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So, if you want to know how I am, just read "rescue me"

I really feel awful, but I simply don't know what to do.
I just read your rescue post - so sorry!

If you wanted too, maybe you could try to raise the money for an early neuter or see if you could get some donations. But even then, you'd still have to wait awhile to see if it has any effects. I've never had a rabbit act aggressive like that at such a young age - I thought usually they didn't start to be effected by hormones until they where a little older. If it's not his hormones, a neuter probably wouldn't change much.

It sounds like a really stressful situation. If he really doesn't seem to like you, maybe he would do better with someone else (behavior wise). I don't think it's crazy to assume that like people, rabbits just have people that for whatever reason, they don't like.

If you don't get any potential homes for him here, maybe you could try posting on bunspace too? At least then you'll know that he'll go to a home with at least some rabbit experience.
Well I just can't spend $300+ on a early nueter. I just can't. If that makes me a bad pet parent, then I am.
I talked to his breeder and I am awaiting reply. I am hoping she will take him back and keep him herself. I really do think it is me..because he isn't like this with anyone else. He doesn't chase or lunge at James.

James wants to keep Sheriff, but now after the foot bite he wants him gone. I spent the night crying over it. Its just so much to deal with.

And that is what the vet said..he is no where near maturity. So IDK if it is horomones or not.
I'm sorry to hear thatas well must be tough on you as have done everything you could though...many hugs to you :hug:

Those pictures of your bunniesare just adorable.
I wasn't trying to imply you where a bad mom to him, not at all! All I meant was, I dunno maybe something like a bake sale or something could help raise some money. Or donations - even if a lot of people just donated $10 or something, it would add up. On Bunspace they have a group who helps rabbit parents in financial need - they get donations or auction things off. They might be willing to help too.

When Berry was sick I made and sold jewelry online, and used the money towards her vet costs. It didn't cover her whole bill (which was very expensive), but every little bit helps.

Good luck. I saw in your rescue thread that Sheriff is going to go spend some time with Amy. Hopefully he behaves for her!!
Lighter note? Yes.

So James and I are beginning blueprint sketching for our tortise house. Yes tortise house! I want to buy 1-2 Sulculta hatchinlings when we get the new apartment. We could do it in our current aparment, but our patio isn't solid (Its wood) and I am afraid it will be to "lumpy"

I am doing pretty good research on what to do during in AZ our winters are around 40 at night. Sulcultas do not hibernate like other turtles.

Before anyone jumps on me, yes I do know how large they get. It will be in about 2-3 years we will be renting a house owned by his mother (if not sooner). If that falls through, my mother has a house I could house them if for some reason in 3 years they are full grown (Isn't likley to happen)

While it will only take 5-10 years for them to grow full size in captivity, I am prepared for their size.

I was also thinking of maybe 1-2 leopard tortises..but we will see. I love the idea of 100 pound tortise in my backyard :)

They are very popular pets in Arizona. Mind you, you can in fact find them in the wild here! (Which is illegal to take for the wild anyways) so they do very well.

One day I would like a swimming pool sized santuary for pond turtles, who IMO are the MOST abused animals of them all. One side will be strictly RES and YBS only, and the other sie for larger turtles, like soft shells. If we rent a house, I have thought about buying a above ground pond (My friend has one) and taking in a couple (They are offerd to me all the time) but I am not sure if that will work. I much rather have a permenent pond.

I am having to block my gecko fourm out of my browser because all the new babies makes me so jealous! I wish my females were ready! My Super Snow is ovulating, but she just isn't big enough for me. I also want to add some pet-onlys but as I said before I need to wait for the reptile show! It will be interesting if I can hold out, lol.

I took down my fish wasn't getting any attention. Fishies went to a larger tank at a friends. I am not going to set another up until we are in larger place, where I can have a 40-55 gallon, which probably means until we get a house.

I have a job interview with another caregiver company and client..I am hoping it goes well.

Fat Hammie starts his new diet today..I am excited. I faxed it over to my Vet (who now lives in NV..he worked on my dwarf hammie Mr. Fatty) and he said he loved it. Yay! We also discussed whether or not to add pellets or block, which is an interesting debate.

Chins are well, Casanovas chewed fur is taking forever to get back to normal, which makes me sad because he had SUCH a beautiful coat!

Anyways..I think thats it!
I am giddying with excitement! I totally found Fat Hammies New cage..its about 40 inches long x 20 wide x 17 high.

It got great reivews on a UK board.

Here is a picture with a Syrian in it:

But I am going to do it toally different..a very natural-esque feel, with wood houses, that have ladders to go from house to house.

The only problem is, its $100. Wowzers! But I figure I can sell the 2 cages I have now for a total of $30 or so, so that takes off a bit of the price. I just need to have it! lol!

The only place in US I found sells it, its out of stock..hopefully not forever!
So I think all the stress with Sheriff has my body wacked out. I have hypertonic scarring ON BOTH of my conchs..ugh. Now I have severe problems with it on all my cartlidge piercings (Rook, vertical tragus, double tragus) and although I only have my rook now, it took 2 years for the ugyl hypertonic scarring to go away.

