Lord Thumper's Blog - (Yes, the OTHER Thumper)

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Lord_Thumper wrote:
Gunieau and Pippsmear I think you two need a psychiatrist, Pippsmear I have heard of people having a lisp but who the hell types with a lisp????? Do you have an HMO?
HAHA-"Pippsmear", that's classic!!! Haahaaahaaaaa
Mary Ellen, I think you are right about the description...maybe. After all it is LT's blog. Frannie is probably gonna have her own as soon as I can make a pseudo identity ... I mean account for her :)

I don't know, that is a good question I am gonna sleep on that one.
Snuggys Mom wrote:
Oh, Jim, all kidding aside, Thumper has got to be one of the most beautiful rabbits I've ever seen.

Laura who are you kidding, you are only saying that because YOU have Snuggy, anyone with a Snuggy wouldn't mind complimenting other bunnies! In all seriousness though, thank you, and I fell in love with Snuggy after seeing that video of her chasing you around the living room for the craisin, the really adorable part about it was that she would run a little and then give up, just like a lazy bunny! Then you would have to call her again, Thumper is the same way, I call him from the frig for a carrot, I open the crisper and he runs up to it, if I fiddle with the bag too long he walks away, absolute ZERO patience.

As for the bonding, don't be fooled, I have no tricks. I just follow the rescue staff's instructions, not only because they have done it before but also because I know they have worked and seen these bunnies everyday and know the best ways to handle each specific one, for instance they told me Frannie loves to rip up cardboard and to give her some, sure enough she turned out to be a bunny shredding machine.

The bonding is going good, I am up to about an hour each night, Thumper tries to hump her alot but I don't allow it, and just tonight he started to stick his head under her body like he is trying to sniff her but he stays under there unless I pull him off, then she jumped away because it is annoying her, I am not totally positive he isn't nipping her or grooming her under there but it is a little weird, for the last 20 minutes he kept just going under her and she started to get irritated so I ended the session. Other than that they cuddle and he licks her and stuff, really cute stuff I just wish he would stop the face humping and crotch sniffing. Great guy he sounds like huh? Could you imagine if they were human, the girl's mom is like "How is that new guy your dating?" "Oh he is great Mom, if he would just stop the face humping and crotch sniffing things would go alot more smoothly at family get togethers!"

Did you mean to ask me Who is my MSN Daddy? Well, to be honest, I don't divulge the name of my pimp to just anyone, especially someone I met on a rabbit board!

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
I know you can come up with a really funny name for your blog now too!:biggrin2: You crack me up, what's your msn addy?;)
TumpieRabbit wrote:
Thumper tries to hump her alot ........I just wish he would stop the face humping and crotch sniffing. Great guy he sounds like huh?
Maybe it's a Mini Lop thing.

I gave Snuggy and Cooper a short introduction tonight in neutral territory. Cooper (now known as Sir Humps-a-lot) wouldn't leave her alone.Snuggy was being submissive, putting her head down, but he still wouldn't quit. She finally had enough of the face humping and snapped at him. I was worried he might have lost his, um, boy part, but I checked him over and he wasn'tmissing anything or bleeding.

I put Cooper up afterthat. I didn't want to stress either of them out. This is going to be a very slow process. Cooper needs a chill pill. Snuggy did great. She's really asweet girl. I love my Snuggs. She's perfect. I seewhy you're jealous. :D
TumpieRabbit wrote:
The bonding is going good, I am up to about an hour each night, Thumper tries to hump her alot but I don't allow it, and just tonight he started to stick his head under her body like he is trying to sniff her but he stays under there unless I pull him off

Seems to me like LT is just exhibiting normal bunny behavior. He and Francesca are trying to decide who is the dominant bunny. Pipkin sticks his head under Emmaline all the time (though not as far as her crotch...just he chest or tummy area). That appears to be his way to be submissive to her. Usually she just ends up scooting over and kissing him a lot. But in the beginning, she was annoyed, too...and then she would mount HIS head. That, too, is a dominance issue and really nothing sexual. Both males and females will do that to one another.

