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We just took our Christmas picture the other day, then I had to edit it. Here we are.

I think Timmy looks really good in the picture.


Timmy and Fiona both seem to be enjoying the Christmas time.My friend who is allergic to them got them all kinds of gifts, so Igave them some of those yesterday. I also got my friend'sbunnies one of those fiddlesticks things since mine like theirs somuch.

Bonding is going really well now. They seem okay being ineachother's cages. I think over break, after I get back fromHawai'i, I'm going to combine their cages. Then Timmytoeswill sing... "Together at last! Together forever!We're tying a knot, they never can sever. I don't needsunshine now to turn my skies to blue. I don't need anythingbut you."

Well, we just finished unwrapping our Christmaspresents today, since we just got back in town. By we, I meanmostly those spoiled rabbits.

Here's my handsome boy. Fiona was busy hiding under the tree.


Here are my snuggly kids. They really likeeachother. My mom even had them in the same cage for awhileover my trip. I'm going to combine their cagessoon.



Here's Timmy playing with some of his new toys.






And here's their favorite toy of all, the packing paper they made into a tunnel/ cave.



Well, somehow I missed thisthread:foreheadsmack:, so I've been catching up and read it all the waythrough, and I have to say that your bunnies are justadorable. I am so glad that they are getting along together (so cute in their little love cabin :D), and I love your Christmas pic.One big happy family :)

I love the new pics!

Did you have a fun trip to Hawaii? Im jealous :D

Timmy and Fiona look like they are doing great together! Congrats!
Hawaii was fun, but after awhile it got a littletiring. I mean, it was a week of time a little too closetogether. We did a week long cruise from Oahu to Hawai'i,Maui, back to Hawai'i, Kauai, and back to Oahu. My brotherand I shared a cabin that connected to my dad's girlfriend's sons'cabin and the balcony was connected between their cabin, our cabin, andmy dad and his girlfriend's cabin.

My dad's girlfriend, Tam's, oldest son, Dayton who is 15 was diagnosedwith Lupus this summer and had been in and out of the hospital alotduring the last 6 months. This was a nice break for him, buthe had to stay out of the sun, so everywhere we went we had to findshade for him.

Just because I'm a teenager and she's my dad's girlfriend, at times Tamand I get along, at times we really butt heads over things.That's what I got tired of after a while.

Overall though, the cruise was great. It was NCL's Pride ofHawai'i. The one drawback, and apparently the travel agentwarned us, was that the service was slower than on most cruises becausethe staff was entirely American. In order to be a US flaggedship (so you don't have to stop in a foreign port), at least 75% of thecrew has to be from the US. One of our waiters said they'd beadding international staff soon, and that they'd be "running circlesaround [the American staff.]"

One thing I love about cruises is the food. I mean, you go todinner and order 4 entrees and it doesn't cost any more, you can't holdme back from that. Of course, I am now 5lbsheavier. They also had free 24 hr. room service.Perfect for late night food while we watched the free movies,lol.

As for the islands...

Oahu. My dad goes to Oahu about once every 5 weeks for work,and I've been a number of times but Tam's boys had never been, so itwas fun to show them Waikiki and such. Of course, the day wewere doing most of our walking around was when we were waiting for itto be time to go home, Christmas day, so most things wereclosed.


We docked in Hilo, got off the boat, and found a guy willing to givethe 6 of us a tour for less than it would have been for 2 of us if we'dbooked it on the boat. We went up to see the volcano whichwas very cool.

That night, the boat went by one part of the island where the lavaspills into the water. It was pitch black, then brightorange. Really impressive.

Maui. We rented a Lincoln Towncar, the only car they had leftthat would seat 6, and drove the road to Hana. That wasspectacular. The only problem is that I am still sore fromtrying to hold onto the handles because I was in the middle seat, andmy dad was practicing some kind of crazy driving.

The next day we took a taxi over to this beach where there weresupposed to be sea turtles. After snorkeling around for aboutan hour, slicing my hand open, and spotting a massive puffer fish, asea turtle swam right by me. Charlie and I followed it for abit, alerting our fellow snorkelers, one of which told us that therewere a bunch on the rocks. Well, we headed up there, and theywere right. At least five at a time in the shallow water atopsome lava rock, feeding on the plants there. It was prettyimpressive.


Kona. I don't really remember too much of what we did here, sad isn'tit. I know we got back to the boat early enough for me to dothe water slide a bunch of times.

Kuaui. The first day we went horse back riding, Tam and I.That was really fun. Then we did a taxi tour of certain partsof the island. The next day we went to the beach.

One thing that was interesting was, although there were people fromother countries onboard, the variations just betweenAmericans. It always amazes me that places like California,Hawaii, Texas, and Alaska are all part of the same country.

Then there were the things people said, like the fact that there arepeople that don't know what edamame (sp?) are. And the ladythat asked, "Y'all know what them there spiky things are on thatrock? The ones that look like cactus?" It took me aminute to figure out she was talking about the sea urchins,lol.

