Well, I can't really update on the bunnies rightnow, since I'm at my dad's house. (Don't worry, they're beingwell taken care of).
Anyway, we just got back from a Kings Hockey game. There'ssomething nice about being able to cheer for our teams, and then theywin. Though I really prefer Dodger's games, Kings games areprobably my second favorite. We get a portion of the season'stickets for both teams.
My favorite part of a game: when they play "I love LA."
Now, I've got a question. Those of you who go to sports gamesin your area, do they play any songs there that relate to theteam/city?
Before the game we went to the Original Pantry. Anyone elsebeen there? That's some serious quality eating. Ihad the New York, medium. Yummy. Great breadtoo. Now I'm getting myself hungry again.
Another question. For anyone who's been to the LA area, what was the best place you ate at?
And... I feel like other people have weird impressions of LA.Is that true? Kind of like this morning when I was listeningto Wheezer's (I think) Beverly Hills. I was like, well, noteveryone in/near Beverly Hills has the life that's depicted in thatsong.
Or, like today at the Pantry. There were 2 groups of Japanesetourists- looking extra touristy. You can tell they'retourists when they take pictures of the buildings and look like theythink we might steal their money at any moment. Trust me, noteveryone in downtown LA is out to steal your money.Just the guy with the bacon-wrapped hot dogs.