First of all, I've lost many babies as abreeder. In the beginning I tried to save them all and I cried overeach one. I still cry mostly...unless they're stillborn. It is hard.
But now is when you pick yourself up and make yourself take care of therabbits that you still have alive. Here are the things you need to do -you have probably done some of them.
a. Make sure the buck and the does are COMPLETELY separated.Not just separate boxes - but separate rooms of the house. Preferablycaged individually.
b. You watch your does. Count 31 days from yesterday and you can have alitter anytime within that time period. I suggest putting some hay orstraw in their boxes or cages and then when they start carrying itaround - you put in a nestbox. The mama doe may kill her young if shethinks they will be threatened by others (it is her way of protectingit) - so you really should get each doe their own "secure" home ..likea cage or something.
Many does will start nesting a few days before they're due. Forexample, last night I gave Jenny hay in her cage - she's due on the14th. She made her nest already. This is her fourth litter and shelikes to make her nest early. When I went in to check on her - she wasso proud of herself and she turned around and went to her nest andlooked at me as if to say, "Isn't it great?". She hates nestboxes andwon't use them (plus she's a big girl) so I allow her to make a nestthat she likes and she has flashing in her cage.
My point? She's not due till the 14th but she is nesting now. However,she is an experienced doe. An inexperienced doe may wait until the lastday or so to nest.
c. I suggest you go to the thread at the top of this forumand read about when does kindle (give birth). I will try to find a fewmore links for you. You need to read now about how to handlebabies when the mamas have them so you don't freak out.
d. You also need to remember that you have two healthy kitsfrom an older litter and they can use some attention and love. I'mguessing they were 10-14 days old - in about another 3 weeks you shouldhopefully be able to check their sex or take them to a vet to getchecked. Enjoy these babies.
e. You need to think about getting your buck neutered. He must stayAWAY from the does as they will give birth and then get pregnant againimmediately. It is their instinct.
You've had a loss and I'm sorry for it. I don't mean to sound harsh orcruel - but for the sake of your other rabbits that are alive - youneed to move on and help them. They still depend upon you.
KimboUNCW1 wrote:
he was fine and lookedlike the pictures. i dont know what to do. im hyperventilating i lovedthat baby so much...