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JadeIcing wrote:
I know, right. It was a really cool trip. The bestpart was that I was taking AP European History that year, so we wereseeing all the things we'd been studying: the pieta, brunelleschi's(sp?) doors, the vatican, etc. And, as a Catholic school,there were some awesome, awesomechurches. Hopefullythis year's trip is as awesome as that one was.

Back to rabbits... this is a rabbit forum afterall, right.

I've got Fiona in a carrier in the kitchen now, and Timmy runningaround her, sitting on the carrier, chinning it, etc. Thisway they can see & smell eachother, but can't hurteachother. I had fiona out and Timmy in a little whileago.

I can tell they like playing in the kitchen... now if I can get thembonded they can spend alot more time in here. Since it'sgetting closer to summer, we're considering moving their cages to acooler room of the house as the one they're in now gets really warm inthe summertime. That and if I get accepted, I'm going to asummer program at Cornell for 6 weeks which means my mom will beresponsible for them. If they rebonded before then we couldmaybe give them the run of the hallway which would be great.

Now if only Timmy would stop peeing outside of his litterbox... ugh.
Those pics are gorgeous! Im definitely in need of a vacation. Im so jealous!

Good luck on the bonding. Im sure they will be buddies again soon :)
I'm baaaackkkkkk... I'll definately besharing pictures later from my trip. As for now, I've beenawake for 29 hours with about 3 hours of sleep on the planes.Lots of coca-cola and chocolate will keep anyone awake.

I'm dying to take a shower and brush my teeth. I brought back lots of stuff, too bad none of you can have any of them.
Okay, my trip journal turned word document turned copy/paste.More pictures still to come.

Day 1: Sunday, April 1, 2007[/b]

LAX àMunich, Germany à Brussels, Belgium(Monday April 2, 2007)

Day 2: Monday, April 2, 2007[/b]

Brussels, Belgium à Bruges, Belgium

After a very long plane ride, wearrived in Munich, Germany for a short layover. I got somenice pictures of Germany, from the airport and the plane.During our free time I got some good Germany souvenirs.

Once we landed, we collected ourbaggage and met Thierry, our ACIS tour guide and Peiter, out busdriver.

Peiter drove us a few hours intoBruges, a small, old, Belgian town. The streets were sonarrow that the bus couldn’t fit down them, so we had to walk a fewblocks to the hotel. The cobblestone streets and aged, brickbuildings gave the town a comfortable, welcoming feel. We hadabout an hour to get ready for dinner at a nearby restaurant.

Our meal was asparagus soup, turkeywith really pretty fried things of mashed potato, and a decadent applepie/cake thing with home-made whipped cream.

After dinner, we walked into the townsquare where we admired the city hall which had been built in the1350’s. We then returned to our hotel room to shower andsleep, ready for a 7:00 am wake up call to return intoBrussels.

Our trip started out with 3 Seniors(Sabrina, Myrna, and Margy), 2 juniors (me and the other Christina) and19 sophomores. We also had 3 teachers and our tour guide,Thierry.

Day 3: Tuesday April 3, 2007[/b]

Bruges àWaterloo à Brussels

First we went to Waterloo for a cheesydiorama with a video. My favorite part was “the putting toflight of the French” then the blue lights started moving away from thecenter of the battle. Then we climbed the 226 steps to thetop of the mound that had been constructed in memory of the battle sothat we could see the whole field.

We drove back into Brussels.We saw the city hall and a building created for the World’s Fair as amodel of an atom. We also saw the statue/ fountain mannekinpiss. We had Belgian waffles, mine with bananas and chocolateand hot chocolate and more Belgian chocolate. I bought somechocolate to bring home, and some to eat and a lace butterfly becauseapparently Belgian lace is important too.

Dinner was a chicken stew with boiledpotatoes after an interesting salad. Dessert was vanilla icecream. After dinner we walked around the canals, but it wasso cold (remember, we’re California girls) that we went back to thehotel early to shower, pack, & sleep.

I watched BBC on the tv, because Iwanted English. We watched the Underdog. I alsosent out about 10 postcards.

