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Who? Meeeee? I got that slinky forfree. Best free toy ever. It's just as fun for themto play with as it is for me to watch.
Uuuummmm, those were Awesome! Beautiful baby. I want more vids, and I know, I'll get some too.

You will die if you see Snuffles on a vid-he's a little :craziness.:D
Well, I can't really update on the bunnies rightnow, since I'm at my dad's house. (Don't worry, they're beingwell taken care of).

Anyway, we just got back from a Kings Hockey game. There'ssomething nice about being able to cheer for our teams, and then theywin. Though I really prefer Dodger's games, Kings games areprobably my second favorite. We get a portion of the season'stickets for both teams.

My favorite part of a game: when they play "I love LA."

Now, I've got a question. Those of you who go to sports gamesin your area, do they play any songs there that relate to theteam/city?

Before the game we went to the Original Pantry. Anyone elsebeen there? That's some serious quality eating. Ihad the New York, medium. Yummy. Great breadtoo. Now I'm getting myself hungry again.

Another question. For anyone who's been to the LA area, what was the best place you ate at?

And... I feel like other people have weird impressions of LA.Is that true? Kind of like this morning when I was listeningto Wheezer's (I think) Beverly Hills. I was like, well, noteveryone in/near Beverly Hills has the life that's depicted in thatsong.

Or, like today at the Pantry. There were 2 groups of Japanesetourists- looking extra touristy. You can tell they'retourists when they take pictures of the buildings and look like theythink we might steal their money at any moment. Trust me, noteveryone in downtown LA is out to steal your money.Just the guy with the bacon-wrapped hot dogs. ;)
Those of you who might be wondering about Fiona:

Physically, she looks pretty silly. She's got a bite on bothsides of her neck and one on her ear. Not deep, and they'redefinately healing up. I clean them up every day with somehydrogen peroxide and then put some neosporin on them. Shedoes look kind of silly when the neosporin gets on ther fur nearby,like she's going for a punk rocker look with some gel.

Emotionally, she's back to her feisty self with me. She andTimmy like to sit next to eachother still, on opposite sides of thecage barrier. I don't really know if that's an I want tocuddle or an I want to attack sit yet.


Cleaning her up more, I noticed she's got a few more spots on herback. They seem to be healing as well, but I cleaned them upa bit more and put some neosporin on them too. I feel so badfor her, like it's my fault. Please tell me it isn't my faultshe got beat up. If things don't keep healing, she'll begoing right to the vet.

The weird thing is, this is pretty much exactly what just happened to afriend of mine's bunny. Her other boy beat him up.
No. it's not your fault at all. They were bondedand something just caused the fight to happen. You couldn't have knownthat was to happen.

It sounds as though Fiona is healing nicely. Pernod was the same afterfighting with Shadow - I kept discovering tiny little marks on herwhich scabbed over on their own. As long as there isn't any sign ofinfection, or pain, I think she'll be just fine :)

Wow, more than a week since I last updated, bad bad me...

I'm sitting on my kitchen floor now with Timmy runningaround. I re-introduced the two of them tonight.Most of Fiona's scabs have fallen off by now. She looks muchbetter.

First they were busy exploring, then they noticed eachother.They were friendly at first, then Fiona started trying to nip timmy'srump. I would thump at her by smacking my hand on the floorand she'd stop. After about 20 minutes, she wouldn't, and Ididn't want them getting hurt, so now she's back in her cage and Timmyis in here, jumping over the dogs as they sleep.

I certainly hope they will rebond.
I'm so proud of myself now. Afterbeing the sort of person who has never gone on a date or taken a dateto a dance, let alone wanted to go to a dance...

I have succesfully found myself a prom date as well as one for a friendof mine and possibly one for another friend (he's calling meback). My friends were also very impressed by my secret bankof guy friends I've been hiding... Not to mention that I gotthem from my church and promised I'd only come up with reputableguys. Do you know how hard it is to find guys that arereputable and lack girlfriends... I never knew it would be so tough...
So, they dont attack eachother from their cages,but they do in neutral territory. And I got betweenthem. I was trying to grab Fiona, and Timmy got me.Now I've got two nice cuts on the side of my arm. Idisinfected it, put on neosporin and a bandaid, and now I'm icingit. I really don't want it to look all ugly... I'm going toEurope in 2 days...

Any bonding suggestions? I tried the vanilla on the noses thing too.

Fiona is currently sitting next to my dog. I think she thinks missy is a piece of furniture or something.
Sorry I havent been to your blog in a while!

I am glad Fiona is healing nicely, I was worried about her. Bonding maytake a while, as you know. Did you try a car ride or in the bath tub?Although if youre leaving for Europe you may want to wait until you getback.

Im excited for you to have a prom date! How exciting! My prom was awful(the dj apparently had a bunch of his cds stolen the day of and he wasplaying awful music-think Macarena :)). I hope yours is better.

Have a great time in Europe, where are you going? Im so jealous!
I'm leaving Sunday for Belgium, France,& Switzerland with my school. They do trips like thisevery spring. Last spring, I went to Italy. I'mreally looking forward to it. Don't worry, my mom will betaking care of the bunnies. :D
Wow, thats so exciting! We never had such cooltrips. I would love to go to Italy. Ive been to England, Scottland,Ireland but thats it. Take lots of pics for us so we can livevicariously!

Have fun!
lol, Haley,there are actually 3 tripsthis year, mine, one to Argentina, and the third to the UK.They left today.

We'll be flying Luftansa, just like we did last year. We havea short layover in the Munich airport before we continue to Brussels.

I will be taking my camera and will most definately be sharing pictures.

Going to Italy was really cool. Especially the Eastercelebration in Florence outside il duomo... fireworks, very cool...Here's a short video of it.

Here's a description of what happens at the celebration.

Here are some more pictures for you, Haley.


















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