mom died and left 3 babies please help me

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he was fine and looked like the pictures. inever put the formula in his mouth i always let him lick it off hislips.i dont know what to do. im hyperventilating iloved that baby so much...he just shrivled away and went to sleep, hewas fine earlier today...its like after he peed so much it wentdownhill from there. he was such a little fighter:cry1:

i guess ill go get some ter. for the black one's eye
First of all, I've lost many babies as abreeder. In the beginning I tried to save them all and I cried overeach one. I still cry mostly...unless they're stillborn. It is hard.

But now is when you pick yourself up and make yourself take care of therabbits that you still have alive. Here are the things you need to do -you have probably done some of them.

a. Make sure the buck and the does are COMPLETELY separated.Not just separate boxes - but separate rooms of the house. Preferablycaged individually.

b. You watch your does. Count 31 days from yesterday and you can have alitter anytime within that time period. I suggest putting some hay orstraw in their boxes or cages and then when they start carrying itaround - you put in a nestbox. The mama doe may kill her young if shethinks they will be threatened by others (it is her way of protectingit) - so you really should get each doe their own "secure" home ..likea cage or something.

Many does will start nesting a few days before they're due. Forexample, last night I gave Jenny hay in her cage - she's due on the14th. She made her nest already. This is her fourth litter and shelikes to make her nest early. When I went in to check on her - she wasso proud of herself and she turned around and went to her nest andlooked at me as if to say, "Isn't it great?". She hates nestboxes andwon't use them (plus she's a big girl) so I allow her to make a nestthat she likes and she has flashing in her cage.

My point? She's not due till the 14th but she is nesting now. However,she is an experienced doe. An inexperienced doe may wait until the lastday or so to nest.

c. I suggest you go to the thread at the top of this forumand read about when does kindle (give birth). I will try to find a fewmore links for you. You need to read now about how to handlebabies when the mamas have them so you don't freak out.

d. You also need to remember that you have two healthy kitsfrom an older litter and they can use some attention and love. I'mguessing they were 10-14 days old - in about another 3 weeks you shouldhopefully be able to check their sex or take them to a vet to getchecked. Enjoy these babies.

e. You need to think about getting your buck neutered. He must stayAWAY from the does as they will give birth and then get pregnant againimmediately. It is their instinct.

You've had a loss and I'm sorry for it. I don't mean to sound harsh orcruel - but for the sake of your other rabbits that are alive - youneed to move on and help them. They still depend upon you.


KimboUNCW1 wrote:
he was fine and lookedlike the pictures. i dont know what to do. im hyperventilating i lovedthat baby so much...
my mom just left for work and was late due tohelping me. my dad just got home from working, but he doesnt understandhow much the baby meant to me. i'm 23 years old you'd think i couldcompose myself better than this. i was going to call him/her faith.:?i love animals so much and take it so hard when anythinghappens to them. i guess ill feed some formula to these two and my dadcan go get the terr. do they have it at petsmart? i know they have itat feed stores here but they're closed today. its the stuff u put inwater right. or is there a cream too
You need the ointment/cream - and I'm not seeingit on the petsmart website. Not all feed stores carry it either....Iknow Tractor Supply Store does. I'm guessing Agway would.Possibly a vet would have it if you called tomorrow.

The baby will probably be fine without it if you wipe its eye with awarm damp cloth. Get the ointment if it doesn't clear up in a day or so.


edited to add: I'm twice your age and I still take it hardwhen my babies die. I'm not trying to criticize you....just remind youthat you do still have other rabbits that need your care!
You poor thing sorry to hear about your loss offaith its got to be hard to take, but as well as the 2 big babies youwill probably be expecting another 12 babies or so from your 3 does sotry and be excited about that, and if you do have your buck operated oni have heard that for a few weeks they can still get does pregnant sobe careful, i know it depends on the type of op he has though.
well it's definately been hard. i don't want todo anything wrong with the other two babies.... they still kind ofmosey around the box but i worry that they won't get enoughwater....that's what they should drink now right? water? or formulatoo? they have hay and pellets in their box too. the 'mom' doesn't stayin the box with them she lays on the floor in the corner of thebathroom. i wiped the black baby's eye with a warm washcloth a fewtimes so i guess i'll see how it looks tomorrow. it looks like there'sa little bit of puss in the corner of it.......i can't help but look atthe pictures of the tiny baby from today and yesterday. they'recompletely different, but i guess she just looked full because she hadurine built up... i rubbed her belly with a warm cloth after she ateand she went poopoo but never peepee. i pray that it wasn't something idid wrong and i pray that i can help raise these two babies to behealthy, and any other babies that may come along the way. our vetdoesn't deal with bunnies but i'll find someone that does.

also, i just fed the other babies about 2 1/2cc of formula each. ifigured thatd be good sine the mom is out of milk. i tried to give themsome water but they liked the formula better. am i doing right? i readwhere they should have almost 10cc a day is that right?
They should be getting mom's milk orformula. You can add a bit of pedialyte (a drink forrehydrating children) to the formula or just make the formula withpedialyte to help keep the babies hydrated.

They will start to drink water once they are more active, in about aweek or so. Once they are interested in jumping out of thebox.

