mom died and left 3 babies please help me

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:yeahthat Although I'd allow foroutdoor housing if it's safe, large, and you're sure the rabbits willalways get good care even in bad weather. I wouldn't beconcerned about charging an adoption fee unless you need to use it toweed out people who just want free animals or snake food.

I know you love your babies, but you have so many that it will be hardto take care of them. Remember that you'll have to have themall separated by gender before they're 3 months old and that they mightnot all get along with each other, especially when they becometeenagers. So it is best to start looking for good homes now.
I would do a $15 adoption fee that gets refundedupon letter from a vet that the animal has been neutered - with a 90day refund. After 90 days - you keep the $15....before then....set itaside and don't touch it.

Just my .02


KimboUNCW1 wrote:
i had no idea.....i'llmake sure to talk about what she wants to do and then make mydecision.... i really want a nice home for him that's indoors with aloving family who gives him lots of room to play

i feel bad just giving him away but i also feel like i don't know if i should charge money for her to buy him....any thoughts??
sounds friend said she'll prob say no b/c 75 is too much to fix a rabbit....

i hate to be picky but i want the best for my little man
.... what if she just plans on having one bunny?
just wondering if this is normal..... the oreobunny has what looks like diarrea (sp) and when i pet her i can feelher ribs?? none of them have had dirrea before.... she has plenty offood and water and even a carrot...i haven't changed her dietwhatsoever.... she won't eat her carrot and all of the adults get acarrot every other day or so and they tear them up the moment i give itto them.... :?
the oldest baby is about a pound now!! theabsesses that the vet opened up are almost all dried out...i noticedone absess on his little back though and it seems to have puss built upunderneath it.... i've looked online at info about them and i'm stilldoing the baytril/vitamin drops twice a day like the vet told me to.should i try to open it up to let it drain out? i hate that the vetsare closed right now when i need them...
Anyone know why her babies are getting abscesses?:?

About the diarrhea, is she having normal fecal poops anddiarrhea (indicates cecal problems) or just diarrhea? Is sheeating hay, like timothy hay? The fiber would do her somegood. Alfalfa hay might be too rich. Also, a smallamount of rolled oats can help with diarrhea.

I'm not sure if nursing moms tend to loose weight- breeders, do you know?

Keep a really close eye on her to make sure she's eating andpooping. It helps to clean the cage several times a day soyou know how much she's producing and when.
well it's coastal hay for our horses and i justput some for the bunnies too... i think it may be called something elsebut im not sure. the poop wasn't just diarrhea by itself; it hadregular mixed in as well.... i put more hay on the floor for her soi'll be able to see if she's doing it anymore....

should i be cleaning the oldest black bunny baby with a warm rag orsomething b/c of the absesses? the vet said the baytril/hi vit dropswould clear them up....but theres just one i'm concerned about; but mebeing concerned doesn't mean there's a problem lol
I've got no idea about why the babies aregetting abcesses. I personally think they need to be drained...but ofcourse a vet isn't open right now.

I am very concerned about the mom losing weight. My does don't usuallylose weight because they are getting fed more food. My concern is thatthe diaherrea could be a symptom of something else maybe? I need tolook up mastitits...but I would be concerned about that.

The best thing to do right now is to keep her eating and drinking andtrying to get the diaherrea under control. I'm in the middle of stuffnow but I'll try to look up mastititis and there is something else I'mtrying to think of....


naturestee wrote:
Anyone know why her babies are getting abscesses?:?

About the diarrhea, is she having normal fecal poops anddiarrhea (indicates cecal problems) or just diarrhea? Is sheeating hay, like timothy hay? The fiber would do her somegood. Alfalfa hay might be too rich. Also, a smallamount of rolled oats can help with diarrhea.

I'm not sure if nursing moms tend to loose weight- breeders, do you know?

Keep a really close eye on her to make sure she's eating andpooping. It helps to clean the cage several times a day soyou know how much she's producing and when.
k... i hope this works: heres a pic of the 3 babies from the cream mama....

i took pics of the baby with the absess and am uploading them now

ok here's the black baby's absess, i hope you can see it... it's sticking out of her little back..

well this morning miss orero mama had drank somewater and when i showed her a carrot she nibbled on it that'sgood... no more diharrea either....and i checked the babies and they'reall plump little babies....
i took a quick pic of one of the'skinda blurry but she has white and pink above her nose and white tipson the ends of her feet!!!

here's a pic of the floppy ear one... is she a holland lop??

and here's one of the little man

ok so the wait is over the lop had 6 dangbabies!! i had given up on her i'm trying to find somethingto put them all in so none of them fall thru any of the cage....shepulled lots of fur so she's gonna be a good mama

what in the world am i going to do with all these buns lol :shock:


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