So I am off to my piercer so he can clean it up better for me and check on things, because James kneed one of the conch piercings
Thats right. He kicked it (we were wresting, honest to go just plain wrestling lol) and it almost came completley out..had to push it back in..ugh it was horrible!

I am getting rid of my NIC panels, I just can't stand the way they look anymore, and with Sheriffs huge cage (sniff) gone, I think Chewy will be best in a Super Pet XL..although I found one at a local ma and pop place thats twice as big for only $25 more.

I am also selling things for her spay now.

The debate of keeping Kinobe or not is still in discussion. We will see I guess.

Well, I know people say they read my blog, haven't gotten much replies latley, but I hope you are all still reading.
Ouch, sorry to hear your piercings are giving you such grief. I can't have any piercings, no matter what metal I use, or I get clusters of mini abcesses all around them. I don't mind not having them, but I imagine if you love piercings and body mods it must really be a pain to have issues with them!
Awesome hammy cage. I have gotten stuff from that big apple herp site a few times before and they where great :)

I don't like NIC panels either. I'm horrible at building NIC cages and my fiance thinks they're ugly, so we don't use them anymore.

Sorry about your piercings.
I read your blog! almost every update! although I am so ADD that I forget to respond!

Sorry about your piercing, trust me, I know how bad they can hurt! I myself am in a great debate cause my septum piercing isn't straight, so now I have to decide just how much of a perfectionist I want to be and either keep it slightly done at a downward angle, or take it out, let it heel, and start the whole process over again. ugh.

and since I have already gone off bunny topic, can I ask how painful was the dermal chest anchor? I really want one but not sure how much they hurt in comparison to a regular surface piercing (I have a rather high pain tolerance to mods, I can almost fall asleep while getting a tattoo).
Have you ordered your cage, yet? I looked and it seems like you can, so they aren't out as of now.

Can't wait to see it when you have it all fancied up!
I can't afford that hamster cage just yet. Probably in May or so.
Thanks for all the replies.

Well, I can't tell you really how much it "hurt" Katt..I mean lol compard to what. It's not really how it is implanted that hurts..It is putting the dermal top on. But relativley it didn't hurt.

So if you didn't read my post on let your hare down, my geckos finally bred! My Super Snow and Mack Snow far the Blazing Blizzard just isn't feeling it, lol. So that is 2-4 weeks for eggs to be laid, and another 6-8 for incubation. UGH so long! lol! I am hoping for a clutch of 1-2, she is on the small side so I doubt she will have anything more. I will also probably keep the hatchlings, so I am temp sexing them to be females.

Although, the thing that blows about breeding is feeding dubia roaches to the females..UGH..disgusting. I am not afraid of other roaches..just dubias. They are so dirty looking!

James and I looked at some Bearded Dragons at the Pet store and he is dying to get one, which makes me happy. However, now its story time.

I rescued 2 bearded dragons, one male and female. I don't agree with housing same sex reptiles because the males will often dominante the females too much and they don't eat as much, ect ect and egg bound is scary thing to deal with.

Well, they were housed on sand and the female had severe impaction (the male also had impaction but it was slight). I had her for about 4 months and tried to make her life as comfortable as possible, but she passed.

The male took it hard. And he was my special buddy. He would chill on my shoulder, we would play outside together, lol.

But after losing his mate, he became depressed. I had him for another year before he passsed. He was really sullen, didn't eat as much, ect. On the last day he turned black and I knew it was time.

I tried about a year later to get a little baby, but I returned him because it didn't feel right. But now its been 3 years so I think I am ready, lol. Plus this will be "James" pet.

We are not getting it until him or I get more hours at work..tomorrow is my interview at the new job.

Well, chat tomorrow!
Aw, what a sad story :( Sounds like you gave them both the best possible chance after suffering neglect. I'm sure they appreciated it!

I think that just like mammals, reptiles definitely need to be looked at as individuals. I also generally don't like to keep male/female pairings, but Steve has a male and female beardie who have been together since they were hatchlings. They are definitely "buddies" - they get very distressed when we split them up, so much so that we need to bring both of them when we do shows involving a beardie! On the other hand, I got in a pair of leopard geckos as a rescue once and they DESPISED each other despite being together since hatching - nonstop fighting to the point where they were both skinny and stressed from it.
Exciting about the geckos! My Aurora is ovulating and I'm hoping for some babies this year too.

Are you still getting the new chinchillas? I thought they where on their way soon - but haven't seen you talk about them for a few days.

Good luck with your interview and have a great weekend!
Myia thank you!! I've been searching for this pet carrier that I saw on ebay a couple of months back. I was bummed that I didn't get it then and yesterday I was going crazy trying to find it again. I clicked on to the big appple site and found it!

Sorry to hear about Sheriff, perhaps after his neuter, his personality might change. Need more pics of Kinobe!!