Day 4: Wednesday April 4, 2007[/b]

Belgium à Reims, France à Paris,France

At breakfast we learned that 2 girlshad gone “clubbing in Bruges” we didn’t really see how that waspossible. That was 2 of the sophomores. About halfof the sophomores are officially annoying and won’t stop asking stupidquestions. Those two girls got sent home onThursday.

We took a really long bus ride intoFrance. Then we went into Reims to visit Notre Dame at Reims,the cathedral. We had a little free time, then continued toParis. The Paris hotel was really nice. The roomswere smaller, but the beds were wonderful.

Dinner was tuna salad, chicken& potatoes (surprise), and fruit salad. There arecrepes everywhere.

It took us over 2 hours to go up anddown the Eiffel tower. We were waiting in lines the wholetime. At the top, we met a group of guys from New York whotook their picture with Margy because they were impressed that she gotinto Yale, Harvard, Princeton, etc.

While we were waiting for the elevatorfrom the 2[suP]nd[/suP] floor to the ground, there was no line, just amob. It takes a while for the elevator to show up and peoplewere getting antsy. When it was finally our turn, we gotsmashed against the wall as the whole crowd tried to get into theelevator.

Day 5: Thursday, April 5, 2007[/b]


We took a guided tour of Paris with agreat guide. Then we saw THE Notre Dame cathedral and hadcrepes for lunch. Mine was nutella and banana, akayummy. After lunch we took the metro to the Louvre where wesaw the Mona Lisa and the Coronation of Napoleon among otherworks. We even saw an Egyptian Sphinx. Then wevisited the local shops where I got a scarf and a sweatshirt.

Then we took the metro back to thehotel to dress for our special dinner. We finally got to picksomething other than poultry and potatoes. I had a reallygood salad with cheese and olives and even tried theescargot. It had a pesto-like sauce on it that Iliked. I also had veal which was excellent. Then we had theseice cream things for dessert. I also drank the entire carafeof coke because it was free, for the first time, and no one else wantedany. After dinner: a night tour of Paris where most of usfell asleep.

Day 6: Friday, April 6, 2007[/b]


Our last day in Paris. Wewent shopping at the Galleria Lafayette where I quickly learned that Iam not willing to pay for anything sold inside a building. Wealso saw the opera that the Phantom of the Opera was writtenabout. It has a pool of water underneath to enhance theacoustics.

Then we took the metro back to thehotel to meet the bus that took us to Versailles.

Versailles was reallybeautiful. The gardens were somewhat bare since it was stilltoo cold for flowers and fountains. It was neverthelessimpressive.

After Versailles, we had crepes fordinner. I had egg & cheese, then chocolate.I’d had a quiche for lunch.

Then we went to moumart, the mount ofmartyrs. We visited the Basilica there then the local shopsand artists. I had my portrait drawn for 30 Euros, I talkedmy way down from 50. It was impressive. We walkedback by the Moulin Rouge and the café from Amelie. We didn’treturn to the hotel until 00:30. I still can’t get used tothat military time.

Day 7: Saturday, April 7, 2007[/b]

Paris àGeneva à Lausanne

We took the TGV train from Paris toGeneva. The train ride was about 3.5 hrs. Most ofus slept on the train, no that the view was that great: tree, hill,bush, grass, cow, grass.

It took us a long time to get to ourhotel which can basically be described in 4 words: shiny, blue, silver,pink… aka ugly. In Geneva it took an hour to find SwissFranks since the banks, even the famous Swiss banks, are closed onSaturdays. Then we had Ice cream. We walked fromLausanne to Ouchy for dinner: tomato soup, spaghetti, veggies, turkey,and ice cream. Then we went to a neat park and played on theswings then walked back, though we got lost.

Day 8: Sunday, April 8, 2007[/b]

Lausanne à Gruyers à Chateau deChillon

Gruyers was a nice town. Wedid some shopping. I am now the proud owner of a cuckooclock. J We had afondue lunch which was excellent. Then we went to the Chateaude Chillon, an old Chateu on its own island. That was reallycool. Dinner at the hotel was not so cool. I thinkthey went to the stupid American section of their grocerystore. We had alphabet soup, flavorless chicken and rice, andchocolate pudding stuff that was really, really bad.

