I know, I've been slacking this week! Monty is tolerating her collar, kinda-sorta. She has had some mishaps that required duct tape, but I haven't given up on it because I'm so afraid she'll open herself up again. I will, however, be calling to see if the vet has time to check her out tomorrow morning so we can find out whether it's okay to try going collarless. If they think she needs it longer, I'm going to ask them to wrap her because I'm tired of all of the frustration this dumb thing seems to cause everyone, including poor Monty.
After her return from last Wednesday's vet trip, she didn't seem to be drinking very much water. Her bowl went down a little, but she was apparently only drinking a little just at night, because I didn't see her doing it from my spot just in the other room where I can see her all the time. I heard her slurping away and ran in and took a pic!
Here's what her incision looked like after getting repaired. It has a little squiggle to it. I was happy to see that she flopped
I have all four bun-feet in my lap! This had never happened before, so I took a picture, of course. I was hand-feeding her pellets (bowl was on the top of her crate) and she got excited once she figured out where I was reaching and hopped out into my lap! She doesn't stay once I slack on feeding pellets, though, but it's a start!
I was snuggling with her before leaving for work, and she kept coming out into my lap right when I was trying to get up. It's like she's saying "no, no go to work. Stay and snuggle with me!"
Monty chilling on the kitchen floor, right before she tore her collar landing an over-the-leg jump.
This is her new Small Pet Select timothy hay. It's niiiiiice and loooooong and for once, that's a good thing. It means she can reach it better with the silly collar on, and she really really loves this hay. (Yeah, she eats EVERYTHING, but I'm trying to find a better supplier pricewise without having to store a bale)
And since we can never talk about poop too much, here's Monty's poop now that it's finally back to normal. It was just dark for the longest time after the surgery because she wasn't eating much hay, just her pellets and salads. Yay for hay-ey poop! (See, I toldya it's the size of big blueberries!)
The end.
No really. I took this to show how clean her butt and feet are, despite her inability to groom herself right now. She can get at the tops of her feet and has figured out how to nudge the collar to get her cecals half the time (the other half end up on the crate floor and she turns around to search for them like a mad-bun), but everything else is inaccessible. Poor bun sits around licking her collar because she just really wants to groom herself.
After her return from last Wednesday's vet trip, she didn't seem to be drinking very much water. Her bowl went down a little, but she was apparently only drinking a little just at night, because I didn't see her doing it from my spot just in the other room where I can see her all the time. I heard her slurping away and ran in and took a pic!

Here's what her incision looked like after getting repaired. It has a little squiggle to it. I was happy to see that she flopped

I have all four bun-feet in my lap! This had never happened before, so I took a picture, of course. I was hand-feeding her pellets (bowl was on the top of her crate) and she got excited once she figured out where I was reaching and hopped out into my lap! She doesn't stay once I slack on feeding pellets, though, but it's a start!

I was snuggling with her before leaving for work, and she kept coming out into my lap right when I was trying to get up. It's like she's saying "no, no go to work. Stay and snuggle with me!"

Monty chilling on the kitchen floor, right before she tore her collar landing an over-the-leg jump.

This is her new Small Pet Select timothy hay. It's niiiiiice and loooooong and for once, that's a good thing. It means she can reach it better with the silly collar on, and she really really loves this hay. (Yeah, she eats EVERYTHING, but I'm trying to find a better supplier pricewise without having to store a bale)

And since we can never talk about poop too much, here's Monty's poop now that it's finally back to normal. It was just dark for the longest time after the surgery because she wasn't eating much hay, just her pellets and salads. Yay for hay-ey poop! (See, I toldya it's the size of big blueberries!)

The end.

No really. I took this to show how clean her butt and feet are, despite her inability to groom herself right now. She can get at the tops of her feet and has figured out how to nudge the collar to get her cecals half the time (the other half end up on the crate floor and she turns around to search for them like a mad-bun), but everything else is inaccessible. Poor bun sits around licking her collar because she just really wants to groom herself.