Thanks for the compliments

The healing is going well, but still sore and there is some bleeding.
Well, if you read my post, Sheriff bit me again, hard. I was crying so hard last night, it surprised me. I don't cry much. But this just put me in tears. I just don't know what it is, or what to do. I am just keeping space, doing everything people reconmended.
It honestly made me love Chewbacca even sweet and precious she is. It also makes me worry if I get her a bunny partner if it will change (Although when she was with pinball it didn't)
Which brings up when Sherriff bit me, I cried about Pinball too and how much I miss him. I guess this will sound mean, but Pinball was my "good" boy bunny. More independent than Chewy, but the same sweetness.
Today was school day, went to school, toughed out a lot of math homework and studing. I left for school at 10 (woke up at 8:30) and didn't finish till six (I get out of class at 4 though) I finally get home, and as soon as I do, its cleaning cages time.
The chins got new dust which I am allergic to. I can't stop sneezing. But its way better quality then what they were using before (Blue cloud vs Blue sparkle) so IDK if I should just tough it out for them, because they look like they love it..
So speaking of Chins, I decided I should try to have Casanova alone so his fur can grow back in (It was slightly chewed by Valentine, no bald spots, but he is so thick and fluffy you can see it) so that means having Romeo be with Valentine. I will post progress.
I am really tierd so I will just be around here lurking.