breed down the road.
Hopefully I can start the bonding process asap and see if they all get along.

He was born 09/21/09 in the store..just beautiful..
Your just got to see him in person.

Here is a link to a color can see a homo beige that is similar

You know Valentine could pass off as a wilson white, but his poor tail as flecks of black! Your lucky to have such rare chins!

EEEEEEEKKK I am so excited!!

PS James not only agreed, but is also excited!! lol!

Looking at that website though makes me ACHE for a goldbar and a violet. Soooo pretty.

PS Paul,
I still did NOT get the shelves..I guess UPS lost them. So I am pretty angry. But it is kinda okay, because I would have to re-do the FN for the new chinchilla to make it "nuetral" terrioty..
Which should be in time for me to order even more things! Yay! (But not yay on my wallet)

Also name help would be appreciated..I go for the "lover" names, so Romeo is the next OBVIOUS choice, but if anyone has other names they can think of that fit into that context, it would be great.
T-Minus 1 1/2 hours until Romeo comes home, lol
Just a quick update;
As said before I need to re-do the rabbits cages. Well, since Chewsters and Sheriff are getting a long so well, I cut the divider out and they are sharing one large cage (Its 7 NIC panels long) and are doing well. I am still going to fix it up, well, James is, lol, which is why I am still waiting (Darn boyfriends!)
I am SERIOUSLY considering Sheriffs adult size..I really think he should be free roam. He doesn't chew either, so it may work out. Lets hope!

Well, I just finished homework and I have to put up the chinchilla cage I JUST took down that the Ferret Nation well this little beige is totally worth it!
Love the pic's! :)

Congrats on your new addition. Can't wait for pic's. :pinkbouce:

I also have to say, I think your very pretty Myia. I'veseen your pic's here and there and I've wanted to tell youbutIhaven't yet. So....I just did. Lol. ;)
Aww thank you :)
Hehe. I actually have a total ugly duck story..I don't think I am by any means beautiful now, but I used to be really ugly..people tell me "Oh, no, your just exagerating" then they see some old photos...and the response is always "Oh.."
Even James! lol! are coming soon! Hopefully T-Minus 45 I have to wait for James to get out of class and drive home (He is picking the chin up)
Its horrible! My camera's batteries died!

I got a few bad photos..its the best I could get! That means no photos until NEXT monday! Ugh!

Well, I introduced them because I felt that Romeo (the beige) was calm enough (Don't worry, he had a vet check 6 days ago) and it went great..I put them all in the ferret nation for about 10 minutes and it went well. Only a little chasing and humping.

So it should take only a week or two to get them ok with each other. Casanova just ignores him..its Valentine being dominant.

gosh I wish I had my camera..he is doing the cutest poses right now!!
I feel like Chins are really his handsomness is blurred.
Also, he was in need of a dust bath so his fur was "crinkly"

Casanova and Romeo (PS that dust is chinchilla dust, it gets cleaned up after they "bathe")

"I don'ts wants your hand!"

Don't worry all..he just had a dust bath and all those "creases" you see are gone. He is looking even cuter!
oh my so many beautiful animals :inlove::inlove::inlove:

Ive just practically aww'd all the way through your blog.

Im envious you have my 2 dream chinchillas White Mosiac and Black Velvet... beautiful! ive just got my first chin a Beige boy.


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