So yesterday with Sheriff was interesting. Right away he got aggressive, and I put him in the bathroom. I have decided the bathroom will the his "time out" place.
I saw that the Vacumm was his trigger, he wanted to "play" with it in a really aggressive way, but I could tell it was just play.
After time out, he was great. I was able to clean with him around without worrying for a very long time (3 hours?) Then he chased me again when I brought out the vacumn. So it is def is a trigger, I put him in time out (To show he can't be that aggressive) and that was it.
I really think it was a great breakthrough.
However, James went to pet Sheriff through the cage (Which I have told him multiple mutlitple times not to do) and he bit James...not break skin but enough for James to get angry and hurt.
So maybe it isn't just me. Vet appt is this Friday, and hopefully from there a nueter and a change.
Kinobe: He is doing great, he is still very shy with me, but otherwise great. I been givng him and Chew out of cage play time, (Don't worry he isn't old enough to produce) and they have been doing great. Unfortunatly, Chews spay money is going to Sherrif, so I gotta budge her spay back in somehow.
But in another serious text, I think Chew may be depressed! She seems so sullen..I don't know why. She has plenty of toys, but maybe they are old? She seems happier with Kinobe though, which is good. I was goign to take her to work with me today, but I have to take the bus home so its a no go. So I think I will take her tomorrow. I don't get off work early enough to go to petsmart, but tomorrrow I am going to buy a couple new toys.
I am also staring a new rotaion with the parakeets..I used to just throw away toys when they were "done" and keep plastic ones (I have 2) constantly in. Well I am going to buy 3 sets of toys and branches, and do a monthy rotation, which really is what should be done. I realized I have had the parakeets since November and they still are not tamed. But I don't know if it is worth the time with Stella since she is 4 years old and a rescue, and it probably would never work and just stress her out. They are tame enough to were I can put my hand in teh cage and clean, just not "finger" tame.
I didn't get the dwarf hammies because James really expressed his discountent. I decided not to get them. My syrian is doing great and he starts his new diet (I wanted to finish the last bag) this week.
Geckos are good, my male wants to breed (Maybe he can smell the females in teh upper cage) but I dont' think either of the females are ready. I am going to buy some dubia roaches and start feeding them every other week to put some breeding weight on them, and maybe they will be ready to go twoards august.
I had a good spring break. Went to two parties, went to the World Wildlife Aquarium (Pictures will be posted in next post), movies, pool hall, ect.
I graduate officially in 3 semesters with a BA in Sociology. So I will either graduate next summer or fall (depending on my classes) which is a full year early from my graudating high school class.
I am going to go back to Community College and get my Vet Tech license. It is kind of backwards, but its what I want to do.
From there, James should be graduated with his BA by then so its off to Veternarian School and Grad school for him.
Today is my official first day of going vegitarian
I am doing it because of health CAFO's..its enough. I used to be a biotechnition so it is VERY true about antibiotic resistant bacteria. Its why I don't take antibiotics at all, and why we have to keep producing new strains of antibiotics (There are 10000 of brands of anitbiotics, none of which have lasted over 10 years besides penicillin) I am reading the book "Animal Factory" which is supposedly a scientific health view of not eating meat (ok I havn'et started reading yet, but I will let you know)
So I am stocking up on lentils and soy beans (I acutally LOVE soy beans so we are good)
Well, hope everyone is well!