Day 9: Monday, April 9, 2007[/b]

Geneva àMunich à LAX

We woke up at 3:15 to leave at4:00. Our plane left at 7:00 for Munich. In Munichwe shopped in the DFS. I love duty free. Then weflew over 11 hrs back to LA. It was nice to be somewherewhere the people who wanted to see my passport spoke mylanguage. Customs took over an hour, though we had nothing todeclare. I went home and slept for 14 hrs. I lovesleep.

Wow...those pictures of Italy areAMAZING!! Italy's one of the places I've got on my list tovisit eventually. And you're pictures just affirm that allthe more! :)

Wow...I can't wait to see all the pics from your recent journey!! :D:D:D

I'll be checking your blog! :)


Rosie & the Herd :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Okay, pictures... lots of pictures...Keep in mind that this is a small selection of 748 pictures, movies,& audio files...






























This is where they executed Marie Antoinette



Fun loving piegon



Versailles Chapel

Marie Antoinette's bed
































Yeah, Alicia said it all...wow. I don't think words could quite adequately describe the beauty you've seen...

Just reminds me why I want to go those various places...:)

Wow...beauty you just don't find here in the US. (Especiallynot here in Southern California, eh, MissysCove?) Hehe! :)

Aww, though we may lack century old buildings,(with the exception of Los Encinos State Historic parkhttp://los-encinos.org/)but we're cool anyway, don't you think. I'm glad to be hereat home where people ask for my passport in English though.

Yes, I definately recognize that I am a lucky kid to get totravel. Mostly when things happen like... Tuesday I went to apot luck party for volunteers at the shelter. One of theACT's is like, I haven't seen you around for a while. I'mlike, umm, I was out of town. Once I tell her where I went,she calls over the other ACT's to tell them too, lol. Thenshe says, "I used to go to disneyland."

I went to disneyland yesterday. Disneyland would be a muchhappier place if they didn't let so many people in. You canbarely move in there. I'm thinking they should just close itwhen I want to go. Then, sorry to those of you who will oneday be first timers, there are the first timers. For example,we saw one lady with a guide book to disneyland. Disneylandis rather straight forward, you don't need a guide book to find yourway around... right. Then there are the people who complainthat the rides aren'tvery intense. This isDisneyland, okay, not Six flags.(Of course, as mymom pointed out, apparently people are afraid of gang activity at MagicMountain, but the rides are soooooo much better.)
That is wonderful! You are going to appreciatethat journal when you are old. Your children will too I bet. btw, myfavorite picture is the alaphabet soup. hehe
Okay, once again, back to the bunnies & their bonding.

I started off with Timmy in the carrier in the kitchen and Fionarunning around, then switched, then let them both out. Ifirst held the two of them next to eachother and rubbed their noses forsome forced cuddling. They stayed on opposite sides of thekitchen, no running across to get eachother at least. UntilFiona went into Timmy's corner. He tried to nip her, so Iseparated them. He tried again so I put Timmy back in thecarrier. Fiona chinned the carrier all over and the kitchenitself. Now she's doing laps around me. She reallylikes jumping over my dogs and my legs.

I couldn't make it all out... something like "I am Fiona Indiana Jones Whiskers, look mom look!"

We've also discovered a fun new game where I toss the towel at her andshe attacks it with her paws, gets it arranged just right, and we do itall again. Silly rabbit.

Any tips of something else I might try?
I don't know what to do with thesebunnies. Fiona won't stop getting herself in fights that shecan''t win. She's got another gash on her neck today that Ihad to clean up. Then I put Timmy in his carrier and letFiona run around thinking it was all Timmy's fault and poorFiona.

Well, Fiona kept trying to get to Timmy through the front of thecarrier, then I'd shoo her away, then she sat on top of the carrier andpeed and pooped. Thanks Fiona, thanks alot.Apparently she enjoys teasing Timmy to the point where he bites her,then having me clean up her wounds. I don't really feel badfor her anymore.

