Monty, my [big] baby bunny 2012

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Wow. What a good bun to eat her meds off her fruit! I had a golden retriever who needed meds and we would wrap them in food and he would spit the pill out like 10 times before he actually ate the pill, because he knew I had to keep feeding him food to get him the pill. He was a smart dog, he also knew sign language. Sorry for the random side note. hahaha.

She is so sweet. I love the pictures of her laying half in your lap. The picture of her laying in the small spot are hilarious! She's really wedged in there! She's like "hmmm, this spot has the best hay, I think I can fit. *squeezes in* Oh yeah, I can totally fit." At least thats how it happened in my mind. LOL.

I saw that you said something about your boyfriend having a beard? Does he have an awesome beard? I'm like totally obsessed with beards right now after watching Whisker Wars. I wish I could grow a freaking beard. I know I'm a girl and everything, but I want a beard.
Yeah, but his brother's beard is more epic than his. His is just a beard.

Boyfriend is on the left here, with two good friends (who are brothers):

Aaah, cutie guys and beardybrother :) how about a picture of you in there with your guy? I can see youna bit cuddling with Monty! LOVE your short hair, btw. Ironically I'm chopping mine tuesday night. Like, pixie type cut. I've always wanted short hair and now I'm going for it. Heck, I'd shave my head Sinead O' Connor style if I thought I could pull that off ;)

Anyway, glad to catch up on Monty. My kid has been SO sick this weekend I haven't been around much. But I've been wondering how she is doing! I really seems like her surgery went well and her recovery is almost perfect. AND she just could NOT be any sweeter, cuddling with you like that even though she probably is in a bit of pain. Oh my, she's just a doll! I love how she squeezes herself where ever she wants to lay. She doesn't really let anything stop her if she wants to lay there, shell find a way :)
This summer,
We went to the Bristol Renaissance Faire and sat on a tiny bench. :)

I ate a turkey leg bigger than my head. I guess I like things giant ;)

And my dear friend surprised me when just trying to figure out if her camera was working or not (I had just tried to use it to take a photo of her with a guy dressed up as a garden gnome, and it immediately lost it. It saved this photo for some reason, and she liked it a lot)

A couple years ago, when I actually styled my mohawk and paid to have someone else cut it:

A couple of weeks ago, my most recent trim:

I've been cutting my own hair for 2 years now. I started when I was unemployed, so it didn't really matter if I messed up and I do most of it with clippers. I learned as I went and really love how it comes out.

And a flashback to the hair I had until I was 23 or so. This is when I was 11, right after I got Belle. My hair wasn't as light as I grew up, but yeah... I loved this kitty from day 1
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Awww yay! You are too adorable and you actually look just like I pictured. You know how someone either looks like you think they will or not? You look like how i pictured! Love your hair. And your childhood picture, omg that was my hair growing up too!
I think we're actually the same person...I have the same onion shirt. :) And I've always wanted a mohawk...but not everyone can rock it like you can!! Plus, I love Rennfaires. Dragged the lady to her first one over the summer (it was tiny, like 20 tents tiny) and 110 degrees out, so we need to find a bigger one...
Missy, you're so pretty. I love your hair and that is a hard look to pull off, but you totally rock it!
As for your beardy-men pictures, those are all some handsome men with handsome facial hair. Haha.

The last time i went to a rennfair i was like 12 and i rode a camel, twas awesome. :)
Aww, you guys are so kind. I'll tell Beardyman he has fans, too :p

And for Monty's ever-increasing adoring fans, she's doing better and better! She's eating and begging for more :) She's a little slow to eat her greens, but I think the corners of her mouth might be a little ouchy or something. There's crust at each corner of her mouth in the fur, but I can't get a good look at it without making her squirm. I tried wiping it off with a warm damp washcloth yesterday after I wiped her eyes, but it didn't help and only seemed to upset her. This is probably normal recovery stuff. My little naked-bellied baby fluffball is doing great otherwise. She's working on her hay and loving the orchard grass, and actually shoved cilantro out of the way to get at her collard greens. Who woulda thunk it? She also got a romaine butt tonight, and chomped that down like usual. Constant crunching could be heard all through the shire for at least 10 minutes :p
You refer to your house as the shire, too??????
My roommate looks like a hobbit, so our apartment is frequently called the shire!!

