Lord Thumper's Blog - (Yes, the OTHER Thumper)

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Jees honey, think you might be acting just a little psycho for your first post? I mean at least get to know them a little before you insult them, that's what I did.


Don't get me wrong, you will always be my homey, but what the hell are you talking about???

Actually LT, its more like they're not capable of taking care of themselves and need help from someone else...

Doesn't matter if they can hear them or not...and unfortunately...they do exist - it just they need help..

And sometimes...they're beyond help.

The BunFather


Hey Tumps, you ever notice how sometimes new people (and bunnies) come and post on your blog to say hi and then you never hear from them again??? That's because you are a nasty F%$%!! And now you have trained your Mrs. to be just like you, and I don't know how she got on your computer so quickly but you guys better never venture downstairs or I will GUT you both! Understand!!??

Frannie, you ever insult Snuggy again I will hang you upside down by your dewlap understand?? I ain't playin either!!! You heard????

Love always,

Your boss

wow! you guyz daddy is really mean!!! i don't want a daddy anymore. :( mommy better never get a daddy or i'll thump him. you guyz should thump your daddy till he starts behaving!:grumpy:

Mrs_Francesca_Thumper wrote:
First of all, how DARE all of you talk about my husband in this manner!
Because it's all true!
We aren't even married 24 hours before all of his so called "Friends"
FRIENDS?!?! :nonono:Are you freaking nuts? Thumpa - - has no friends.
are chiming in with the "Oh are you sure about this Frannie?" and the "Um Franny, I think you are making a mistake" All of you can go to H$%#L! We are made for each other (so far) and so what if he is a little pansy and walks like a girl, and has a fat belly, and is disgusting to look at, and demands too much of everyone, and is a nasty sonofa%$Tch,
You can say all that again! :yeahthat:
and doesn't listen to me,
What did you say?
and eats all my hay and food,
I've seen your picture...would it hurt you to cut back on the 24 hour buffet?
and leaves the lid up on the litter box,
That one might not be his fault (not that I'm sticking up for the arrogant slob)...but why the $%*# did Jim buy a box with a lid?
and leaves all his dirty fur lying around,
That's not his dirty fur...that's his body!
and he is a dumb lox, he is MY DUMB LOX! and don't you forget it!.
Believe me...you can keep him if that's what you want in life. No argument here. I was just looking out for you, but I can see that you need more help than I am qualified to give. Ever consider psychobuntherapy?
And I don't know who in the heck this little tramp "Snuggy" is, but she better stay away from my man or else! He is done hanging out with easy women, he has settled down with a lady. And don't forget Snuggs, I have firearms where I live. I shall now retire to my fan box, OUR fan box.
Why not just live in the streets?
Look, Frannie, if you can't accept a little friendly advice from the Queen Bun then I've done all I can here. Enjoy your pathetic little life in your fan box with a man who hears voices that tell him he's a Lord.

Your Ruler,

Queen Gingivere
Hey Lily, maybe me and you can get a little thing going on the side, after all I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, so that makes me smart doesn't it?

Gullyvere, I am off to work but when I get home I have a carrot to pick with you so don't you go nowhere you hollowhead!

Lilypution wrote:
wow! you guyz daddy is really mean!!! i don't want a daddy anymore. :( mommy better never get a daddy or i'll thump him. you guyz should thump your daddy till he starts behaving!:grumpy:

Mrs_Francesca_Thumper wrote:
First of all, how DARE all of you talk about my husband in this manner! All of you can go to H$%#L! We are made for each other .... he is MY DUMB LOX! and don't you forget it!
Oh, no - we've lost her. Frannie, honey, when your little fairy tale comes crashing down, you'll need a friend. Give me a call and I'll help you deal with the reality that is your life.

Mrs_Francesca_Thumper wrote:
And I don't know who in the heck this little tramp "Snuggy" is, but she better stay away from my man or else! He is done hanging out with easy women, he has settled down with a lady.


I would normally get angry at this type of comment, but I just feel so sorry for you.Your man was all over me, not the other way around. If I wanted him, I'd have him - TRUST that. He's ALL yours! Bless your heart.

NO WAY THUMPER!! I'm a one buck kinda doe. I love Loki with all my heart and soul. From my cute bunny nose to my little cotton tail is all Loki's. There is no way I would ever hurt my hubby for anything!


