Lord Thumper's Blog - (Yes, the OTHER Thumper)

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Hey there Jim, LT, & Francesca!

I've not seen a post from any of you in a while and was wondering how things are going. Hope that there continues to be bunny peace in your household.

So........what's new? (Gingivere is curious, but she's too proud to ask.)

-Mary Ellen
Hello there. Sorry I haven't posted in a little while, I have been SO busy lately with my career stuff and MUCH more importantly....BUNNY RABBITS!! I now volunteer for LIRR&R (Rescue Group on Long island) and it has been really awesome, not only have I met some fabulous people but MUCH more importantly, fabulous BUNNY RABBITS!! I even had my first rescue the other night, it is so very sad how awfully cruel some people can be to our poor furry friends.

Now as far as Frannie and Tumps are concerned, they are as spoiled rotten as ever, let me tell you rabbits never had it so good as these two have it. They follow me around to the frig now, will only lay down on "running" air conditioned vents (Lord Thumper showed her that one of course), only eat "day fresh Kale" spun in a salad spinner, pee and poop on only the finest of Oxbow hays, the finest of gold dust litters (changed daily of course) and only dip their royal brow for the finest of Poland Spring water.

Now you may ask is all of this royal treatment deserved?

You bet your bunny butt it is! Rabbits have changed my life, plain and simple.

Lord Thumper should post soon, I will send one of his messengers to let him know that he should post, til then goodn ight and god bless.


Bunnicula wrote:
Hey there Jim, LT, & Francesca!

I've not seen a post from any of you in a while and was wondering how things are going. Hope that there continues to be bunny peace in your household.

So........what's new? (Gingivere is curious, but she's too proud to ask.)

-Mary Ellen
Congrats on the rescue involvement, Jim! Aren't bunnies just the BEST? (And that's coming from a life-long "catlady"...please don't tell my 10 felines I said that...)

I hope you'll find some time to post stories of your rescue adventures.

Till then, do give LT & Frannie bunny snuggles for me! :bunnyhug:

-Mary Ellen

(PS - Gingivere has been sullen lately. I think she's missing LT's bad-a-- rabbitude.)
I think Francesca got upset with LT and ate the mouse and computer cords so he couldn't come online and oogle at the girls. Or she was hungry 'cause he ate all the carrots and wouldn't share the fan box.

Of course...I wouldn't blame her.....

The BunFather
The BUNFATHER wrote:
I think Francesca got upset with LT and ate the mouse and computer cords so he couldn't come online and oogle at the girls. Or she was hungry 'cause he ate all the carrots and wouldn't share the fan box.

Of course...I wouldn't blame her.....

The BunFather

No, no,BunFather! Say it isn't so! We all warned Frannie and LT about eating out of the fan! Jim has probably fanned his bunnies to shreds by now! This can't be good. Lord Thumper would never stay quiet this long. Who's he getting sarcastic with? Who'll call me names like Pipsqueak and Pipsmear? Now he'll never know that I'm a year old and I've outgrown my lisp!

LT, Frannie...if you're out there somewhere...if Jim's done something evil to you...we'll rescue you! Just find a way to get a message to us here at Bunnicula's Castle. Nothing can stop Queen Gingivere, Emmaline, and me from coming to your aid...


Your friend,

Pipkin (but you can call me anything you want to if you'll just call me!)
Yeah, Lord Dumptruck, c'mon. Your silence is reallybeginning to me off (as if I didn't despise you enough before)!

You'll show your ugly mug on this forum soon if you know what's good for you. Remember, every day away gives me more time to gather up verbal ammunition to abuse you with.

Your Ruler,

Queen Gingivere

You guys sure are desperate to get LT back.....face it.

He gained weight stealing food from Francesca and got stuck in his fan box and now she's trying to dig him out. Then she has second thoughts and takes a nap.

He'll come back when he's finally lost enough weight to get out of the box. (I think Jim is sneaking him stuff on the side and he doesn't realize that's what is keeping him in the box..).

Miss Bea
Ok Thumps-a-Lot.....

Come out...come out...whereever you are.....

We...well....some of us...(not me) .... miss you.... (choke, choke)....


