Monty is absolutely miserable. She hates the collar, and woke me up so frequently last night wrestling with it, that I am exhausted. On top of that, my left knee feels like I have a knife behind my patella because I tripped down the stairs Tuesday morning and really need to sit still with ice on it. Monty won't let me sit still. She's probably even more exhausted than I am, poor thing.
On a bit of a bright side, medicines were easy to administer this morning. I'm still rather against trying to forcefully syringe them to her because she refuses to be bunrritoed and I feel she doesn't need any more stress. She'll kinda lick at the Metacam, but loses interest quickly. The antibiotic and probiotic both smell yucky, so I don't blame her for not lapping away at them. I loaded up the blender with 2 giant leaves of green leaf lettuce, about 7 chunks of pineapple, and 6 blueberries with 2 shots of water and made a bun smoothie out of that. I measured out a little over a tablespoon of that and mixed her meds into it. She lapped it up very willingly and thought it was a treat. I licked the spatula that I scooped the blender out with, and while it sounds like the mixture might be very sweet, it tastes mostly of lettuce. The pineapple and blueberry stand out more in the aroma. The rest of the 1/3 cup or so of smoothie is in the fridge.
Oh good, her pellets seem to have brought on a little food coma. Finally, she's resting. NOBODY DARE WAKE THE BABY, I'LL KILL YOU.