Sounds like things are going well for your two bunnies. I am glad that LT has a friend now. Looking forward to more updates and photos soon.

Mary Ellen
Edited: Jim has the nerve to accidentally use MY account to post, you know my password Jim? How could you have possibly guessed it was CARROTS?????

Jim wrote:

Yes I am well aware of the whole dominance, submissive things and while I know it is probably not a sexual behavior, he sure is acting like it is, almost like he can't help himself. When I pull him off he gives me a look as if to say "Well, I can't help it, LOOK at her!"
Well, I have an announcment to make. I have seriously thought it over and I have talked to my parents (Jim) and also to Francesca's parents (also Jim) and I have decided to ask Frannie to marry me. I know I know it is sudden and soon but even though I have only known her a week and a half I feel like we have known each other for almost 2 weeks! I proposed to her by taking her to her favorite restaurant (litter box) and we ordered our favorite entree (hay and more hay) and I popped the question. Here is a pic of it:


And after a couple of humps and a few thumps we were on the same page and she said YES!!

Here are some more pics of our fabulous night:



Here is where I tell her that for the first couple of months we have to stay with my parents in a cardboard box til I get a better job, hopefully as an Oxbow Sales Rep.:


Here Frannie ponders spending her whole life with an albino smartass rabbit:


here we are sacking out for the night:


I tell you , she is some kind of woman boy!


Congratulations LT and Francesca you make a very beautiful couple.

Daisy Mae asked me to ask Francesca if she could be her Maid of Honour, she can wear her pretty pink bows she also requested that you ask Mr Tumnus to be Best Man and he could wear a Tuxedo.

She was hoping that whoever performs your ceremony can also marry her and Mr Tumnus, that way Haley Mr Tumnus' Mommie won't be able to separate them and then he can come live with her up here in Canada.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Susan and Daisy Mae (and hopefully Mr Tumnus one day):bunnydance::bunnyheart
Lord_Thumper wrote:
I have seriously thought it over and I have talked to my parents (Jim) and also to Francesca's parents (also Jim)
Here Frannie ponders spending her whole life with an albino smartass rabbit:

:roflmao: That's hilarious!

Congratulations and best wishes, LT and Frannie!

They look great together.

I'm heart broken, I tells ya, heart broken! :tears2:

I really though Thumper only had eyes for Snuggy, and Snuggy had eyes for Thumper! What's the world coming to when such a sweet love was so easily shattered.

My daydreams of romance on RO are no more.

I retire to my bedchambers and will take so supper tonight! Someone bring me my smelling salts!

You know what Miss Laura, Miss Snuggy Sr.? I am tired of you talking about me (and now my woman as well) like I am not in the room. It reminds me of when a young couple are talking about their aging parent that is living with them and they have to take care of, they always say when the parent is right there in front of them "What are we gonna do about Dad/Mom?" Like they can't hear them or don't exist.

And why is everything I say so damn funny?? Oh I got married, hahahah! Oh I just took a dump, hahahah! Oh, I think I stubbed my toe (paw,foot,hindleg,hock, whatever) hahahah! Why is everything I say in a conversation a cue for all you people to chime in with the 'ol "oh that was so funny, great one!" You think I wanted to be born as a Bunny???? No, I had no choice in the matter. You think I asked for this? No, think I wanna eat hay and lettuce and celery and lettuce and hay and celery and grass all damn day?? Think I wanna pee in a box while some moron hovers over me yelling "Good boy Tumpie, Good Boy Tumpie Rabbit!!" No I didn't ask for this. I just play with the carrots I was dealt , that's it.

As for Snuggy, I will always have a place in my heart for ol Snuggs. Since I couldn't have the real deal I went out an found an imposter (pretty close too, right?).

