Monty, my [big] baby bunny 2012

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Oh, I just love her...when she takes a bite out of that, it really is a bigggg bite lol.
I have serious bunny envy

aww, thanks :)

I'm feeling a little crazy today :hyper:
I suddenly feel more motivated than I have in a long time. I've been getting spurts of that the last couple of weeks, and I think it's due to my antidepressant starting to make a difference. I even made myself an actual smoothie instead of having a small snack again, AND captured a video of Monty nomming the end off my banana :) Enjoy!

Lol, she's like 'why are you taking that banana away, I wasn't done yet'!
So awesome :D Teach her to open your mail and you'll be set! I can't get over how large she is. My two could fit in a 12 pack box together and probably have room! She is just fabulously large!
I went for my usual bedtime snuggle with her and it was odd, she kept coming back to my lap to snuggle more. Usually she'll snuggle for a few minutes and lick my pants, then go munch on some fresh hay that I just put in there. Tonight, she nibbled a couple pieces, then came right back. It's almost like she can sense how big of a day tomorrow is. I'll be at work for the for hours after I drop her off at chicago exotics in the morning, so hopefully I won't be a basket case while I wait for them to call.
The banana video is cute. I couldn't tell at first if she was getting any banana or just the peel :)
Good luck tomorrow!!
Missy, I never give mine the peel, didn´t think they could it eat it unless it´s dried. She does look really disappointed that she couldn´t have it, where have you taken it. I just love watching them nibbling banana and the sound they make it so funny.

Wishing you well today and keep us posted of how she´s doing. Nose rubs and cuddles from my three boys :party0002:
Hi Monty, Tippy here.
You're so lucky that your mommy lets you nom bananas like that. Mine will only cut little pieces and feed them to me. I never get to munch on the big piece like that. adsflkdsjlfk

Tippy's mommy update (yes, I had to move Tippy to get to the keyboard). I just want to add that the reason that Tippy doesn't get to nom bananas like that is because she's not as well behaved as you around food, Monty. She'll grab the whole thing and run off with it. aldkfjdlk

Tippy again (gosh, humans are so annoying when you're trying to type). I think I'm gonna come visit you so that I can nom giant banana pieces.
I just got a call from the vet! Dr. Horton herself called to let me know that Monty came through just fine and is in recovery. I took their first pickup slot tomorrow, at 9:30. I can't wait to see my baby! I took a video right before I dropped her off, but youtube won't upload it until I get on wifi, and I'm at work til 2. it's on facebook, but that doesn't really help, haha.
Tippy, she does appear to get to nom a little more freely, but notice it's through her cage door. She's a force to be reckoned with if she decides I have something in my hand that she MUST HAVE while she's out loose. :p
I'll have you know during my insomnia last night I watched most of Monty's youtube channel :bunnydance:
Great news about Monty, bet you can´t wait to go and collect her tomorrow :bouquet:
Here's the video from this morning:

It feels weird being here without her. At least when I was on vacation for a week, it made sense that I couldn't see her readily. Today, I'm just like "huh" every time I glance over and see her crate standing open, but the kitchen gate also open. Where's my bun? :?

Got a new bag of timothy hay for her at Petsmart (ugh, I know...I have a box of Small Pet Select on order to see how she likes that, but I didn't have enough on hand for even just today if she would have been home), plus a small bag of orchard grass hay :) Also found a larger oral syringe, just in case, and bought an extra "salad plate" (frisbee for 99 cents). I found infant gas drops on sale for $3.79 or so at Target last night, so my bunny emergency care kit is finally coming together.

Her crate is going to get a deep clean tonight, and moved out of the kitchen along with the pile of bunny toys so I can give the whole floor a good cleaning too :) That's waiting til after I cut up some fleece for little blankies to donate to the vet. I have so much sitting around that it's ridiculous, and Dr. Horton said they'd be grateful to receive some, and that fleece is also handy for hedgehogs.

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