For those who seem to think I live on the forum'cause I always show up - this is my homepage....but frequently, I willwalk away from the computer and not come back for a couple ofhours...
First of all, let's talk about what mama did. She had babies - yes -but she pulled fur and created a nest. That means her instinct iskicking in and she knows what she needs to do. This is good.
If this was a rabbit in the wild, she'd have her babies in a hole,maybe nurse them (maybe not), cover them and hop off to get pregnantagain - and come back when she feels it is safe to nurse them anywherefrom 12 hours - 36 or 48 hours later.
Have you read the message that is pinned at the top of the rabbitry forum?
I suggest you read this as it tells you what mama will do once she gives birth.
If the babies were just born today, there can be no buildup of urine(that I know of). Odds are good mama nursed them when they wereborn...which means she's going to leave them alone now for a while.
It is when a doe doesn't pull fur that I start to get concerned aboutthe babies because then her instinct doesn't seem to be kicking in.I've had does that didn't have babies in a nestbox - but whereever theyhad them - they still pulled fur...which meant they were usually goingto be a good mom. I've had does have one baby deliveredsuddenly in the middle of the cage and they head to the nestbox fortheir rest...and pull fur. Usually I've found them laying beside (oron) the one lone newborn to keep it warm....but that's just my girls.This doesn't happen often.
Anyway, I suggest you go and read the message I've linked to as it will answer many of your questions.