Lord Thumper's Blog - (Yes, the OTHER Thumper)

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Snuggys Mom wrote:
Aww, he's tooth-purring for you. Isn't it the greatest?
Correction: Isn't HE the greatest!

Get it right sista!


You live in Beijing? I should send Thumper there. I bet he would be real popular at the restaurants. I could see the menu now:

FRIED RABBIT (ON ASTICK)..............................................................$13.95
Hi Lord Thumper, I am theMommie offour Beautiful/Handsome Bunnies, all white of course. I thinkyou should come and live with me and my Bunnies you would fit inperfectly. None of us will insult you at all, we all thinkyou are very handsome bunny.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
You think I am gonna leave here?? No way, thefood is great, I have no bedtime or timeouts. I get my ownpet/toy/owner to play with for amusement. I have fresh produce on tap,unlimited amounts of fresh Oxbow Timothy hay, and don't forget that Ihave my own computer (with an internet account as well). I get to talkto chicks (girls, not birds) all the time on the computer (Snuggy). Ihave a manicure and a peticure every 2 or 3 weeks. My cage is huge andhas an apartment/guest bedroom attached to it. The only down side isthat I have to put up with Jim and his antics. OK, yes, that is a VERYbig downside, BUT I am learning to coexist on a somewhat marginalpeaceful level with that *******, oops I mean Jim, sorry.

Now tell me, you think I could get these type of accomodations at anyof your people's houses? I doubt it, I shall continue to rule with aniron pawhere well into my old age.

Always your Majesty,

HEY! How are you guys? I want you guys to consider another bun. Think about it. LT someone to help you boss the slave around.

Jim I think you would give another bun the best home possible.
Yeah it's funny you guys say that, my sistersfriend stopped over with a baby bunny they just got. They wanted to seeif Thumper would like her. Well, of course Thumper turned to Mr.Mushpot, licking and grooming the little baby like he was a new Dad orsomething. Man I tell you, baby bunnies should be illegal, they arejust too damn cute. It just tears at your heart strings for god's sakes.
Thumps, don't listen to my mom. She'sjust trying to break us up. I'd leave now and run into yourarms, I mean paws, if I only knew how to get there.

Can you send someone for me please? Your dad really likes meand wants me to come to live with you. I'll mail you theextra door key. The slaves go to sleep at 11:00 everynight.They wouldn't even know until the nextmorning.I'd be longgone.

Shhh....mum's the word - gotta go, my mom's coming.


TumpieRabbit wrote:
Yeah it's funny you guys say that, my sisters friend stoppedover with a baby bunny they just got. They wanted to see if Thumperwould like her. Well, of course Thumper turned to Mr. Mushpot, lickingand grooming the little baby like he was a new Dad or something. Man Itell you, baby bunnies should be illegal, they are just too darn cute.It just tears at your heart strings for god's sakes.

awwww that is so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a bigsweetheart!!! I always wished Bangbang would have that sort of responceto another rabbit, but instead she's a big mean bully :X
Well, since you are dying to know :))) me andthe King are doing great. Thumper has put on about 40 pounds since ourlast Weight Wathcers meeting. So now he is doing Thai-Bunny. It's kindof like Thai-Bo except it's for bunnies. He hasn't lost a pound but Igotta say he looks really cool when he does those drop kicks!