Lord_Thumper wrote:
Hey Lily, maybe me and you can get a little thing going on the side, after all I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, so that makes me smart doesn't it?
Don't pay ANY attention to them Snuggy, you will always be MY favorite lop bunny rabbit. Just watching you chase Laura around the couch in one of your video clips was absolutely adorable, you looked like a loaf of bread with floppy wings, it was the cutest thing I ever saw. Thumper never does that kind of funny cute stuff anymore, he just gets drunk and pissed off and beats the mice when he gets home. Snuggy, if I could nap you we could live together and I could spoil you just as well as Laura could, well maybe not THAT much but let's be honest Snuggs, who needs to be spoiled THAT much?

Hey Jim, Thumper, & Francesca!

It's been a while since we've heard any news of how the bonding is going. Gingivere is growing a bit worried that LT has done something awful to Francesca. She's about to pack a bunnycase to come out there and check on what's up.

Any updates would be appreciated. Hope it's going well for all of you. :)

Mary Ellen
Bunnicula wrote:
Hey Jim, Thumper, & Francesca!

It's been a while since we've heard any news of how the bonding is going. Gingivere is growing a bit worried that LT has done something awful to Francesca. She's about to pack a bunnycase to come out there and check on what's up.

Any updates would be appreciated. Hope it's going well for all of you. :)

Mary Ellen

Oh, I am not a bit worried about that pathetic common rabbit. If she wants to spend her life cleaning up the droppings of a worthless loser, then so be it. I'll have you know that the bag I'm packing is so I can get the heck out of this he--hole and take a buncation! I'm thinking a week in Rabbit City, Iowa would me a world of good.

Your Ruler,

Queen Gingivere
I can not believe it! You would not believe what that idiot Jim did to me today. I was laying down with my legs out behind me all content and all of a sudden Jim picked me up!!! He was saying something about "Poopy butt from too many veggies" or something crazy like that, you know how senseless and nuts he is so I don't even try to understand the jibberish that he speaks. Anyway, he then placed me on the counter on a towel and pulled out pellets from my fur on my rear end!! Oh the degradation was awful! Then after he got it all he put me down, I ran immediately to Frannie to tell her what that butcher had done to me, I now hate him more than ever! So what, maybe I want to have pellets sticking to my fur did you ever think of that Jim?? How would you like it if your parents cleaned your poopy butt!?? That's what I thought.

Man it sure is hard to be a bunny these days.

I am QUITE surprised, Lord Dumpbutt, that you didn't merely have Frannie clean your fanny :bunnybutt:.

Frannie, WHY would you want to stay with a slob who LIKES having sh-- stuck on his fur. How DO you stand it?

Certainly, having a human pick at you po-po is humiliating...but it's far better than ending up with flies making their home on your derriere. Clean up your act, Thumprump!

Your ruler,

Queen Gingivere
OMG what a Good Looking Couple. :heart:

They were made for each other. Are they affectionate with each other. I just love watching two Bunnies together cuddling and kissing each other.


Thank you :) And yes they are very affectionate with each other, they eat the same carrot, eat out of the same dish, the same water dish etc. They lazy around together then do binky's while chasing each other through the tubes I have setup around the perimeter of the room now.
Okay, Jim, do you LOOK at the pictures you take? You call THAT getting along?

When I look at the pictures I see poor, little Frannie eating a measly leaf while Lord Lumphead has a WHOLE FREAKIN' BOWL of tasty greens...HUGE leaves at that! Isn't it enough you expect them to eat their hay out of a fan? Now you're starving the poor girl. I'm emailing a link to this thread to the ASPCA! Whaddaya think about that, Jimbo?

Your Ruler,

Queen Gingivere

Frannie: I will talk to my human about staging a bunny napping trip to NY. PM me when you have your bags packed and we'll hit the road.
:embarrassed:Uh, sorry, Jim.... I had blocked Gingivere's internet access, but she's apparently figured out how to bypass the controls.

Gingivere, you had best apologize to Jim, Thumper, & Francesca.:nonono: That is NO WAY to talk to a man who has opened his home to 2 bunnies. And who are you to question how Thumper treats his mate? YOU, the one who bites the faces off baby bunnies we bring into this house! I'm going to be making you into earmuffs sooner than originally planned!!!

Really, Jim, it looks like LT & Francesca are getting on quite well. Glad you posted the pictures.

-Mary Ellen

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