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They have two litter boxes right now, but arereally only using the one. I don't have the time to go outand get them another as I have finals Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdayand I'm supposed to be studying, not cleaning up afterbunnies.

It'll be tough to explain why I failed my finals, lol.
Well, I have no pictures now, but...

The extension is now 2x2x3 long. My mom got a large oil drippan at osh that fits 3 grids long, by about 2.5 grids wide.We put that underneath the "addition" to protect the floor.

We have two VERY spoiled bunnies.

I think this is as big as the "addition" is going to get. Mymom dosn't want it any taller than the couch, since it's behind thecouch.
Alright, my original babies are jealous that the bunnies were getting all the picture taking.

A very busy shadow...


And my little sweetheart with her new faux suede deer moose thing that was on sale. She loves it.




your goldie girls are beautiful, they have suchlovely faces! I'm a sucker for the golden retrievers, i work with themquite often and i've never met one with a bad personality always soloving, friendly and playful! :cool:
I thought perhaps I ought to share Fiona and Timmy's "theme songs" along with some more pictures.

First Fiona,


-to the tune of Fiona’s “Fergalicious”

Listen up ya'll, Cuz this is it
The beat that I'm thumpin' is de-li-cious

Fionalicious definition make them bucks go loco
They want my treasure so they get their pleasures from my photo
You could see me, you can't squeeze me
I ain't easy, I ain't sleazy
I got reasons why I tease 'em
Bucks just come and go like seasons

Fionalicious(so delicious)
But I ain't a bad bunny
And if you was suspicious
All that stuff is fictitious
I give kisses (lick, lick)
That puts them bucks on rock, rock
And they be lining down the cage just to watch what I got (four, tres, two, uno)

So delicious (It's hot, hot)
So delicious (I put them bucks on rock, rock)
So delicious (they wanna taste of what I got)
I'm Fionalicious (b-b-b-b-b-bunny, bunny)

[Verse 2]
Fionalicious def-, Fionalicious def-, Fionalicious def- [def fading echo]
Fionalicious definition make them bucks go crazy
They always claim they know me
Comin' to me call me Stacy (Hey Stacy)
I'm the F to the I, O, the N the A
And can't no other bunny put it down like me

I'm Fionalicious (so delicious)
My dewlap stayin’ luscious
I be up in the pen just working on my thumpin’
He's my witness (oooh wee)
I put yo' buck on rock rock
And he be lining down the cage just to watch what I got (four, tres, two, uno)

So delicious (It's hot, hot)
So delicious (I put them bucks on rock, rock)
So delicious (they wanna taste of what I got)
I'm Fionalicious (hold hold hold hold hold up, check it out)

Baby, baby, baby
If you really want me
Honey get some patience
Maybe then you'll get a snuggle
I'm a bunny, bunny, I am always hungry
Pellets so tasty, tasty, they’ll make you crazy

T to the A to the S T E Y girl you tastey, T to the A to the S T E Y girl you tasty
D to the E to the L I C I O U S, D to the E to the, to the, to the, hit it Fiona

All the time I turn around brotha's gather round always looking at me up and down looking at my
I just wanna say it now I ain't tryin to round up drama little mama I don't wanna take your man
And I know I'm comin off just a little bit conceited and I keep on repeating how the bucks wanna eat it
But I'm tryin' to tell, that I can't be treated like clientel
Cuz' they say she

Fionalicious(so delicious)
But I ain't a bad bunny
And if you was suspicious
All that stuff is fictitious
I give kisses (lick, lick)
That puts them bucks on rock, rock
And they be lining down the cage just to watch what I got (four, tres, two, uno)


It's so delicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)
So delicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)
So delicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)
I'm Fionalicious, b-b-b-b-b-bunny, bunny

B to the U, to the N N & Y girl you bunny,
B to the U, to the N N & Y girl you bunny
B to the U, to the N N & Y girl you bunny,
B to the U, to the, to the, to the, to the (four, tres, two, uno)
To the D to the E to the L I C I O U S,
to the D to the E to the L I C I O U S,
to the D to the E to the L I C I O U S,
to the D to the E to the, to the, to the, to the, to the (four, tres, two, uno)



And Timmy's song...

Timmy Hides Out
-to the tune of Daniel Powter’s “Jimmy Gets High”

Timmy you know, everybody hates you when you're peein’ outside your box
So you hide out tonight
And Timmy you lied, I wonder if you ever get yourself out here alive
So you hide out tonight

'Cause you don't need Christina to make it on your own
You don’t need Fiona you'd rather be alone
So Timmy chows down tonight
And Timmy eats hay tonight
I must confess, I'm a real live wire
Timmy you and me we’ll get along a while
Timmy hides out tonight

Timmy you lied, I'm hoping that soon maybe life it don't pass you by
So Timmy hides out tonight
And Timmy you know, everybody hates you when you're living off your alfalfa cubes
So you hide out tonight

'Cause you don't need Christina to make it on your own
You don't need Fiona you'd rather be alone
So Timmy hides out tonight
And Timmy hides out tonight
I must confess, I'm a real live wire
Timmy you and me we’ll get along a while
Timmy hides out tonight

I've been so confused
And I just hope it all gets back to you
So Timmy hides out tonight

I must confess, I'm a real live wire
Timmy you and me we get along a while
So Timmy hides out tonight

And I hope it'll be all right
Timmy hides out tonight
And I hope it'll be all right

Timmy you know, everybody hates you when you’re peein' outside your box
So you hide out




Thank you, but please do not inflate their egos.