Fret not Minilops, someday you will find the right buck, not just the right now buck ok? And do yourself a favor, see a therapist please? Anyone who dodes over a lagomorphs relationship with such dedication and emotion has got some serious "Bunny Issues" going on in that dome of theirs. I didn't mean to offend you but, well actually I did mean to offend you, I'm sorry. Anyway, maybe you should switch to one of the Bunny soaps on the Bunny Network, maybe that one called "All My Rabbits" or even "General Rabbitry"??


Oops. Sorry, Thumper. I didn't mean to offend you. I was only trying to congratulate you on your impending nuptials.

I guess all the wedding planning has you more than a little stressed out, huh?
Lord_Thumper wrote:
Well, I have an announcment to make. I have seriously thought it over and I have talked to my parents (Jim) and also to Francesca's parents (also Jim) and I have decided to ask Frannie to marry me. I know I know it is sudden and soon but even though I have only known her a week and a half I feel like we have known each other for almost 2 weeks! I proposed to her by taking her to her favorite restaurant (litter box) and we ordered our favorite entree (hay and more hay) and I popped the question.

And after a couple of humps and a few thumps we were on the same page and she said YES!!
Frannie Girl,

Are you sure you want to do this? You'd better think long and hard before taking the plunge. I know he seems sweet now, but it won't be long until you see what an egocentric, maniacal puff of fuzz he is. Calls himself "Lord Thumper" does he? Like he's some bunny stud or something. Hah!

You don't seem like an ordinary bunny to me. Why settle for less than you could have in life? Really...do you want to marry someone who aspires to become an Oxbow Sales Rep? Ridiculous! And he offers you a cardboard box in his parents home?

You need a man who can provide for you. I mean, for goodness sakes Frannie, this guy EATS HAY OUT OF A FAN BOX!!! And he takes you to the toilet to propose?!? :tantrum:You should be mad as hell about that one!

And why are YOU silent on this whole issue? Thump Jim a good one and make him set up your personal blog. We all want to hear YOUR side of the story.

Look, talking Queen to Princess here, THINK THIS OVER!

Your Ruler,

Queen Gingivere
Well, to her credit, it didn't take her long to get to know the true Thumper...crown and all.

I'm glad she took the time to ponder this....after all...its pretty bad when a bunny's main fan comes in a box....let me tell you!

Frannie hon - its ok if you really want to be with him. I think you already know that Thumps is a legend in his own mind....

Just remember - whenever he starts to get arrogant wtih you - you can crown him!

Miss Bea

Lord_Thumper wrote:
Here Frannie ponders spending her whole life with an albino smartass rabbit:

I tell you , she is some kind of woman boy!

Actually LT, its more like they're not capable of taking care of themselves and need help from someone else...

Doesn't matter if they can hear them or not...and unfortunately...they do exist - it just they need help..

And sometimes...they're beyond help.

The BunFather

Lord_Thumper wrote:
You know what Miss Laura, Miss Snuggy Sr.? I am tired of you talking about me (and now my woman as well) like I am not in the room. It reminds me of when a young couple are talking about their aging parent that is living with them and they have to take care of, they always say when the parent is right there in front of them "What are we gonna do about Dad/Mom?" Like they can't hear them or don't exist.

First of all, how DARE all of you talk about my husband in this manner! We aren't even married 24 hours before all of his so called "Friends" are chiming in with the "Oh are you sure about this Frannie?" and the "Um Franny, I think you are making a mistake" All of you can go to H$%#L! We are made for each other (so far) and so what if he is a little pansy and walks like a girl, and has a fat belly, and is disgusting to look at, and demands too much of everyone, and is a nasty sonofa%$Tch, and doesn't listen to me, and eats all my hay and food, and leaves the lid up on the litter box, and leaves all his dirty fur lying around, and he is a dumb lox, he is MY DUMB LOX! and don't you forget it!.

And I don't know who in the heck this little tramp "Snuggy" is, but she better stay away from my man or else! He is done hanging out with easy women, he has settled down with a lady. And don't forget Snuggs, I have firearms where I live. I shall now retire to my fan box, OUR fan box.
