Lord Thumper's Blog - (Yes, the OTHER Thumper)

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This is embarrassing, I can't believe he ismaking me ask this. Well, here it goes. Listen Thumper wanted me to askif anyone has any pictures of Snuggy dressed in lingerie (he pronouncesit "ling-array"). I know it is stupid and I am really embarrassed aboutit. He said if you don't he'll also settle for pics of her on theTrampoline.

Also did you hear, many rabbits are getting laid off for the Easter Bunny position. They are gonna form a union.
Yes, I will accept trampoline pics but I want the lingerie ones ABOVE ALL ELSE!

TumpieRabbit wrote:
Thumper wanted me to ask if anyone has any pictures ofSnuggy dressed in lingerie. He said if you don't he'll also settle forpics of her on the Trampoline.

Sorry, Thumps, no trampoline pics, but here's one from my Victoria's Secret "Angels" photo shoot:


I rocked those wings WAY better than any of those scrawny models.


OMG that is SOOOO funny, the "Angels" shoot, Iactually remember that shoot. I love the giant foot that Snuggy has,looks like Flinstone feet!! I am laughing out loud right now.

It's so funny, when I pet Tumpie now after about20 seconds he starts buzzing because I massage his jaw muscles when Ipet him lol. He just sits there buzzing like an electric razor.Aaaaawwwwwwwwwwww!!!
Snuggy, please don't take this the wrong way,but I like it when my women are less, um, "forward" should I say. Doyou have to make it so obvious that you want me? Can't you play alittle hard to get or something? You aren't really that desperate areyou?


And Jim, I DO NOT BUZZ!! You embarass me so damn much on this stupidboard. Does the whole world have to know about our family secrets. Idon't like to air out my litterbox in public!
Lord_Thumper wrote:
Snuggy, please don't take this the wrong way, but I like itwhen my women are less, um, "forward" should I say. Do you have to makeit so obvious that you want me? Can't you play a little hard to get orsomething? You aren't really that desperate are you?
I'm done with you, Thumps. You're all over theplace. I was just playing along with your sleazy littlegame. It's not like I posed NUDE or anything. Okay,I guess technically, I WAS nude, but it's okay forrabbits!

We could have been good together, but now, I guess we'll never know....
Thumper SHUT UP! By the way, I love Snuggy'sface in that pic. Priceless if I may say so myself. May I? Cause if Ican't then I won't and if I won't then I musn't. Whatever.
TumpieRabbit wrote:
I love Snuggy's face in that pic. Priceless if I may say somyself.
Did I say I love Snuggy today? Cause if not,then ....well... I do.
It's 10 Oclock. Do you know whereyour Snuggy is?
In Snuggy We Trust.

Seize the Snuggy.
Okay, I'm officially scared.

Did I say I live in Tennessee? Because I don't. Ilive in Alaska, I mean Beijing, I mean Australia, no Greece, yeah,Greece.

TumpieRabbit wrote:
It's so funny, when I pet Tumpie now after about 20 secondshe starts buzzing because I massage his jaw muscles when I pet him lol.He just sits there buzzing like an electric razor.Aaaaawwwwwwwwwwww!!!
Aww, he's tooth-purring for you. Isn't it the greatest?