I'm sure my choir teacher would be oh so very proud of my new lyrics, lol.
Now the buns have two large litterboxes. Fiona wouldn't stop moving/spilling the smaller one. I think she was trying to say, "why did you put this box here mom? I like to pee in this corner!"

I finally got the external hardrive I ordered, so now all of my pictures are on there, along with all of my itunes files and I finally have some hardrive space on my laptop!
I had them run around in the hallway for a bit today. They started grooming eachother.



Then they decided to play tag.

(My mom is the one making all the background noise.)
I missed the new pics! And I love the songs!

For some reason, I have always called Basil "Basilicious". So when thatsong came out I couldnt help but hear Basilicious in my head :D

Oh, and I love this one:


Im amazed at how much Timmy does look like Lucy. The coloring is almostexact (except the white on his nose) and hes bigger, of course.

Your babies are gorgeous!
Awww, thank you.

I let them run around in the hallway for a few hours today. They had quite the fun time. Spoiled bunnies.
I'm in a funky mood, so I thought I'd post somerandom information about me. I'm sure I've already sharedalot of this, but oh well...

-I'm 16 years old
-My parents separated when I was six, but didn't become divorced until last year.
-I still don't have my driver's licence. I'm one more drivinglesson away from getting it, but then I have to pass thetest.
-I've gone to Catholic schools since Kindergarten. I went toa Presbyterian pre school. I'm now a Junior in an all-girls,Catholic high school of 425 girls. I love it.
-I'm also an altar server, I have been since I was in 6th grade, and a leader in my Church's confirmation class.
-I also volunteer at my local animal shelter whenever I can -it's anobsession- and my mom and I volunteer with a hospice program, thoughright now we don't havea patient to visit.
-I have an animal obsession, and I make great animal noises.
-My favorite food is our family friend who is also a chef's chocolate mousse.
-I'm incredibly shy. I never really had any friends untilmidway through my freshman year of highschool. I think that'spartially because I look for people like me- smart enough not to makestupid mistakes.
-I don't do drugs, drink, smoke, etc. I've chosen friends whodon't either, so I have absolutely no desire to. I do,however, have a strangely large amount of knowledge about alcohol, forsomeone who doesn't drink it, due to my father's love of German beerand our chef/friend's love of wine and cognac.
-I've never had a boyfriend, haven't kissed a guy, and have no desire to do either.
-I can't dance, don't watch much tv, and listen to music no one else-my age- seems to listen to: Don Ho, Rolling Stones, Silbermond, O-Zone,etc.
-On my mom's side of the family, I have 3 cousins : Amanda-26, engaged,Becky-25, married w/ 2 kids, and Carlena-22 and and 2 step-cousinsAustin-18, and Logan-16 (my mom's deceased step father's son's kids)-all girls. We don't see the step cousins ever since mystep-grandfather died, though they went/go to school very close tomine. Both of them were exceptional tennis players.Two of my other cousins did pageants.
-On my dad's side of the family I have four cousins- all boys: Myaunt's kids: Billy-27 and married now, Shaun- 20, and My Uncle's kids:Michael Jr.- 20- just joined the French foreign legion on a 5 yearcontract, If he finishes up this final week, he'll be through, andMatt- 18. We haven't seen any of them since my grandma diedof cancer in 2001. After that, my dad and his siblings gotinto a big fight over the money and the house, which we just sold overthe summer, finally, and we're no longer allowed to talk to myaunt.
-I was e-mailing and talking to my cousin Michael since last summer,until he moved to France, and he was supposed to visit over the summer,but he was no longer allowed to after my dad's girlfriend Tam's oldestson, Dayton,was diagnosed with Lupus, and not doingwell. I was really disappointed, and I have a feeling that-even though I shouldn't- I will always blame Dayton for my not gettingto see my cousin. Partially because I'm worried that he won'tcome back.
-The last thing we heard of Billy, he got married over thesummer. I saw him while we were cleaning out my grandma'shouse. Famous last words: "give me a hug because I probablywon't ever see you again" that still makes me cry whenever I thinkabout it. I don't see how 3 adults can do that to their kids,even if most of them are older. (I'm the youngest of all mycousins).
-Last we heard of Shaun, he was going through AA with his stepdad. My technical uncle, Bill, who I never met, used to repowith my dad, then joined the Hell's Angels. There's a greatstory about him hiding some stolen weapons in my aunt's house, then sheturned them in to the police. He has since died.
-We have a 356 Porsche Carrera Speedster in our garage that my dadoringinally restored with his dad, a German guy intensly into Germancars, that has supposedly been our summer project ever since.When my dad's dad died, all of his porsche's- except this one, weredonated to a museum. A guy who was a friend of his just wrotea book of 356 literature and dedicated it to my grandfather.
-My mom's dad died when she was 4. My dad's dad died when mydad was in college. Both of my grandmothersremarried. Both of those husbands and one of my grandmothershave since died.

Okay, I'll stop and go to sleep now.
So my brother's dog, Shadow, has taken quite aliking to bunny poop. She can't walk by the cage now withoutchecking to see if any have made their way out onto the floor. Ifthey're there, she scarfs them up. It's kind of gross, but Ican't decide whether or not this is worse than her eating her ownpoop.
I set up theplaypen outside today so they could enjoy the warm weather and feel thewind in their fur for a bit.

WARNING: Lots of pictures!






What are you doing mommy?






If only I could get my hed screwed on right...




These pics are great, I wish Thumps would standstill long enough for me to get one that clear. I was wondering, do yougroom your bunnies, like give them baths and stuff or just brush them?It looks like they are very well groomed.