mom died and left 3 babies please help me

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First of all, babies will get cold and appeardead sometimes - but if they are picked up and held and start to warmup, they can be saved. When I started breeding I had babies born on thewire and thought they were dead but when I held them and their bodytemperature picked up, they made it. :D

I'm not sure what you mean by flailing around....the only thing I canthink of is that the baby was cold and is warming up and now wants tostart nursing or something. If the baby is thin you could try giving itto mama to nurse or you could try some formula.

Do you have any idea how the baby got cold? Was it separated from theother two? I'm asking because you're going to have to find a way tokeep the baby warm in order for it to survive. You'll either need toput it in a tiny box with lots of fur or some hay or something thatwill help it keep its body heat - or get the other two to stay withit...something that may get harder as they get older and want toexplore.

I'm not sure from the post if the problem is referring to a baby or one of the adult rabbits ...

If it's a baby . . .

It's impossible for us to do anything over the Internet without knowingwhat is wrong with the baby and why the body systems arefailing. It could be anything from a congenitalillness,a viral or bacterial infectionto pneumoniafrom aspirating the formula.

From what you are describing, I doubt that a vet would be able to save the kit.

The best you can do is to keep the baby warm.

If it's an adult rabbit, it may be suffering from pneumonia orcongestive heart failure. Choking is possible if the rabbitis salivating profusely. If this is an adult rabbit, itshould be taken to the vet ASAP as this is an emergency situation thatcannot be handled over the Internet.

If this is adult rabbit that you suspect is giving birth, it may besuffering from internal hemorrhaging - is there any bloody discharge?


im guessing the baby appeared fat b/c it had peestored up...the mom isn't taking care of the little baby at all....iput the baby's face on the moms nipple and the baby didn't nurse.... irubbed some more water on her belly and she peed a whole lot..a mom's trying to feed him now.... he just looks like he'strying to run. before he was trying torun and had hismouthgapped open and wentstill....iblew alittle into his mouth and was tapping gentlyon his chest andhe started to run again. i keep checking on the babies ever half hourat the most and they're fine. the baby was away from the other two andthe mom was out of the box but could he getcold that fast??the mom is worthless and doesn't take care of the baby.... could one ofthe other two be the moms? :(i'd never seen the baby peebefore but i'd seen him poop... now that he peed alot he seems thin tome and his belly is going to go back in there to makesure he's eating....
I wouldn't say the mom is worthless. First ofall, she doesn't appear to be the mom of THIS baby. She is probably themom of the older litter. If she is pregnant again from having matedwith the buck immediately after giving birth...then her milk is goingto be drying up.

In other words - you're asking her to be a mother to a baby that isn'thers and she may not have what she needs to take care of it. I'mguessing that the doe that died was the mama of this baby.

From what you're saying, I'm guessing that you're right - the reasonthe baby looked so fat was that it hadn't peed. This means you willneed to get formula into it ASAP....

But don't be so hard on the mama. It isn't her fault she was left inwith a buck and got pregnant again and her milk will be drying up.She's doing what she needs to do to conserve energy, etc. for her NEXTlitter.

It does look like the baby just hadn't peed and that's why it had a fat belly.

I agree with Peg, give it some formula ASAP.

Here's a couple video's of one of my old fosters being syringefed. He's about two weeks old, but the technique is quitesimilar. You don't want to turn the baby over as there is toomuch of a risk of aspirating (breathing in) the formula. Keepa tissue near by and keep wiping his nose. And let him lickthe formula off the end of the syringe.

I hope that helps you. Have you done any research on theinternet for how much a baby should be eating? Here are somewebsites for you to read:

Right now the baby should eat about 5cc of formula, and at one week about 10cc.

I just did some research on the net. IF yourmama doe (of the older litter) bred immediately after givingbirth (which there is a VERY good chance she did) then her milk will bedrying up right about now and she will be unable to nurse the litter.

Understand - it isn't that she's being difficult it is that her body is preparing for her new litter.

ok the baby has calmed down a lot..... the otherone that's black has an eye messed's shut and has some kind offilm built up over it...ill try to take a picture if it'll helpyou....i'll take a picture of the baby now too

i just took pics of the baby....he looks so wrinkly.... we'll feed himsome more in a minute, for now he's resting. im going to upload thepics now and post them in a minute
You need to take a warm damp cloth and wipe theeye of the black rabbit. I usually use some terramycin ointment on themtoo - I get mine from a pet store. I'm thinking the rabbit has an eyeinfection.

As far as the baby goes - I'm going to be very honest with you. Thereis a very strong chance the baby won't make it. I'm not saying don'ttry to save it....the problem isn't so much with the baby's mouth beingopen as it is with the fact it just got so thin. Possibly it will I'm not saying for sure it won't. Just....don't besurprised....ok?

I'd be giving the older two babies some formula and also some hay andoatmeal and maybe some pellets. I would not be starting them out ongreens though even though their mama has had them....that should not bethe first solids they eat....but that is just from my own experience.They could eat some after they get used to solids...


KimboUNCW1 wrote:
he's making squeeking noises now...hiccups?

It's hard to say without actually seeing it. Kits often gasp and squeak as they are dying.

Is this the same one that was wheezing that you are having problems with???

In one post can you list each individual with it's problems so we canget them straight? I thought you had also mentioned that onewas possibly having babies now?

no the one that was wheezing was an adultone..... this baby is drinking more formula but his little bottom teethare showing.... mama says the little baby acts just like a baby...she'sfeeding him with an eye dropper.... she'll put some on his lips andhe'll slowly lick it off.....he's gone thru a little eye dropper...itsabout thesize of a middle finger or so.she said hedoesn't seem to be squeeking anymore. the baby has made noises beforebut it sounded like what a baby would do. :?

his belly looks full now...ill take a picture.. he's not squeeking anymore

you can still see his little ribs and he seems thin to me....he lookslike he has the hiccups....and that maybe his breathing is kind of hardto do and it looks like it's slowing down......i think he'sdying....omg
he just seems like he's shrinking to me:Xgod....he's breathing so slow....why is this happening tothis poor baby??? i should have fed him more formula i guess? impraying so hard for this baby....if his mouth is open he can't breatheright???
A common problem with attempting to hand feed isthat the baby can easily aspirate liquid into the lungs and die ofpneumonia. It's impossible for us to know if that's what hashappened in this case, but I have have seen a rabbit die afteraspirating mineral oil, and they do struggle to breathe.

You really need to separate all the adult rabbits and perhaps get thehelp of a local animal rescue or someone specializing inrabbits. Perhaps you can ask your vet for a reference.



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