I think Timmy's trying to be "Top bunny" which was Fiona'sposition. I like to pretend that I'm really the top bunny butwe all know I'm just the slave.
Hey! I missed all your picturesbefore. Gorgeous! Did you go to the area inBrussels with all the restaurants in the alleys? That was myfavorite part of Brussles - walking around in the alleys and checkingout all the restaurant (and all the eating!!).

I also did London, Paris, Lucerne when I went a couple yearsago. What part of Switzerland were you guys in? Ionly went to Lucerne and it was gorgeous. Doesn't everythinglook like a postcard there? I couldn't take enough photos, everythingwas just so beautiful.

Paris for me was unexpected - I wasn't sure if I would like it, but ILOVED it and I can't wait to go back over. Funny how it's soexotic for us - all the wonderful history... and for all your luckyones who live over there - it's just day to day life. :D :D

Great pictures!!

We stayed in the "French" part ofSwitzerland. aka the part where they speak French.The Lufthansa flight and Munich airport have convinced me that I mustlearn German so I can look cool, lol.
We stopped in Petco today to get Fiona a newwater bottle like Timmy's since hers won't stop leaking and she's takento attacking it. -shrug- She also got a lock on crock sinceshe's decided it's fun to tip her food over. She eats it offthe floor, but I feel bad.

We also got 2 new harnesses. I couldn't decide on the style, so we got both.

http://www.gollygear.com/lilpal.htmthisone, but from Petco, for some reason I couldn't find it on theirwebsite. They have the striped one. I love lovelove it. Now, Timmy's 4.5 lbs, and it would not fit a largerbunny, it's almost as big as it gets on him, but it is perfect for mybunnies. I would definately reccomend it.

We also got this onehttp://www.amazon.com/Four-Paws-Safety-Rabbit-Harness/dp/B0002ASFK0inred for them (petco, again, but the link was funky). It'snice and all, but I really love the first one after trying them bothout.
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Apparently my blog is too overwhelming for people to respond. Or I'm just boring.

Right now I'm procrastinating and depressed. Let's review:

Today is the last day of my 2 week break. I got none of thestudying I'd planned to do done. I also have 2 rather largehomework assignments that I need to get done, but I really, reallydon't want to do them.... I hate AP's!

My dad flew to Hawaii last night on a $1,500 last minute ticket to bewith the family and friends of uor family friend who justpassed. He left in such a rush that he didn't even have timeto grab his will. I was supposed to be with my dad thisweekend because my mom is doing volunteer work at the Long Beach GrandPrix with her boyfriend. Now I'm at my dad's house with hisgirlfriend who is moping because she couldn't go to Hawaii becauseshe's in tax season.

I also just found out a few days ago that my cousin who at 19 graduatedfrom college and decided he wanted to join the French Foreign Legion,who I haven't seen for 6 years since our grandmother died, who I wassupposed to see before he left but couldn't because my dad'sgirlfriend's son went into the hospital for a while before theydiscovered he had Lupus, is currently being held in confinement (myAunt used the word Prison) in France. My uncle has 2 Frenchlawyers trying to get him out. Apparently he decided (beforethe deadline to decide) that he wanted to come home and either join theAir Force or study international business. I'm glad that he'scoming home, but a little worried about the fact that my cousin is inprison...

I also have a headache and my nose is clogged up.

Oh, and my bunnies refuse to be friends with eachother.
If it makes you feel anybetter, I have a crapload of homework as well. I am sorry your bunniesare being little boogers. Just remember they love you. I am reallypretty hyper. I may get a bunny. Or two. Yay! I hope. I love yourpictures. (I am oretty visual. I love pictures.)
Good luck RaE
Aww, you seem so stressed. If I werethere we would go for slush puppies (even though it is rainy and grayhere, that is what I want) Then, I don't know what. But it would befun. We can totally ignore our dumb homework and find somethinginteresting and bunny-oriented to do. We can find the true secret ofperfectly bonding bunnies! Or whatever, you know, I am flexable. ExceptI am not in Cali...Hmmm...Maybe I can airmail you a cookie orsomething?

P.S. You have Much and Many hugs from me!:hug::hug2::grouphug:group::group2:

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