In case anyone was wondering... the SAT went pretty well. Now it's just that awful wait for the scores.
So... I took the test at UCLA which is... literally... right across thestreet from my school, so I knew where we were going, but I don't knowmy way around the part of the campus we had to go to. We hadto be there at 7:45, at 8 they posted the rooms we'd be in, a fewbuildings away, yeah, we had to go find them.
Once we finally get in the room, the desks are maybe 8" by 8",reeeeeeely tiny. Too tiny for the answer sheet and the testbooklet and the calculator... ugh.
We didn't start the actual test till like 9 because that's how long ittakes to answer "but I don't know my social security number" with "it'soptional" like 100 times...
I needed like 30 more seconds to finish my essay, the question which Icannot disclose or apparently College Board will kill me. Iwill, however, hint that, as with every SAT essay question, I was ableto use MLK in my answer.
All the other sections went really well. I'm a weirdperson... I like to take standardized tests. I think they'refun.