Q-tip sends nose kisses to Monty but says she'd better eat her cilantro because there's a mini-rex here who would be happy to take it from her if she doesn't eat it fast enough. Looks like she'll already packing a bag for Chicago to steal it...tell Monty to start eating her greens like normal again or she'll have 5 lbs of fluff waiting to steal it!
Good old Monty, sounds like she´s doing so well. Makes me laugh as Houdini doesn´t always eat all his greens that I put out at night. I put out the same amount each and the others always eat theirs. But, in the morning, if he has leftovers, I always give them to the other two who wolf them down. I must admit he´s not a big green eater, he prefers his hay but he does like fresh herbs which I buy him often. He downed nearly a whole two thirds of a pack of basil yesterday and he just loves dill and sage so I try and buy him things that´s he´s gonna enjoy. The other two will eat most things but eat less hay than he does.

I hope her mouth clears up soon and that shaved belly will soon be all fuzzy again. She´s looking great though.
I think she's back to her normal eating for sure today. I woke up this morning to find ALL of her hay gone, short of a few crumbs of it here and there and the bits that fell through her litter grate. HAY SLAYER! Her water was nearly empty too. Someone *frown* ate all of the pineapple and didn't cut up the new one he brought home tonight, so I had to get creative with her metacam this morning. I ended up halving 3 blueberries and dribbling the medicine on there. She suspected nothing and gulped them down. As I was typing this, she was working on a normal-sized salad, and now I glanced over to find that the last bit is disappearing into her mouth. Yep, the Montster appetite is back in full swing.
Well, I need to call the vet tomorrow to see if I can bring her over to them so they can throw some vet wrap around her tummy. She's getting at it just enough that it looks partially open, but I can't get anywhere near it and don't have any of the right kind of wrap stuff. I used to have some, but can't find it. She freaks out when I try to burrito her or get a look at her incision. Beardyman is rather icky-feeling tonight, but even if he felt better I wouldn't want to try to have him hold her while I try to wrap her with something. I'll see what the vet says in the morning.
Aww darn it too bad she is getting at the incision. Sounds like a wrap will be the way to go. Let us know how it turns out!
Oh Monty! Doesn't she know she's supposed to leave that alone.
I think sometimes you know it´s going to happen but really hope that it won´t but it does.....think that makes sense so yes, better to be safe than sorry.

Hope you sort it out and she heals really quick.
It was worse than I could see in the brief moments she'd let me peek. I took her to the vet this morning and once the vet and tech flipped her, we all saw that she had gotten into it pretty bad. She opened the skin on the lower half of the incision, and had started to open the muscle layer. They had to put her under to clean it up, slice off the dried tissue, clean deeper, and stitch each of the 2 layers shut again. She's in a soft collar, and has a 14-day sentence. Antibiotics and probiotics were sent home with us :/


They wanted to watch her through the afternoon, but with already $220 in charges from this 3-hour visit, I asked to take her home and called work to let them know I have an emergency and can't come in. This is just like having a sick kid, and on top of that I have no one to watch her because beardyman is sick today. I can't burden him with getting up to check on her and push food every hour when he's recovering from whatever messed with his guts and tummy last night and this morning.

I set up a heater to blow gently into one corner of Monty's crate when I discovered her tummy fur is damp, presumably from the rinsing. I didn't even think of that when I carried her a block home in the near-freezing temps outside. It's cold and windy! :( She was shivering a little when I looked, so that's why I grabbed a heater. She is no longer shaking now, has been eating anything I hand her, and is now loafed next to the heater. Good girl. Cross your fingers for her! My poor baby :(
Oh my poor baby she does look sorry for herself :sosad. Hope she heals Ok with the collar but it´s a lot of extra work but at least she´s come through fine...ouch with the cost. Those ears look even bigger.
Wow! I'm starting to think I lucked out with my girls leaving their incisions alone. That kind of sucks that she did that, but at least she seems to be doing ok. I hope it heals up quickly for your sake and hers :)

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