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Yay for hugs. It's not raininghere. The weather is pretty perfect. I'd love to beout walking my dog or something... it's just this darn hw that holds meback.
Well, it is already 8:43 here. Whichis not cool, because I have a ton of Farenhiet 451 questions to do andI don't wanna! I also need to work on a science scrapbook and someother stuff that I am trying not to remember, because it just makes medepressed. Blah. :? Oh well, I will get it done. Eventually... ^.^ RaE
Hey girl I have been trying to think of what to tell you with the bonding issues and I have no idea.

Truth be told I thinkI amin the same boat as youright now. Except no one has been hurt but me. If I come up withsomething to help I will let you know.

Well, now I've got Timmy in the play pen withthe carrier so he can hide if he'd like. The playpen isinside the fenced off kitchen. Fiona is running around thesides of the pen. No agression, but her tail is stickingstraight up in the air. Timmy is just minding his ownbusiness. I honestly feel bad for Timmy. If Fionawas annoying me that much, I'd bite her in the neck too.
I just got back from the dentist.Apparently I'm going to go see an oral surgeon about my 3 (not 4)wisdom teeth and my mandibular tori and my palatinus torus.(bony things in my mouth that supposedly get in the way of mytongue. I just thought everyone's mouth was like that...)

I am not looking forward to this. My mom wants me to get itdone in early June. My dad wants to go on vacation with methen before I go to Cornell Summer College on June 23rd.
Me too! Not to mention I've havingtrouble getting this whole prom thing planned... and I have a ratherlarge AP US packet that I was supposed to do over break and anotherhour in my movie to watch for my spanish exploracion cultural, thenwrite a paper on it... in spanish.

I like speaking spanish, but not learning it. ugh I can't wait to drop it next year.
I am a French speaker. I can speaklike a four year old. I am fairly fluent at reading it, writing it, andunderstanding others, but I don't have the accent to speak itmyself...>.<'. I have been considering going to German,but I am already two years into French...I dunno what I will do...
<3, RaE
I'd love to do German. For a fewreasons, it sounds awesome, I'm 1/4 german (my last name is aderivative of the word for radish), and it sounds awesome...

Keeping in mind that I live in southern CA (northern Mexico), my schoolonly has 400 girls, only offers French & Spanish, & theFrench program is known to be... well... bad, I took spanish.

Like I said, I like speaking in spanish, I just hate the tenses and the accents and the tests... ugh
missyscove wrote:
I am not looking forward to this. My mom wants meto get it done in early June. My dad wants to go on vacationwith me then before I go to Cornell Summer College on June23rd.
Well, I take that back... I had heard back from Cornell ath thebeginning of this month about the literature program I had wanted todo, but that program was being decided upon on a rolling basis (theylook at your application, say okay, and send you the letter.)

I just got an e-mail about the Vet program I really really reallywanted to do... but didn't get accepted to. Of course, theyincluded a list of about 10 other programs they would just accept mefor if I said I wanted to come. Only 3 of them are during thesecond 3 week session... I've already been accepted to the firstone.

Now I'm crying about it, and I need to go talk to my counselor at school about all these other programs.

And I'm really mad at my dad who has told all his friends that I'mgoing, then I said, I have to get in. He just assumed Iwould. Of course, I really thought I would too, but now Ihave a list of people to explain why I didn't get in to.
Aw, I'm sorry you didn't get in, that sucks.:( Ihave those mandibular tori things too, and another thing called buccalexostoses on my lower jaw. They don't bother me though, I thoughteveryone's mouth was like that too, until the orthodontist told me.They're supposed to be really uncommon, I guess we're justweird..:dunno:Ah well, we can be weirdos together.:hug:
Yay for weirdos.

I was looking them up yesterday... one of them said something aboutbeing most common in Inuit males. I was like, uhhhh
Oh, Hun...I'm so sorry you didn't get into the vet program...that's horrible! :(

I hope you're able to line up something supplimental until they comearound to allowing more applications...something that at least relatesto vet care and such...


Thanks guys...

I'm going to go ahead and enroll in two 3 week programs at Cornell: theliterature one I was already planning to do and also the CareerExplorations in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

More good news: I don't know if I'd mentioned on here before about mycousin, Michael. He graduated from 4 years worth of collegeat 19 and decided to join the French Foreign Legion for 5years. I haven't seen him since 2001 when our grandmotherdied, but I'd been IMing with him for about a year. Well,after 60 days of essentially FFL boot camp, he decided the FFL was not,in fact, for him and that he wanted to return home. We don'tknow the full story, but somehow he ended up inprison...:shock:. We just got word that he's now out ofprison and will be back in the US in about a week.:bunnydance:
Well, I'm sitting here being my procrastinatingself. I got home from my spring concert at school about 30mins. ago and I have some homework that I really really really don'twant to do. The concert went okay. Acting, dance,choir & orchestra. I'm in the choir. Wewere pretty bad... the freshman (about 1/2 the choir) don't sing... notloud enough to hear anyway.

We're all a little mad at the way our choir teacher handled giving usthe music for this performance. As in, we didn't work on anyof the pieces very much because she was too busy trying to get us towork on other things. On our last song, Seasons of Love, sheforgot to bring us in :shock:. Like, 2 people came in anyway,the rest of us were like...:?Then she goes, oh oh... yes andwe get louder... scary.

Anyway, I should probably do some homework before carpool tomorrow...then I need to wash all the makeup off my face so I cansleep.

BTW, is it really hot where everybody else lives? Because it's really really hot already.
It is just starting to get hot thisweek. Friday, it is going to finally get into the 90's(95degrees) I'm dreading it, because after that, it's justgoing to get hotter...and hotter...and hotter untill I think I'm goingto either fry or melt. :(

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