mom died and left 3 babies please help me

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thankfully i just found someone who would seethe two older babies tomorrow at noon.... i'll let you know what theysay about the leg and the eye.....i put the terr. powder in theformula/water b/c that article said babies die suddenly due tointestinal problems when you switch from formula to water....:(i dont want my babies to die so i put a little in theirform/water..... its neat to watch the cream color momma inthere with the babies on the camera.... any ideas as to what breed allmy rabbits are?
I know what it said about the terramycin, butmost breeders I know disagree with that and believe it can build upantibodies against the terramycin if you use it too much and too early.I think that was why the author of that article said that more researchneeded to be done.

Anyway, glad you found a breeder.

oh dear..... :?well i'll ask the vettomorrow and get on the right track. thanks so much for all of yourhelp! i'll post pics of the new 3 when i get the camera fixed.... theoreo is making a nest with some magazine now so i'm sure she's gonnahave some soon and i'll let yall know..... i gave the two femalesanother tums
Terramycin can be helpful during an "outbreak"of enteritis, however, it is not recommended to give it as apreventative for the reasons outlined by Peg.

When given at a young age over a long period of time, Tetracycline canalso effect bone growth as well as cause permanent discoloration of therabbit's teeth.

i took the terr. water/formula was onlyin there for about an hour and they didn't drink a lot of it.... thenewest babies are still doing okay and are nice and warm.....oreo istearing up some paper from a magazine trying to make a nest.... i'mthinking if she had the oldest babies who are about 3 weeks old thenshe has a week til she has her next batch? i'll tell yall what the vetsays about the babies scared that he's going to say badstuff about the baby w/ the bad leg... :shock:
well, the vet said they had lots of absesses(sp) all over their little bodies and he opened some of them andsqueezed stuff out...ouch :Xhe shaved some of their hair offtoo and even shaved open some of the absesses... he gave me somebaytril mixed in with vitamin drops to give them twice a day....he saidthe other one's eye was infected but that i need to keep puttin theter. ointment inside the eye after i literally open it up for him toput the stuff in.... poor little babies....

also he said to give them both water and formula and to not water it down...that he wants to make sure they get enough protein.
ok SO the dr had said maybe from a metal cagefrom the absesses but they weren't in one .... the three babies fromthe cream bunny have their eyes open! one cream one and two greyishones....AND oreo just had her babies!!! i haven't been able to tell howmany she has yet but im working on it....

i've been dealing with alot lately... my aunt passed on xmas eve fromcancer...and a horrible accident dealing with our black lab alice...shegot the grey baby....i haven't been able to recover yet...they were upin my room and due to a miscommunication about the dogs being in thehouse.....well it's just been awful...but the black big baby is doingvery well and getting so big...her eye is open now too and she nolonger has an eye infection.... i have to get a new battery pack for mycamera and when i do i'll be able to post pictures.....
thanks girl... :(its definately been atough couple of days.... i peeked in oreos cage and it looks like 5 newbabies....diff colors

but im thinking i need to put something in there so the babies donthave any chance of being on the metal cage.... theres tons of hay andnewspaper shavings in there for them and the mom pulled her fur out forthe babies but i dont want them having any kind of absesses.... theolder three from the cream mama are just simply PERFECT...they're sosoft and beautiful...the mom couldn't have done a better job for themi'm so proud of her.... since they are opening their eyes now, are theyable to drink kmr or water on their own now? or does the mom stillnurse them.... i dont want them to dehydrate in any way so when doesthe mom's milk dry up?
Forgive me please for being dense - but I'm trying to recap for those who might have been following the thread...

a. You first found three babies. One was a newborn and itdied shortly afterwards. You then had 2 babies - older ones left. Onewas black and one was tannish or something - is the tannish one the onethat died?

b. Later another bunny had 3 babies. These are all still alive and their eyes are open.

c. Now Oreo (probably the mom of the black one still alive above)...has had five more babies.

So if I'm following everything correctly that means you have 9 babies now...right?

black baby + 3 babies w/ eyes open + 5 newborns?

I just wasn't sure if Alice got a baby (it sounded like she did) or an adult..

I'm sorry for your losses by the way. I'll go back and check the thread'cause if memory serves me correctly you may have one more mama thatwill have babies...

Ok - I just went back and reviewed this thread.If Floppy hasn't had babies yet - then she could have them anytimebetween now and approx. January 10th (more likely the 8th but I added acouple of days there just in case she went over).

Hopefully, since you separated them on Dec 8th - that will be your last litter of babies...if she has any.

If Floppy has had them - then it is the other doe (not Oreo) who can have them by that date...

Good luck with the babies..


P.S. I have had babies get abcesses before - usually tinyones that I clean out. Personally, I think it happens cause maybe mamadoesn't clean them enough - so I check them every couple of days justin case mama doesn't appear to be doing a good job. It usually happenswith my first time mamas and not mamas who have had otherlitters... But that is just personal OPINION based on myexperiences....not fact!
I've had mamas nurse babies for 8 weeks sometimes (depends upon the mama and how attached she is to her kids, etc).

Don't interfere and she'll teach them how to drink water from a bottleor bowl (whatever you use) and she'll teach them to eat food.

I make sure my babies get oats (I just pull a handful out of the QuakerOats thing and feed them raw) and hay along with the fact,I tend to start them on oats and hay first...

But mama knows what to do and if she's left with them, she will nursethem. Her milk will dry up if she's pregnant but since she shouldn't bepregnant again, you don't have to worry.

She'll wean them if you don't....


KimboUNCW1 wrote:
since they areopening their eyes now, are they able to drink kmr or water on theirown now? or does the mom still nurse them.... i dont want them todehydrate in any way so when does the mom's milk dry up?
im back from the's been a roughcouple of days.... the oreo bunny has 5 beautiful babies! one's blackwith pink on the tip of his nose, 3 grey ones, and a white one!! theolder three babies with their eyes open are so dang adorable...the mamais such a great mama.... i really do wonder if the floppy ear one willhave babies!! i had her seperate since the 8th or so...but i'll waittil the 10th of january to be sure of any babies! i'm glad the creammama's milk won't dry up b/c she isn't preggers again lol i think ifound a home for the of my friends' hair dresser lovesanimals and used to have rabbits and would love to have twomales....we'll see though...what in the WORLD am i going to do with allthe bunnies when they grow up lol i get so attatched to my little pets
As long as the two males are in two SEPARATE cages...they should do fine. However, two males together will usually fight.

KimboUNCW1 wrote:
i think ifound a home for the of my friends' hair dresser lovesanimals and used to have rabbits and would love to have twomales....
i had no idea.....i'll make sure to talk aboutwhat she wants to do and then make my decision.... i really want a nicehome for him that's indoors with a loving family who gives him lots ofroom to play

i feel bad just giving him away but i also feel like i don't know if i should charge money for her to buy him....any thoughts??
Maybe make it on the condition that he getsfixed and stays indoors. Also to return him to you if she can't keephim indoors or if for any reason can't keep him period.

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