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Hurray for Timmy! And Bonding looks like its progressing well too!

Another place thats good for bonding is the dining room table. I just throw a blanket down and set them there...

Also, last night I discovered a new trick. put a little Peanut Butteron Missy's nose and see if Timmy will lick it off (since she willprobably be the "top bun" this will help show her that hes beingsubmissive)

Good Luck!
I don't know how my mom would feel about the dining room table... hmm

Oh, also, Missy is the name of my dog. Fiona is my bunn-she. Timmy is my bunn-he.
Haley wrote:
lol..sorry about that! I dont think Missy the dogwould like Timmy licking PB off her!
Actually, she would probably love it. She loves tocuddle. Timmy, on the other hand, might not likeit.
Poor Mr. Timmytoes. Tonight he was outand running around and tried to lie next to Fee through hercage. She got up and started thumping at him. Hejust wants somebunny to love, poor guy.

In the meantime, I'm playing maid to their territorial attempts to conquer their cages.:sweep...:dutch :brown-bunny...

As I type, Timmy is franticly drinking from his water bottle: "must increase pee production, must increase pee production..."
Last night I got some pictures of Timmy.

Here he is looking rather regal on his "throne"


And here's one of Timmy and Missy together.


Contemplating leaping onto Missy's head.


And finally, Missy says, "can't you see I'm bunnysitting?"


Very cute pics!

I think its the other way around though, Missy isnt Bunnysitting, Timmy is Doggysitting in that last pic!
Yes, the dogs are now afraid of the big scaryplaypen gate, lol. The rabbits on the otherhand, spend theirdays plotting how to get over it. They still don't reallyphase the dogs much. It's weird, lol.
So, we carved our pumpkins tonight, then I got out the hats and clothes, the bunnies were very cooperative with that.

Here's my pumpkin. Fiona themed, can you see it?





Timmy wasn't quite as cooperative though.

Here's Timmy's Peter Rabbitimpression.


That grass skirt is just too cute!

Did they not want to eat the pumpkin? I set my pumpkin downfor maybe 10 seconds, took three pictures, and then had to rescue itbefore it was nibbled beyond recognition.
Thought I'd add in my halloween costume. I was a swedish fish.


My friend, also named Christina, came over to go trick-or-treating withme. We watched night of the lepus together too. Shehas 3 bunnies, Oreo, Bullet, & Courage. Oreo andBullet are broken black, Courage is Broken brown. They're 1/2rex, half some wild bunny, supposedly. She got them fromsomeone else back when she lived in Florida. I guess it musthave been a domestic bunny that became wild, or the offspring of one,since I don't think it's possible for wild rabbits here to mate withdomestic ones.

Last time I was at her house, I got some pictures of Mr.Bullet. Here's one of him looking at himself in themirror.


Here's a picture of me, bullet's mom, and myother friend, Birka, who is allergic to rabbits, at this year'sfather-daughter dance.

It's nice to have friends who, when I say, "let's get down tobusiness," say, "to defeat the huns" and then sing the entire Mulan"I'll make a man out of you" song with me.
Bonding is progressing rather well.They get along pretty well if I sit int he pen with them, but Fionastill enjoys chasing him, or trying to anyway. That andeating my textbooks.

BTW, I just watched an amazing movie that a friend reccomended to me,Les Choristes / The Chorus. It's in French, but I watched itwith subtitles. It's about a choir at a French boy'sschool. The music is great too, of course, maybe I'm just achoir geek. I rented it off Netflix, but now I'm seriouslyconsidering getting someone to buy it for me. I definatelyreccomend it.
Cute pics! I love your halloween costume..very creative :D

Glad to hear bonding is going well. I wish mine was that nice...butalas, boys will be boys ;)I'll have to check thatmovie out. I love foreign films. Have you ever seen "Life isBeautiful"? thats a really good one!