Mmmm...warm lentil soup!
Arizona is possibly the strangest weather states. Two days ago, it was 85..then in a matter of hours, it dropped to 62. Yesterday was in the early 60's, and so is today.
Only AZ can we do a 20 degree change in a matter of hours
I had to ride my scooter to work today; a 40ish minute ride for only 13 miles. The problem is the helmet I have hurts my conch ear piercings...but it was far away from what the wind did to them today..OUCH. I am in a lot of pain..they are just so sore!
Well today Sheriff is off to Amy's. Its about a 2 1/2-3 hour drive from my apartment in tempe. Not so bad. I am excited to see if he does well; or shows agression to her as well.
In the matter of keeping Sheriff; I will only do it if down the road him and I hang out at Amy's and it goes well. But if he doesnt misbehave for Amy, I think it is just a sure sign he is unhappy here and needs a new home.
I took the Parakeets outside..I usually have a small outdoor cage, but decided just to move them (In honestly, they are not finger time and I didn't want to/have time to try to get them in the other cage) They are still outside, I will put them back in when I get home. They really like it, my aparments have a lot of trees and foliage so there is wild birds, so the budgies hear it and I think they like it. They chirp really loud outside too
I have been without a vacumn for a week. Yes a week. I have been picking up bunny poo with my hands, lol. The chins its harder however, and thier cage is so dirty! But were getting a vacumn tomorrow for sure..thank god!
I am also freezing the chinchillas dust since it *was* warmer outside..I forget why I don't do it in the winter, since chinchillas are cold weather animals. They really love it. Romeo is so cute in person, but always comes off so ugly in photos!
Well..thats all..for now!