I'm going to stop now, the bunnies are making some kind of a commotionin the other room. I think they're hungry again.
LuvaBun wrote:
Your cruise trip sounds wonderful - I bet Fiona and Timmywould have loved it too ;)

I'm not so sure how they would have felt about all thatwater. Luckily my mom is just about the best pet sitter theycould ever have, so they were very well taken care of (okay,spoiled). I mean, come on, she even finished up their bondingfor me. Now if I could only get around to finishing up withtheir cage.
Sounds like a fun trip, although I think I would die being in a cabin with my brother for a week ;)

So are Timmy and Fiona in the same cage now?? Fully bonded?
Haley wrote:
Sounds like a fun trip, although I think I would die beingin a cabin with my brother for a week ;)

So are Timmy and Fiona in the same cage now?? Fully bonded?
Yeah, I was liking Charlie being gone, and not only did I have to sharea cabin with him, my two essentially step-brothers were in theconnecting cabin. Just reminding me why I love going to anall girls' school.

Timmy and Fiona are officially bonded now. They love eatingtogether and grooming eachother. I think they spend theirdays talking about how mad they are at me for not expanding their cageyet like I'd planned to do over break. I just need some moretime to do it.

My mom is planning a wedding for them. Those naughty bunnies,living together before they're married. ;) I thinkFiona will be wearing the tux and Timmy'll be in the veil since italready looks like Fiona's in a tux and she definately "wears thepants" in the relationship. If there is a wedding, I promisethere will be pictures.
Thats great! :yes:

I love the idea of the wedding. You could make Fiona a little veil.

And of course we will need pics! :wink
I've oficially begun the extension on the bunnymansion. I'm not sure if I'm going to allow them into it ornot yet. I have a feeling that the first thing they'll do isto mark their territory, and since I'm sick and I have finals at schoolnext week, I'm not sure that I'm ready to clean that up justyet.

Spoiled bunnies.
Fiona lept off my lap today, and right under theChristmas tree, one of her new favorite hiding spots. Shereally likes watching me climb under after her, then running out theother side. I just don't want her to chew on the light cord,or pee on the carpet. It's an artificial tree. Wehaven't had the time, okay, the willpower, to take it downyet.




Hmmm, what's this?


Ooohhhh, fun!


Let's straighten this out... I didn't touch the tree skirt, really.


I finally caught her and put her back in her cage with Timmy. She promptly resorted to cuddling.


Ooh, what's that flashy thing?


The naughty little girl did it again.I overslept today, 25 minutes, which left me with 45 minutes before Ihad to leave the house. I went ahead and let the bunnies outinto their playpen after my shower like I usually do, then Fionaproceeded to escape and run and hide under my mom's bed. Mymom got up right after that. Neither of us could get her tocome out. We figured she'd come out on her own.Well, finally, she did, but I couldn't catch her before she got backunder.

I couldn't manage to get her out before I had to leave to get to mycarpool's house on time. I went ahead and unpluggedthe extension cord that runs under there, so she wouldn't seriouslyelectrocute herself while we were gone. When I did that Imanaged to mildly electrocute myself where she had chewed thewire.
So we raced to my carpool's house and my mom went right back home whereshe found Fiona in her 2nd favorite hiding spot, under the Christmastree.
She says Fiona boxed her paws at her at first, then literally lept intoher arms, as if to say, "take me back to my cage, now!"
She them proceeded to scarf down her lettuce.
My poor baby, we've both had a scary day. Now she's snuggling on my lap.

If only I could make her stop hiding under the bed, my life would be so much easier.
Hi, I know exactly what you are saying about them getting under the bed.

Our Daisy Mae hasrun under our bed a couple oftimes. We have 2 ofthose big plastic containersthat we store our clothes in under the bed. I looked like acrazy woman going from one side of the bed to the other, every time Iwas on one side she went to the other. Then she would get in betweenthe two containers. It took me over half an hour to get herout. Needless to say our bedroom door is always closed nowwhen she has her run time.

We try to keep the doors closed, it's just thatmy mom always forgets, and I can't close my bedroom door, because Ican't close off the heater vent in there, and it's first on the linefor the heater, and if I close my door it gets really really hot inthere, while really cold in the rest of the house. Luckily,it seems she hasn't figured out about the other beds in thehouse.
The funny/nice thing is, when she's out, if you walk around the houseand go "Fiona are you in here?" she thumps back, lol. Oneday, my mom didn't hear her thump back, but she finally found her,ontop of my brother's bed hanging out with his stuffedanimals. Silly rabbit.
So now I've got a 2x2x2 nic cube cage attatchedto their regular cage. I'm trying to convince my mom to letme make it one cube longer. My mom's boyfriend is in theprocess of selling his sign shop, but he should be able to bring mesome coroplast. In the meantime, I've got some newspapers andstuff on the top level to protect their feet. They reallyseem to enjoy it, but they're preocupied with marking theirterritory.
I was so proud of Fiona. I'd beenholding her on my lap here, then, right after I put her back in hercage, she peed right in her litterbox. Such a goodgirl.

One of them, or both, however, won't stop peeing on the floor in their "addition."

I thought I'd share a few pictures of their new setup.

Sorry for the mess in there.





What a neat set up! So they can hop right from the cage to the NIC part? Very cool.

I guess its expected that they will be peeing a bt in the new additionarea. Marking the territory and what not. Do you have a second litterbox in the addition? That might be something to consider..