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You should contact Lindsay and ask her if she will take Furrari back. I'd be VERY careful about who you rehome her to....there are a ton of wackos out there in the PHX area, lol.

I'm so sorry you have to rehome her :(. Can't you just find someone to foster her for a few months?
Yeah, I emailed Lindsay but from my understanding she wants the cat back for free, which with ther cost, the spay I paid for, and the pet deposit, I am out about $500..which I don't think is fair.

What I mean about the pet deposit is now they know about the cat and I have to pay $150 in fees. I paid 200 for her, and her spay was 110.

And no, I won't rehome her to just anybody. She is too special and special needs.

And I can't have her fosterd Amy, because she got NOISE complaints..I won't be moving into a house until 2 years or so..I got 7 noise compliants from her. She just can't be an apartment cat.

Myia09 wrote:
No, I did not. Why would that matter?
I just know she has a strict contact with her rabbits stating that if you can no longer keep them, then they must go back to her. I didn't know if she had wrote one up for the kitty or not, thats why I was just wondering.
Huh..I never signed one with Sheriff. No, we talked when we first got her and got the first replies, but she was really vauge. Her husband wanted that cat GONE that is for sure..he was really obnoxious about it.
The vet tech replied really mean..she asked if I had already talked to her because she was going to pay for the spay. I said no, but you may have talked to her orignial owner. She then replied "Maybe..K. Please let me talk it over with my husband" which sounded really odd to me..
I would like to add, I have NO problem paying the deposit..that is not the issue.
The issue is we can't keep her due to noise complaints..

All I am asking from lindsay is the original $200 I paid for, because she didn't warn me how vocal she was. In fact, I don't feel she warned me about anything about the cat.
Oh no I'm so sorry about Furrari! That's too bad that you weren't warned about how loud she is. Good luck trying to find her a new home.
Myia09 wrote:
gestation is 111 days, so I have quite a while.

Holy cow, I never knew it was that long!
Then I had to deal with this girl..who is an American born Hispanic..who last week told us how she is on a full ride (Goverment paid) scholorship because her parents are Mexican Immigrants..and how she also gets grants (Goverment free money) and lives off the grants because they are just extra money since her scholorship pays for it.
Then today she goes on this huge rant how "America sucks, it is the root of evil, sexism/racism/every ism is America's doing, and just BASHES on America..even though she herself was American. You wouldn't believe the things she said.
I just couldn't help myself when I said "Well, if you hate America so much, why don't you have a problem with them paying for your schooling, rent, car, ect. I am sorry ,but I don't want my tax money going to pay the education of someone as ungratful as you."
She then started yelling gibberish when all I had to say is "Well if you hate it, why don't you move out and have somebody else's goverment pay for your schooling?" and she didn't say anything.
Then I get attacked by 4 other studetns for being "Racist" which is not what happend. I could care a less she is getting aid, but I care when she is ungratful about it. You can't hate a goverment that GIVES you your life. Finally the rest of the class came to my aid.
It was just really frustrating.

Way to go!:highfive::great:I too find it interesting.
Well, I could not convince my neighbors to keep Furrari, but I found a great home for her with a vet tech. She leaves at the end of next week :(

Chewbacca and Sheriff were sharing a cage, but then all of a sudden Wensday night they start fighting like crazy..I rush and pick up Sheriff who gives me a HUGE bite on the palm of my hand..literally it goes completly through. I yell and we get them seperated, and Sheriff knew he did something wrong and kept nudging me trying to apologize and be sweet.
I think its from Chew not being spayed..she is horomonal.

I may not be able to show Sheriff, which I have posted a question in the show room about that.

Chinchilla bonding = harder than I thought. I was doing in-cage bonding and the chasing was not too bad, but it just would not stop. So I am giving them a break and doing bathroom bonding again.

Other animals are fine.
I'm sad to see Furarri go...but I am glad you gave that vet tech a chance :).

Sorry about the bunnies fighting. Its just not safe to house rabbits together who aren't spayed and neutered. Hopefully they can bond once they've been altered!
Yeah, well they were getting along so well, and Sheriff is too young to breed so I wasn't worried, but Chew does have mood swings! So yeah, they are seperated and were making appt for Chew's spay.

But yeah, she has a great home with her, and I VERY much warned her..but she lives in a house and she swears she wants a velco cat.
Sooo..I just changed my major and I was going through the whole process and I realized I graduate in 3 semesters..Fall of 2011.
I graduated high school May of graduating class is not suppossed to graduate college until May of 2012.
So I am freaking out..its coming up so soon, and so early.
I am excited, but nervous. I will have my bacholers and I will barely be 21!!!

I have decided once I graduate ASU I will go and get my Vet Tech license, and then go to Vet school.
Sooo nervous..and so excited..and happy..and all sorts of things. GAH.

:party0002: Congrats! It's awesome your making school ahigh priority in your life. :)I didn't get the chance to do that, but I'm doing it now at my old age. LOl. :p