The BunFather
(Are you sure rabbits can't vomit? Miss Bea is holding my bananas hostage till I encourage Thumps to come back....).
My my, it has been longer than I thought. I have been so busy lately I haven't had hardly any time to cruise the boards. I am going to check out all the other blogs to try and get a grip on what's been going on, of course Thumper hasn't changed much, maybe a little hungrier and more spoiled than usual but that's about it. He is so fat and lazy he thinks a Binky is a hostess snack. Lazy b$$*tard!!

Hello, my name is Thumper and I'm an alcoholic. Nah just kidding, my name isn't really Thumper! Hah, gotcha again! I had no idea all you bunny rabbits had such poor social lives that all you could do is sit around and wait for dear old Lord Tumps. Anyway, I am glad to see that Pimplesmear has outgrown his lisp. Has Breadfather come out of testicula's castle yet?? Probably can't squeeze through the door, too many chocolate covered timothy cubes. Man I crack myself up, who needs friends? It's great to be back insulting everyone again. I tell you though, this married crap ain't all it's cracked up to be. Frannie is great and everything but she is annoying, constantly nagging about me leaving my wicker toys all over the floor, leavign the lid up on the litter box late at night, not doing the dishes (food bowl) after dinner etc. I can't stand listening to it anymore. Things have gotten so tense that we sleep on different air conditioning vents now. Can you believe it? Any advice for a bunny bunship in distress?


The BUNFATHER wrote:
Ok Thumps-a-Lot.....

Come out...come out...whereever you are.....

We...well....some of us...(not me) .... miss you.... (choke, choke)....


The BunFather
(Are you sure rabbits can't vomit? Miss Bea is holding my bananas hostage till I encourage Thumps to come back....).
How dare you insult my rabbit Angel and Scruffy! If you only knew what kind of pressure my bunnies were under you wouldn't be so unforgiving about their time schedules. They have the weight of the world on their shoulders. They have to eat, sleep and god forbid sometimes they even have to play with their toys!!! Oh the humanity! So why don't you cut them a little slack Scrubby?

FYI, Thumper wanted me to tell you that he is going to be setting up a donation account with Paypal, so you can all chip in, we are saving up to buy Thumper an Angora Stuffed Wool Rabbit Bed. I just hope we can make our goal of $50,000. Let us pray......


AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Uh huh, reply and run away, that's what you always do. Shove it up your Dumper-Thumper:p.
Thanks for asking, the rescue stuff is great, right now I volunteer to go to the rescue to help clean, feed, etc. I did it tonight as a matter of fact. I don't think of it as work, I want to do it. I really care about rabbits and their plight. It is a great stress reliever believe it or not. When I see the bunnies I tend to forget about whatever stupid problems I have, and focus on them, they are just grateful to be in a safe warm place with people around them that love them, if only us humans could put life into that kind of perspective huh?? LT and Frannie are great, and spoiled, as usual.

That's great. The closest rabbit rescue organization around here is an hour away. :( I used to volunteer at our local Humane League in the cat room. It was so rewarding, but also depressing at times. Around here where there are tons of Amish & Mennonite farmers, there is a general disregard for spaying and neutering. That means THOUSANDS of cats through the League every year. Not all end up in homes...:grumpy: Unfortunately, with the volume they get in, being no-kill is not an option for that shelter. I've spent many nights in tears knowing that a long time shelter resident who nobody seemed to want would have to "make room" for someone else...

They have a few bunnies there now, too. And I am looking for a pal for Gingivere...but so far none fit the bill (male, adult, small, docile, submissive - of course those aren't necessarily Gingi's qualifications for a man :biggrin2:).

Well, I won't hog your blog. Just wanted to say that it's great to hear from you again, and I'm glad that the rescue volunteering is fulfilling.

-Mary Ellen
Well, I won't hog your blog.

What do you mean "hog"?? This is what the blog is here for, to chit chat. And you are correct, rescue work is very rewarding indeed, and yes you are also right about it being sad sometimes. As soon as you think you've seen it all there comes along a new level of human cruelty towards animals. I wish they would make the laws for animal cruelty stiffer. I once read an article that said over 75% of researched domestic violence offenders also abused their animals as well, just goes to show you that violence begats violence.

One of the women who run LIRR rescue told me of a rabbit they just brought in last night that had over 100 ticks on her body, they had to shave it completely bald and put her under anesthesia to remove them all. What a trooper huh? I hope she recovers well.