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Yeah, beardies seem to get overly attached to thier mates..but I haven't seen it too much in other reptiles otherwise (Besides Blue Tounge Skinks I heard are attachment crazy)

No, no new chinchillas. Did I not post why? Well, she emails me two days before they were to be shipped, and tells me there is an extra $60 in shipping charges. Well, the matter was, I simply DID NOT have another $60! She was SUPER RUDE about it..even though when she first told me she said "If that is too much I will refund your deposit"

Then AZ warms up really fast so I found out the shipping temps would be 82 degrees, and the chins would not be here until early afternoon, so it would be too hot for them to be shipped.

She then gives me a super rude reply about how she has to get up at 3 am to ship the chinchillas, and I said, well now you don't because you dont' have to ship mine.

She refunded my deposit. I found another breeder who has v ery young kits, but I don't know now if I will have the money for them.

Your welcome helen! lol! I lvoe it when that happens.

Well, we will see about Sheriff. I think the ties have been cut.
So discussion time.
When James and I were first dating, I had 3 snakes, a rescued ball phyton, a rescue of a very aggresive striped albino kingnake, and a very adorable baby Albno Nelson milksnake.

Well, the ball phyton escpaped his cage and I found him in my Chinchillas cage. No worries as they are never big enough to eat a chinchilla, but he could have snapped and hurt one of them. So I gave him to a friend of mine who owns other balls.

When James and I figured out we were going to live together, I willingly rehomed my 2 other snakes because he has a phobia of snakes, to my best friend. They are doing great with her.

Well, I really miss them. And I mean tons. I figured milksnakes don't get big enough to even eat my Syrian, so were safe (Not to mention this time I am buying a specific snake tank, not a regular terrruim)

And James..well he can just deal.

I talked to my friend, but she said she wanted to keep the snakes..I don't blame her, its been over a year so she is really attached (She is a snake-only person, and only has 2 others)

So milksnakes are not usually up for adoption, so its about buying one.

This may sound silly, but I am really thinking of getting a baby (So I can hand tame it myself) and be like "Oh well James." LOL.

I suppose I SHOULD ask I know he will say no. Stupid boy being afraid of a measly snake.

If I had my choice, I would have a Brazilian Rainbow Boa, but now with my small mammals.

I am so ready for this September Reptile show to get here already.
So I made a quick list.
I have (Lets say I keep Sheriff, or find Chew a mate)
2 rabbits
3 chinchillas
1 hamster
2 parakeets
3 geckos

I want:
3 more chinchillas (brown velvet, ebony, pink white)
1-2 Crested Geckos
2-3 more Leopard geckos
1 Bearded Dragon
1 milksnake
1 tortise
1-2 dwarf hammies

Wow. I guess I do have "too many" right?
Well, reptiles (Esp geckos) are not high matnince at all..I check thier bowls and pick them up, but really don't require and affection or hard care. I have owned 20+ geckos before, and it was no big deal.

But I guess its the fact I want the reptiles and the chins and hams.

I am no way NOT getting the Chinchillas..I def want them.
So I guess its no Dwarf Hammies :/

This is also the least amount of animals I have ever owned. Wierd right?
So are you keeping Sheriff or do you mean after he comes to me & I see if I can work him through his stage? If he's still coming here, then are you coming up next weekend?
James said yes on the snake, as long as I don't feed it in front of him, and I have to buy an ultra-escape proof cage, lol.

So last night I went to a Star Wars Symphony! Lol, James is a huge star wars nerd. It was pretty good, although I have a huge blood blister on my foot, and his friend who invitited us is a giant douche.

James and I have been discussing the 2nd bedroom we will be getting late September early November.

So I am going to paint the room a pale yellow with white bunny body outlines (Like the decals you stick on walls)

Chewy will hopefully have her husbun then, so him and her will share proabably a NIC cage. I just don't have the money to get a small Pet Giant. And hopefully I will have Sheriff, but I honestly don't know at this point.

Then I will have the reptile tanks (Not the snake tank though, lol) in one corner, as well as the hamster cage. So all animals besides the snake and Chinchillas, and parakeets will be in the room

The chins will most likley be put in the dining room..or really if the room is big enough I can close of a section just for the chins w/o worrying about anything.

I am not sure where I am going to put the Parakeets, but Ido like listening to them so I would like them out of the bunny room.

I am at work 2 hours early, so I have over a 8 hour shift. Then its a 2 hour bus ride home, all because of Jame's stupid Star Wars game..not really happy about it, but I am trying not to be negative.

Well, hope everyone is well!
So I found out my Super Snow Eclipse Leopard gecko is worth $350+..thats right! I bought her with 2 other geckos for about $150! Talk about a great deal huh?

Well, all I have been able to think about is GECKOS! lol.

Well, I had to make a list of what I want to get to expand my breeding.

So, first up is just a normal Super Snow my Super Snow female and him can produce more $350 eclipses!

Then I want a Bell albino male/female pair, just a regular pair of nice geckos.

Now, here is a lot of gecko babble you may not understand, but I am going to babble. Super Snow Albinos are amazing, but still a bit pricey. So I could take my Bell Albinos and breed them to both my super snows, and hopefully get some Super Snow albinos..but I am wondering if it would be more valuable to buy a Super Snow Albino female to breed to the Normal Male Super Snow and produce way more..

OR a Super Snow Albino Male to breed to my Super Snow Eclipse to make AMAZING Super Snow Albino Eclipse..which I have yet to see.