If the eye doesn't look any better in the morning, you'll need to getsome eye cream for him. Otherwise the eye will most likely goblind.

And it is completly normal for the mommy bunny to ignore herbabies. In the wild they are predators, and if the mom stayswith the babies too much, it's easier for predators to find thebabies. Once the babies are hopping around and aren't in thenest box so much, she'll show more interest.

I know it's a bit odd, but they still love there babies even if itlooks like they ignore them. They are just doing what theyknow to protect them.


well i got the ter. cream and put it on thelittle eye. it said to put it on topical 2-4 times a day so i'll do it4 times a day to be safe. i went to wal mart to get the nic cube thingsand they were sold out but i have a couple of cages to get them by inthe mean time
That's great!

Do you have a Target near by you at all? I know other members from the USA have had good luck finding them there.

How are the babies doing other than the goopy eye? Do youhave a scale to measure them on? That would be a good way tomonitor them. You don't want to see them lose weight, onlygain.

hmmm well i have a scale to measure human'sweights so i'll put them on there and check. they don't want that muchformula anymore and i've been trying to feed them alot b/c i worry theywont get enough liquids...i havea little plate in there withwater. there was a bit of a carrot i had in there with the mom and thebrownish baby was nawing on it...i just have pellets in there now....doi need to do the warm cloth on them to make sure they go to thebathroom?

the eye still isn't open. i put the ter. ointment on there 4 times aday...i guess it kinda looks like it's drying up....i'll go take morepictures right now and show yall.

and regarding target, we don't have one near by. i went to wal mart andthe person i asked said she knew what i was asking about and that theysold out when school started back. petsmart had them but they were like40 dollars....and i dont think so lol i have them in some cages i hadfor our chickens and i bleached it all out and cleaned them up...

****they're too light for my scales... how much would a scale be to be able to measure them?

You are going to need a scale that can measuregrams or ounces. The human scales only measure inpounds/kilograms most of the time.

If you keep your eyes out for grids, you should be able to find somesoon. Did the sales person in Walmart know when they wheregetting any more? Or could then find some at anotherlocation, and have them sent to your local store?

You can start to water down the formula a bit, but you may want to gobuy some more in case you need it for any of the babies to come.

And also make sure the babies have hay to eat as well. Ialways have tons of hay in the nest box and in the rest of the cage aswell.

I would do a warm cloth wipe once a day just to make sure their systemskeep moving and don't get blocked up. But by about 4 weeksold they should be going on their own.

Keep putting the ointment on the black babies eye, it may take a fewdays to work. But if it doesn't seem to be doing anything atall in a day or two, you'll need to take the little one to the vets.

the sales person didn't tell me anything aboutwhen they'd be getting them in...she made it sound like a seasonalthing when kids go to college. the babies have lots of hay in theirlittle box. they're getting around better now and are starting to hoparound pretty quickly. i'll go do the warm cloth on their bellies's some more pics of them. the black one's eye looks like the pussstuff is drying up so that's good. if it's not better in a few daysi'll find a vet to take her to. i don't understand why all vets don'tdo rabbits... ugh!

They are looking pretty good.

Just another idea for you: Use a warm compress on the blackone's eye. Hold a warm wash cloth to the eye for a fewminutes to loosen the gunk, then gently wipe it off. Keepingit clean will help you to see if there is new gunk be produced or not.

I know that Costco carries the grids seasonally as well and they seemto get them in the New Year and for Back to School. So maybeWalmart will get some in the new year.

yeah i've been holding the warm cloth over hislittle eye and wiped it really well then put the ointment on there ....i'll be going to wilmington this friday and saturday to do the "walk"for undergrad graduation and they recently got a costco so i'll gothere and look... and the wal-marts they have there. i'll get somescales to measure the babies with as well at the wal mart in town here
just a quick question....when i was rubbing thebabies to sleep, i felt on their backs a protrusion on their backs onthe left side of their that normal? it felt hard....but whenthey were stretched out i didn't feel it.... am i feeling their bonesbecause they're not getting enough nutrition?? :shock:

that one's little eye looks like it's peeling a little bit... i justwipe it with a warm cloth, i dont try to peel anything away...maybeit's a scab? i saw a couple of puss type of balls come off but there'sstill more in there that i saw.....i'll keep up with it and let youknow how it's going
Is it the dried up medicine??

You may be feeling their spines, which as long as they are notprotruding so much that you can see it should be fine. Youwill be able to feel their bones, but they shouldn't be visible to theeye.

well i'm not sure if it's the dried up medicineor looked kinda pinkish underneath it from what i couldsee....not to be graphic lol but like how a scab might peel away.... ican't see the hump on their back with my eyes but i felt it, and theblack one wasn't as big as the other ones. i'm guessing it's fine. i'llput up more pictures soon
so when i clean the baby's eye and i put himback down he always scratches....well this time he scratched a lot ofwhite stuff out :shock:i can finally see his eyeball though!!it's just kind of peeling away...i don't want the 'good' stuff to peelaway like his eye lid or anything. i dont force anything off so i guessit'll all work out...

i got the scales to measure the babies and the black one weighs 4ounces and the other weighs around 2-3. everything sounding okay?

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