/end babble. lol

Then we have the "Optional" geckos, geckos that are eitehr pet only, or have small parts of the breeding project.

I really want a Rainwater Albino to get Rainwater Albino Super Snows..different types of Albinos (Bell, Tremper, Las Vegas, Rainwater) all have different hues and I love Rainwaters but they aren't very popular yet (Not sure why) so it would just be 1 lone female.

I really want a designer striped gecko as a pet only..just stunning!

And then maybe a Sunglow or another 'orange" gecko as pet only.

I really have to save up the money for the show..there is one in September and then one in November, so I am hoping inbetween the two I find what I want!

I love geckos! When I lived in the South Pacific we had geckos all over the inside of our house. There was no way to keep them out. I just loved the itsy, bitsy babies. These were just garden variety geckos, but were so much fun. We still have lots of geckos here in Florida, but they don't manage to get into the house.
Aww..yeah we get a lot of Medterririan geckos (Totally bad spelling lazy to correct it) who skitter all around here.

Sheriff isn't getting any better..just worse. He now "Chases" you from inside his cage. Yesterday he didnt get playtime because I didn't get home until late and I really didn't want to deal with him. That sounds really horrible I know. I am going to give him extra time out today..but I wish I had a pen or something. I may take him outside for an hour to the park so he can really run off some energy.

I am getting attached to Kinobe, which I think is bad, becuase Chewy doesn't like him. I know, I know they are not fixed but it isn't the same. She wasn't fixed with Pinball and I saw the differences. They loved each other..Chewy def doesn't love kinobe. She doesn't bite him or anything, but she ignores him and runs away from any grooming.

I cannot keep him if he doesn't bond with her.

The chins are good..but everyone is in serious need of new toys. They ahve thier pine chews..tons of them..but they don't like them as much as applewood or other types of wood (Which are very expensive I might add)

I got them 2 wicker toys, but they were gone within 2 hours.

The buns also need new toys and I seriously need hay racks..I am so tierd of wasting hay.

So I have about $50 to spend..and I don't have that money. lol.

I use paper towel rolls as toys too, but they only last so long. Each chin has 3 hanging toys, but they are all pine now.

I also need to fix thier shelves..check that..James does. I must get on him today about that.

I put in some used Chinchilla dust in a small bowl for the hammy. Why it is used is because it turns into the "sandy" after they ahve rolled around in it..and I am not to worried about sickness between them. I saw that the hamster stepped in it,but I am not sure what else he did, lol. I finally found a pet store that carries wodent wheels..the best wheels you can Syrian size. They are $30, but its worth it..they last forever and are silent. So when I finally have enough money for the new hamster cage I will probably buy the wheel too.

I know I need to invest in this cage..yes its $100, but not only is it a good cage, it will last forever. James isn't too thrilled about how much it is..but I will work it out.

I also need to buy a new playpen for the chins..JEEZE.

They are no longer allowed in the bathroom..the cabnient has so many deep bite marks I can't do it. But I found a cheap way to do buy cardboard sheets that are 2X4, tape them up, and then you can fold them. On the Chinchilla fourm they seem to work great! So it will cost only about $20.
Here is the link, but i don't know if you have to be a member to see it:

And seriously, Budgies, please stop screaming! I am never getting two females again! They squack more than they chirp!

Well, I work again today so I am sure I will blog more later. lol.
Wow, so the smalle Zoo Zone cage is 112 shipped..
The larger one is almost $150. I just can't justify that for a
That is a lot of money..granted its huge..3 1/2 feet long..but I can't spend $150 on a hamster cage.

The smaller one is 2 1/2 feet long.. isn't much bigger than my current cage..and 112 is a lot of money. So I am going to keep looking for a piggy cage that has spacing that is small enough.
I can't stand bin I think they are hideous..and I live in a way too small apartment to do it. When I have my own bunny room, it totally may be an option, but not now! But its a great idea!

I am just going to keep my eyes open.
If you just buy a really big storage bin, it shouldn't be any bigger than the cage you're suggesting; I suggested the same in my blog when you asked and one of the bins I like is about the same size as the cage you're looking to buy - and for $15 vs $100, a wee bit of ugly might be worth it ;)

If you're looking at guinea pig cages, why don't you get a guinea pig cage and cover the bar portion of it carefully with PVC coated hardware cloth? With a sufficient amount of zip tied it can be affixed very tightly and make for a professional, attractive cage.
It's a cage made out of a modified storage bin, useful for "pocket pets" like hamsters, mice, etc. It's an alternative to glass aquariums, which are very heavy at sizes large enough for something like a syrian hamster, and lets you avoid the problem of bar spacing and the like associated with suitable sized cages.[/blogjack]
Yes, but it is larger in overall size (height) and my apartment is just too small for something that size to go unoticed..right now he is on my kitchen counter (its kind a like a breafest bar but in reality way too small to be one lol)

Sheriff just sprayed all over my leg. Disgusting. Then proceded to nip at worke skin but not bad really. Whatever to do with that bun.

I am having awful issues with my insurance, and then my apartment mantience man entered w/o permission I am dealing with that.

And then my gecko got her head stuck in between a tile (Its a long story of why her tank has to have it overlap) and I heard soem banging like someone was using the knocker at the front was her! I freaked out, but she is perfectly fine.

I really want to take some Chewy photos, she is being a doll.

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